Chapter 351
351. Gambling
"Long-distance running, shooting, hurdles, jumping, fighting, as long as you can beat me in one of them, I will give you Yifan. If you lose, don't think about Yifan in the future, and stay away from me. And these You'd better put away the dirty tricks that you can't stand on the stage, don't insult the name of Commander Jiang in vain. If you are not convinced, let's compete openly."

Although Jiang Tingting did not have the experience of being a soldier like Zhao Xiaoling, she grew up in a military compound and was often taken to the army by her father for training during vacations, so her skills are not inferior, and Zhao Xiaoling What she was going to be was just a nursing soldier. In just half a year, she couldn't have acquired any excellent skills!What's more, as long as she beats her, she will win. Jiang Tingting feels that she has a certain chance of winning this game.

She nodded and said: "Okay, it's a deal. If I surpass you in one aspect, you will automatically give up and stop being with Brother Yifan. If I lose, you will let Brother Yifan go."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Lv Lei, Wang Yalan, Mu Xiaoxue, all of you should be witnesses to us, and this matter must not be spread outside."

Zhao Xiaoling didn't want Chen Yifan to know about it, and Jiang Tingting also didn't want Chen Yifan to know about it, so they reached a consensus on this point.

Lu Lei quietly said to Zhao Xiaoling: "You! Why did you start betting with her? You are doing nothing. Head Chen doesn't like her at all. If you do this, he will be unhappy if he finds out."

"Are you worried that I don't have the certainty of victory?"

"Your military quality is of course far superior to Jiang Tingting's, but who knows if she will use any tricks!"

"If I don't gamble with her, she will also use all kinds of tricks. Although these dirty tricks can't hurt me, it's disgusting enough to do it every day, so I'll come with her A big gamble, to play with her, to dampen her spirit."

Soon the afternoon training began. With this agreement, Jiang Tingting had a goal, and her mood became much more stable. She no longer looked at Zhao Xiaoling with resentful eyes from time to time.

Chen Yifan noticed this subtle change, but he didn't understand why.

He didn't know that it was only half an hour's lunch break, and he became a bargaining chip for the two girls to wager desperately.

In the afternoon, I officially started training, and it was a ten-kilometer long-distance run.

This is pediatrics for Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei, but it is fatal for other students who have never participated in such high-intensity training.

Everyone wailed, and at dinner time, everyone didn't even have the energy to eat, and they lay down early to rest at night.

Because Jiang Tingting has a bet with Zhao Xiaoling, she trains this kind of suffering as an inspirational pleasure. With this belief, she is not bad in class except for Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei, but at night, she is also Too tired to hold on, I lay down early.

Zhao Xiaoling washed all the sheets and covers, and when she returned to the dormitory, Chen Yifan was already waiting for her outside.

After drying the sheets, Zhao Xiaoling walked side by side with Chen Yifan to the training ground.

"Xiaoling, Jiang Tingting didn't attack you today, did she?"


"Really? According to her personality, it's impossible to be so calm. Something must have happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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