Chapter 369
369. Fight
The two of them helped Jiang Tingting up, and Jiang Tingting cursed in pain, "Be gentle, be gentle, ouch! It hurts me."

Helping Jiang Tingting up, the bed was messed up and she couldn't sit on it, so she had to sit on Wang Yalan's bed.

Jiang Tingting then ordered Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue to remake her bed.

Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue slowly made the bed.

Jiang Tingting said impatiently: "Could you two hurry up, you're going to die! It's almost ready and help me go to the infirmary."

They were scolded for helping out, but they dared not speak up.

The two girls made the bed and helped Jiang Tingting out.

Lu Lei and Zhao Xiaoling also remade Zhao Xiaoling's bed, removed the dirty sheets and quilt cover and threw them into the basin under the bed.

"I won't wash the sheets for the time being. I think this matter is not over. Jiang Tingting may go to rescue the soldiers."

"Who will she go to for rescuers?"

"Who knows? Just wait here! You'll know when the time comes."

An hour later, Principal Zhou, class teacher Teacher Sun, Liu Lihong, and Jiang Tingting all came. The small dormitory simply cannot accommodate so many people.

Liu Lihong glanced at Zhao Xiaoling resentfully, and said to Principal Zhou: "Principal Zhou, you have to decide for my family Tingting! There are bullies in the military academy, it's too much, look, the doctor in the infirmary just diagnosed, said My daughter has bruises on her arms and back, and I don’t know if she hurt her internal organs! If something happens to her, how can Commander Jiang work at the front line with peace of mind! Commander Jiang sweats and bleeds on the front line, protecting Jia Weiguo, his daughter is being bullied at school, this is really chilling! How distressed Jiang Junjun will be if he knows!"

Principal Zhou is a bald man in his fifties, but tall and burly.

He asked: "Zhao Xiaoling, why did you bully Jiang Tingting?"

"Principal Zhou, don't listen to Jiang Tingting's one-sided words. I didn't bully her, but she bullied me."

Liu Lihong shouted: "Why did she bully you! Where did you get hurt? Let's see, it's my daughter Tingting who was beaten all over by you."

Liu Lihong pulled Jiang Tingting over and opened her sleeves, revealing a bruise on her arm.

"There are many places on the back, on the body." Liu Lihong yelled at Zhao Xiaoling, spit on her face.

Zhao Xiaoling took two steps back and stayed away from her.

"Zhao Xiaoling, how can you hit someone casually? You have violated the school rules and regulations. Even a serious demerit will be light." Principal Zhou said.

"Principal Zhou, are you going to convict me if you don't ask the cause and effect of the matter?"

"Zhao Xiaoling, don't argue, did you hurt the person?"

Liu Lihong said in a sharp voice: "There are witnesses here who can prove that it was Zhao Xiaoling who beat my daughter."

As Liu Lihong said, she pointed to Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue who bowed their heads and shrunk their necks.

"I didn't say I didn't hit it, I just wanted to say that it was Jiang Tingting who deliberately dropped my things on the ground and stepped on them a few times. This is not the first time she did this. I didn't argue with her before, and now In this way, I really couldn't bear it, so I went to get her things. She hit me first, but her ability was limited and she couldn't beat me. It can't be said that I was wrong because I was defending myself. Why don't you fight back and let him hit you?"

Liu Lihong said: "Do you think you can get away with it by being eloquent and quibbling? Hitting someone is hitting someone, even if it is wrong, it is a violation of discipline. Such people have to be fired, otherwise the impact will be too bad."

(End of this chapter)

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