Chapter 361 361. Comparison
361. Compare
"Tingting, you are really the granddaughter of the Ma family, because when your mother gave birth to you, she lost her vitality and was in poor health. When you were one year old, she finally became ill and passed away. Your grandma was too sad. I went there after half a year, and your grandpa has since then spread all his grievances on you. He has treated you better than your brother, but you are his grandson after all, so he has never treated you badly. The money and gifts are the same for both."

"The gifts are the same, but they kiss my brother, not me."

"Tingting! People live in this world, there are always many unsatisfactory things, we can't be happy in everything. You don't like to go to grandpa's house, so let's not go in the future. Mom will never force you in the future. What happened today I just want to see if he can help you say a few words to the Jiang family... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Horse's house.

Ma Yong said: "This Jiang Tingting always puts on the appearance of a young lady. I don't like this cousin the least. I like my cousin, but my cousin is not like that."

But Mr. Ma kept saying, "This Zhao Xiaoling looks familiar to me, but I just can't remember where I've seen her before."

Ma Yong said: "Grandpa, people say that they have never seen you before. You are too old and have a bad memory. I didn't say anything about Zhao Xiaoling's memory. She actually read the drawings a few times and drew us dozens of times to make it." The pictures are drawn from memory, and she is a genius in terms of memory, few people can match it."

Mr. Ma supported his forehead, "Yes, I'm old and confused, but this girl is attractive at first glance."

"Of course, Yifan's girlfriend, when she was in the army, everyone liked her."

Zhang Lin came over and said with a smile: "Xiaoyong! Look, Yifan is the same age as you, and he has already found a girlfriend. How about you? When will you bring one back?"

Mr. Ma suddenly realized: "Yes! Speaking of which, you are not young anymore, you are almost 30 years old, and it is time to get married and give birth to a great-grandson for me. Hurry up, hurry up, don't let old man Chen take the lead. I compare it to."

Ma Yong said: "Grandpa, I run around the army school every day, and I don't even have time to eat, so how can I have time to find a partner?"

Mr. Ma pointed at his daughter-in-law and said, "It's impossible to count on him. Hurry up and mobilize your relatives and friends to find one for him."

Ma Yong said: "I don't want to just find one, I have to find one I like, so don't worry about it."

"Then give me a deadline. When you can find one, if you can't find one, let your family introduce it to you."

"It depends on fate, okay? Who knows when my fate will come. Don't worry about it yourself like Yifan and Tingting, and it will end in embarrassment."

The old man said: "How can you compare with Yifan?"

"Why can't I compare with Yifan? Where am I half a point behind him?"

The old man waved his hand, "What's the use of talking? If you get married before Yifan gets married and have children before Yifan has children, I think you are better than him."

Ma Yong's strength came up, "Don't you just want to stand out in front of Grandpa Chen? If you want to stand out, you can stand up yourself. What's the point of pulling me to stand up for you?"

The old man yelled angrily, "You brat, you are my grandson, if you don't give me a head, who will take my head?"

(End of this chapter)

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