Chapter 348 348. Interpretation
348. Explain
Jiang Xiaodong frowned, "Stop, stop, I know. Did Chen Yifan bring a girlfriend home? You go to Master Chen Jiaxing to inquire about the crime, and they say they can't do anything about it?"

"How did you know?"

"Chen Jie called me just now and told me about the situation."

Liu Lihong was full of grievances, "Lao Jiang, you have to make decisions for our daughter."

"What the hell? Let Chen Yifan marry her? Lihong, I didn't mean you. Look, we are all so old, can't we see the essence of the matter clearly? It's obvious that Chen Yifan doesn't like it. Let's Tingting, he likes the girl named Zhao Xiaoling, no one can do something like this, let alone Chen Yifan, he has such a strong personality, no one can change his mind. Let's not do what we can't do. Embarrassing others is also embarrassing yourself.”

Liu Lihong didn't expect her husband to be so calm about this matter. Disappointed, she said unwillingly, "Could it just be like this?"

"Then what else can you do? Go question Chen Jie and his wife. They can't influence Chen Yifan's thoughts. Go to Chen Yifan. Do you think he might change his mind? Since you can't change the result, you can only accept it."

"But I can't bear it."

Jiang Xiaodong's voice became serious, "If you can't bear it, you have to bear it. What's the use of arguing? Don't even think about it. It's even worse for our Tingting. It seems that our Tingting can't get married and has to rely on her." Just like going to Chen's house, what you do is not helping her or harming her."

"But Tingting has always liked Chen Yifan, no matter how much she persuades her, she won't listen."

"It's not that you have pampered her all these years and made her more and more self-willed. As a girl, you let her have more self-esteem and self-love. Looking for a partner is not to find the best and best, but to find the most suitable one. There are only Only when we like each other can we be happy, in fact, I have already seen that Chen Yifan doesn't like Tingting, not this Zhao Xiaoling, there will be other people appearing."

Jiang Xiaodong's words deeply touched the most secret place in Liu Lihong's heart. She sighed and said quietly, "Lao Jiang, do you two feel happy all these years?"

"Do you feel happy?" Jiang Xiaodong asked back.

"I feel happy, but I don't know if you feel happy."

"As long as you feel happy." Jiang Xiaodong said and hung up the phone.

Holding the phone in her hand, Liu Lihong sat there in a daze for a while before putting the phone back.

In his heart, after all, there is only her.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xiaoling and the others gathered in the classroom and met Lao Sun, the head teacher, a serious man in his 40s.

In the first month of enrollment, according to the usual practice, one month of military training is carried out first.

After receiving military uniforms and camouflage uniforms, everyone gathered at the training ground to start the first day of training.

There are only a small number of people who are directly admitted to the military academy from the army, and most of them are admitted from the school, and they have never been exposed to military training.

Everyone talked a lot, saying that they didn't know if the instructors were very strict and the training was very hard.

Someone asked curiously whether the instructor was handsome, and everyone laughed.It doesn't matter if you are handsome if you are strict.

These words opened Zhao Xiaoling's eyes. It turns out that people of the same age have great differences in thinking. These people of the same age are much more open than them. Some relatively easy topics.

(End of this chapter)

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