Chapter 238
238. Sick
Jiang Guo said: "Dad, is your health really okay? You haven't had an illness for many years, why did you suddenly have an illness this time? Mom was in a hurry, and it happened that grandpa couldn't leave, so I specially asked me to And Tingting came to see you, who knew that Chen Yifan would fall in love with Zhao Xiaoling."

"My body is fine. My body knows it. Sooner or later she will have to face this matter between Tingting and Yifan. It's good that she comes this time. It's better to know it earlier."

"That's her own stubbornness. I found out before that Chen Yifan doesn't like her at all. Although she didn't say it explicitly, the meaning is already obvious. It's your wishful thinking that he also likes Tingting and agrees to this marriage."

"Yeah! Now that I think about it carefully, Yifan never admitted to this marriage. It's his parents, and us who are worrying and making noise."

At this time, a girl came. She said that Zhao Xiaoling had a cold and asked for leave to rest. The hospital sent her to take care of Commander Jiang.

Jiang Xiaodong said: "I'm fine, I don't need anyone to take care of me, my sons and daughters are here, and there is an orderly, they will do anything, you go take care of others!"

The girl hesitated and said, "But the director asked me to take care of you!"

"It's okay, you just reply to her as I said."

The girl thought angrily, Commander Jiang still only likes Zhao Xiaoling to take care of him.

Commander Jiang got out of bed and put on his shoes.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"I'll go and see Zhao Xiaoling. This child is also pitiful. He was so angry for no reason, and even got sick."

"She has a cold and is sick, so she must be sleeping. Isn't it inconvenient for you to visit her rashly! It also affects her rest."

"Then what should we do? We have to go and say sorry to her, it was Tingting who made her sick."

"I said it when I sent her back just now. She said that I am me and Tingting is Tingting. I have nothing to do to her. Needless to say."

"This child, with this character, Tingting needs to be half as transparent and sensible as she is."

"Dad, it's not convenient for you to go, I'll go! I'll call the orderly to take care of you first, and then I'll go see Zhao Xiaoling and get Tingting back by the way. I'm afraid she will do something stupid again outside."

"Go, go! Greet Zhao Xiaoling for me, Tingting! This incident has hit her hard, so don't scold her anymore. I just severely criticized her."

Jiang Guo left the ward and went to inform the orderly to take care of Commander Jiang, and he went to Zhao Xiaoling's dormitory.

It was quiet outside the dormitory. Jiang Guo stood there for a while. He didn't know if Zhao Xiaoling was sleeping. According to the normal situation, if she caught a cold, she was sleeping and resting.

Just don't bother her.

He was about to leave when the door of the dormitory opened. Zhao Xiaoling came out wearing a purple woolen cardigan. Seeing Jiang Guo standing outside, she was taken aback, "You... haven't left?"

"No, I just came here. I heard that you were sick. My dad asked me to come and see you."

"Then you sit in the dormitory, and I'll go to the toilet."

At that time, young women were generally embarrassed to say things like going to the toilet in front of men, but Zhao Xiaoling said it very naturally, because she thought it was a very normal thing.

Jiang Guo has been in business for a year, has contacted many people, and read countless people, but it is rare to see people as sincere and candid as Zhao Xiaoling.He was full of curiosity about this girl.

 I finally finished the task today, little cuties, please vote and send a message to support and encourage me!

(End of this chapter)

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