Chapter 236 236. Cold
236. Cold
Commander Jiang became angry, "Tingting, you are too much, will Xiaoling wrong you for no reason?"

Jiang Tingting put her arms around Jiang Xiaodong's neck and said coquettishly: "Dad, she is an outsider, and I am your daughter. Would you rather trust an outsider than me?"

"Xiaoling can't lie, you! I don't know you yet? You apologize to Xiaoling."



The two stood still.

Zhao Xiaoling finished drying her clothes, "Commander Jiang, I'll go back and change."

Then he walked out the door.

Jiang Guo glared at Jiang Tingting, chased after her and said, "I'll see you off."

Outside the ward, Jiang Guo took off his cashmere sweater and chased after Zhao Xiaoling, "You might catch a cold if you wear this."

Zhao Xiaoling instinctively pushed him away, "No, it's already wet anyway, and it stained your clothes instead."

"I'm sorry! My sister was spoiled by my mother since she was a child, so she is very willful."

"She is her, you are you, don't say sorry to me, it's not you who are sorry."

"You are a very special girl. No wonder my dad admires you. There are not many people who can be appreciated by my dad."

"Thank you for your appreciation, go back! I respect Commander Jiang, and thank you for your kindness."

Jiang Guo continued to follow her, "I'll see you off! I don't want to stay in the ward anymore, I guess my dad is teaching my sister a lesson now!"

Walking out of the hospital, a gust of cold wind blew, Zhao Xiaoling shivered, and then sneezed, one after another.

People on the road looked curiously at Zhao Xiaoling, who was drenched and sneezing, and Jiang Guo, who was walking elegantly together.

Jiang Guo said worriedly: "You are going to catch a cold."

"I'm not so squeamish, it's okay, you go back! Commander Jiang, maybe I can't take care of her anymore. I'll tell the director of the nursing department later and ask her to arrange someone else to go."

"Do you know why my sister targeted you like this?"

"I know! Because she likes Captain Chen, and Captain Chen likes me." Zhao Xiaoling said bluntly.

Jiang Guo said: "If I were me, I wouldn't choose someone as arrogant and brainless as my sister. It's normal for Chen Yifan to choose someone as smart and transparent as you."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled slightly. She had never seen someone talk about her family in front of outsiders like this, which showed that he looked at things calmly and objectively. As expected of the son of Commander Jiang, he was rational enough.

At the door of the dormitory, Zhao Xiaoling pointed to the dormitory and said: "I live here, thank you for sending me off."

"I also want to thank you for taking good care of my dad these days!"

"This is my job responsibility." Zhao Xiaoling said, another series of sneezes.

"Go in and change your clothes! Remember to drink a bowl of brown sugar water."

Zhao Xiaoling nodded and entered the door, thinking that this man is quite careful.

Zhao Xiaoling changed her clothes and took a shower, but her head felt dizzy for a while. She knew she had a cold.

Her physical fitness has always been very good, and she has been exposed to the rain before. She has rarely caught a cold since she was a child, and she can't afford to catch a cold. In a place like Zhaojia Village, a small cold may kill her.Fortunately, she was either running around on the way to and from school all the time, or running around for a living, so she never had time to get sick.

Now that I'm here, how can I catch a cold after drinking a basin of cold water?

Zhao Xiaoling seldom took medicine, so she didn't keep any medicine. She went to Lu Lei's bed to find some medicine, took it, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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