Chapter 216 216. Phone
216. Telephone
Chen Yifan said: "I don't think so, because a person like me has advantages besides advantages. Even if others want to say what is wrong with me, they can't find out."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said: "Yes, so far, I haven't discovered your shortcomings, but it's terrible for a person without shortcomings."

"Scary? Why?"

"Because a person can't see his flaws, it means he's hiding them too deeply. Is there a perfect person in this world? That's a god, not a human!"

"You... are calling me pretending in a disguised form, aren't you?" Chen Yifan's tone became gloomy.

"No, I dare not. Maybe my vision is too narrow. I have never seen anyone without flaws. You are the only one. Maybe you really have no flaws."

"I'm afraid there are no people without flaws in this world. As you said, unless they are gods, I have them too. After getting in touch with you, you will find out slowly. But you, I haven't found any bad behavior and flaws so far. Habit."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Don't say that, I am not a god, I also have shortcomings and deficiencies, and there are many, you'd better find out as soon as possible, otherwise you will regret it later."

"Really? I didn't find out, you tell me yourself."

"Weakness, low self-esteem and incomprehension, and many others."

"Really? You... cowardly? Low self-esteem? Why didn't I see it?"

"Because I concealed it well!"

"Don't know people clearly? Are you also unclear about me?"

"No, although I don't know you very well, I can be sure that you are a good person?"

Chen Yifan frowned, "In your heart, am I just a good person? There are too many good people in this world."

"You are a good man."

"It's almost there."

"Xiaoling, how did I find out that I always have endless conversations with you, and I finally know why the person I'm with is called falling in love. Love is meant to be spoken out."

"Then tell me, I'm listening!"

"I want to say that a few days and nights are not enough, but I am here at the headquarters, and I am afraid that the phone line will be occupied, and important news from outside will not come in and delay things."

Zhao Xiaoling was anxious, "Then...then hang up the phone quickly! You can't miss the business just because we two are chatting!"

Chen Yifan laughed, "What are you in a hurry for? There is no delay. There are special correspondents who answer outside news 24 hours a day."

Zhao Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about it, Chen Yifan was not the kind of person who didn't know the importance.

"But your place is the headquarters after all, and it's an extraordinary time. It's not good for us to occupy the phone like this! From now on, you only need to report that you are safe when you are free."

"But when I start talking to you, I can't stop the car. I can't talk enough."

"We have a long time to come, don't be in a hurry at this time."

"Okay, there will be a long time to come."

"Then let's not talk about it!"

"OK, bye!"


Later, when Chen Yifan called, Zhao Xiaoling was always worried about delaying things because she was on the phone, so she told Chen Yifan about their recent situation in a few words, and urged Chen Yifan to hang up the phone.

Chen Yifan also knew the priority of the matter, and he hung up the phone after reporting that he was safe.

The director of the Nursing Department saw that Zhao Xiaoling was getting more and more meaningful.

There is no way, she often occupies her office, borrows her phone, and asks her to give up the office. Zhao Xiaoling is very embarrassed every time.

(End of this chapter)

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