Chapter 358
358. Visit
Mr. Ma ordered the orderlies to buy vegetables. He wanted to keep Lu Lei and the others here for dinner, but Lu Lei couldn't persuade him, so he had to give up.

Mr. Ma looked at Zhao Xiaoling, and was immediately attracted by her, "Is this girl your classmate?"

"Yes, her name is Zhao Xiaoling. She served as a soldier with me and was admitted to the military academy together. I asked her to accompany me."

Mr. Ma said: "I seem to have seen this girl somewhere."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Grandpa, it's impossible. This is my first time in the capital. You have never seen me before."

"Oh!" He felt a little lost.

"Okay, okay, not bad, they are all good kids, it's not bad to be admitted to the military academy."

Ma Yong on the side said: "Grandpa, you don't know, that time we went to the primeval forest to carry out missions, and Zhao Xiaoling also went with her. She was the only female soldier, and she performed pretty well! Two times in the primeval forest She participated in all the missions and made meritorious service twice."

Mr. Ma looked at Zhao Xiaoling, "Really? You look fair and clean, and your military quality is quite good."

The feeling of familiarity with this girl is lingering.

"Of course! I admire her a lot, not just me, all the soldiers we participated in the mission all admire her, and if she is not so outstanding, how could our regiment leader Chen like her. Grandpa, you may not You know, Chen Yifan is dating her now!"

Mr. Ma almost spit out the tea with a sip, choked himself, and then coughed violently.

Ma Yong ran over to pat him on the back and said, "Grandpa, drink slowly, and no one is arguing with you. Why are you so excited?"

Mr. Ma coughed for a long time before he stopped and said to Zhao Xiaoling, "Are you the one Yifan is with now?"

At this time, Mr. Ma's son and daughter-in-law came back.

Daughter-in-law Zhang Lin blurted out, "Dad, who are you talking about? Who is Yifan's target?"

Ma Yong pointed to Zhao Xiaoling, "She is Yifan's target."

Zhang Lin said in surprise: "Xiaoyong, what nonsense are you talking about, isn't Yifan's partner Tingting?"

Ma Yong curled his lips, "How could Tingting be comparable to Zhao Xiaoling, and all these years, you women have been the only ones who have been teasing her, and Yifan didn't take Tingting seriously at all."

Everyone's eyes turned to look at Zhao Xiaoling.

Zhao Xiaoling felt that the situation was very bad. She didn't know the relationship between the Ma family and the Jiang family, but judging from their address and tone of voice to Jiang Tingting, it seemed that the relationship was not shallow.

But Zhao Xiaoling was very strange. The way they looked at her was not hostility and rejection, but curiosity and surprise.

If they and Jiang Tingting are close relatives, they should be hostile and hostile to Zhao Xiaoling, not curiosity, but just curiosity.

However, she was still a little uncomfortable with the attention of so many people. She felt that she should leave here immediately. Regardless of the relationship between the Ma family and Jiang Tingting, it was a mistake for her to appear here now.

At this time, Liu Lihong and Jiang Tingting came in.

Jiang Tingting saw Zhao Xiaoling at a glance. Although it was just a simple white cotton dress, wearing it on Zhao Xiaoling made her elegant and refined like a fairy.

Jiang Tingting also wears a white dress, but her dress is made of the most expensive poplin material. No matter how expensive the dress material is, she is not as good-looking in a white dress as Zhao Xiaoling.

(End of this chapter)

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