Chapter 374 374. Inspection

374. Check

Zhao Xiaoling knew that Jiang Tingting's resentment towards her was getting bigger and bigger, and she really couldn't tell what crazy things she would do.

An hour after Zhao Xiaoling ran the [-] kilometers, Jiang Tingting finished her run. She was so tired that her bones were about to collapse, and she was almost carried back by Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue.

After returning to the dormitory, Jiang Tingting had to write the inspection, and Zhao Xiaoling's inspection had already been written in this hour.

With so many soldiers under Chen Yifan, he was often punished by him for running and writing for inspections.

Jiang Tingting is in pain!Since she was a child, she has never written an inspection, and the teachers in the school have never punished her no matter what mistakes she made.

Enduring fatigue and body aches, Jiang Tingting spent most of the night thinking hard, and managed to scrape together [-] words.

When the training gathered early the next morning, Zhao Xiaoling and Jiang Tingting handed over their self-criticism to Chen Yifan at the same time.

Chen Yifan took a look and threw the check on Jiang Tingting, "Mispelled words, blurred handwriting, bad attitude, unqualified content, lack of understanding, rewrite, write [-] words tonight. If you don't meet the standard tomorrow, continue to add three more words." A thousand words."

Jiang Tingting said angrily: "Why did you fail? I don't believe that Zhao Xiaoling's writing is better than mine."

Chen Yifan handed the two inspections to the people below and said: "Everyone circulate them to see the difference between Zhao Xiaoling's inspection and Jiang Tingting's inspection."

Everyone circulated it, and compared the inspections of the two people, the difference was really great. After reading it, everyone had to admire Zhao Xiaoling, her handwriting was neat, without any typos or wrong sentences, and the inspection was written deeply and sincerely.The writing style is also perfect.

In comparison, Jiang Tingting's inspection was much more perfunctory, both in terms of content and handwriting.

In a word, Zhao Xiaoling's inspection looked refreshing and pleasant, while Jiang Tingting's was a mess.

In the end, both inspections were shown to Jiang Tingting, and she had nothing to say after comparing them herself.

She remembered what Zhao Xiaoling had said to her.

"Jiang Tingting, apart from your family background, what skills do you have on your own? You can't compare to me in anything."

Jiang Tingting has never had a setback before. Before, she was always favored by others, so there was nothing wrong with her. Now that she meets Zhao Xiaoling, she can be as embarrassed as she wants.

Zhao Xiaoling is her nemesis!

Afterwards, Chen Yifan transferred Jiang Tingting to another dormitory. Jiang Tingting was not happy at first, why should she let her go, but think about it, she was staying in this dormitory, and the two people who were like fire and water treated each other anyway It doesn't look right, and if this quarrel continues, she will suffer in the end.

In terms of force, she couldn't compare to Zhao Xiaoling, and in terms of background, Zhao Xiaoling had Chen Yifan's backing, so she couldn't do anything to her.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, so she'd better avoid Zhao Xiaoling!Jiang Tingting could only obediently obey the arrangement and moved to another dormitory.

Zhao Xiaoling and their dormitory exchanged a girl named Wang Li.

After this turmoil, Jiang Tingting gained a lot of wisdom, became more honest, and did not dare to act rashly against Zhao Xiaoling again.

Without Jiang Tingting in Zhao Xiaoling's dormitory, everyone is much more relaxed and happy.

Zhao Xiaoling ignored Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue's side with Jiang Tingting before, as if nothing had happened, they felt that Zhao Xiaoling was open-minded, and their relationship with her improved.

(End of this chapter)

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