Chapter 234 234. Difficulty
234. Embarrassment
Xu Dongmei said worriedly: "Then you go back to take care of Commander Jiang now, what if Jiang Tingting makes things difficult for you?"

"It's okay, some things can't be avoided even if you want to."

Zhao Xiaoling left the intensive care unit and went to the high-ranking ward.

Entering the ward, Commander Jiang was drinking water, and he handed the glass to his son next to him.

"Xiao Ling, why are you here? Didn't that girl just say that you went to take care of the seriously wounded?"

Zhao Xiaoling glanced at Jiang Tingting from the corner of her eye, and said with a smile: "The soldier who was seriously injured just now has woken up, and he has passed the critical period. I am worried about Commander Jiang, so I came to see you."

"I asked you to call me uncle before. Why did you miss me in one night?"

Zhao Xiaoling changed her words obediently: "Uncle Jiang, how do you feel now?"

"There is no problem for a long time, but the doctor refused to let me out of the hospital. I am about to suffer from other illnesses."

"Uncle Jiang, please don't do it. If this is the case, I will be negligent as a nurse."

Junjun Jiang chuckled, "Oh! By the way, let me introduce you, this is my son Jiang Guo and daughter Jiang Tingting."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and nodded at them generously, "Hello, my name is Zhao Xiaoling."

Jiang Guo also nodded to her and said, "Hello!"

Jiang Tingting snorted at Zhao Xiaoling.

Commander Jiang said to his daughter: "Tingting, Xiaoling is the same age as you, and she has just been admitted to the National Defense University. Maybe you will be classmates in the same class in the future!"

Jiang Guo gave Zhao Xiaoling an approving look, "Not bad! It's not easy to get into the National Defense University."

Jiang Tingting gave Zhao Xiaoling a resentful look, and she could tell that her father liked Zhao Xiaoling very much, and her brother, who was admitted to the National Defense University by himself, had a look of disapproval on his face, and when others were admitted, he praised him for being good. This enemy, Jiang Tingting was about to get angry died.

"Zhao Xiaoling, go get a pot of hot water." Jiang Tingting ordered directly.

"Didn't that girl hit me just now?" Jiang Jun asked.

"I've used some of it, and I need to fill it up at any time."

Without further ado, Zhao Xiaoling picked up the kettle to fetch water.

After returning, Jiang Tingting continued: "Take this clothes to wash."

Zhao Xiaoling picked up the basin, which contained a piece of clothing that Commander Jiang had replaced, and two other pieces of clothing, a white shirt and overalls that Jiang Tingting wore yesterday afternoon.

Zhao Xiaoling deliberately picked up the two clothes and said, "Uncle Jiang, are you wearing overalls too?"

Commander Jiang took a look, "Tingting, wash your own clothes yourself, how can you let others do it for you?"

"Dad, she came to take care of you, but now you have me and my brother here, you don't need her to take care of you, let her do some other things, and wash one of my clothes by the way, what's the matter?"

Commander Jiang lowered his face, "No, Tingting, I've told you since I was a child that you can do your own thing and you are not allowed to engage in privileges. Xiaoling is here to take care of me, not our nanny."

Seeing that her father was angry, Jiang Tingting didn't dare to do it again. She pulled her clothes out of the basin.

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and went to the laundry room with the basin.

Jiang Tingting followed her out.

In a remote place in the corridor, Jiang Tingting stopped Zhao Xiaoling.

"Zhao Xiaoling, stop for me."

Zhao Xiaoling stopped, "Jiang Tingting, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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