Chapter 377
377. Mother and Daughter
When Jiang Tingting woke up from the hospital, Jiang Guo was sitting beside her bed.

"You finally woke up. Aunt Liu will be here soon, and she may be on the way now."

Jiang Tingting recalled that she climbed up a tall obstacle, fell down, and then didn't know anything.

Lying in the hospital now, she is injured?Where did it hurt?

"What's wrong with me! My arm? Are my legs okay?" Jiang Tingting struggled to get up.

Jiang Guo held her down, "Don't worry, you're fine, you're not hurt at all, it was Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei who caught you."

"Then why am I in the hospital? How did I pass out?"

Jiang Guo curled her lips and said sarcastically: "Then I have to ask why you are so useless. It's just an eight-meter-high obstacle, you fainted from fright, and you are still admitted to the military academy to become a soldier. You are too shameful. I I'm all pissed off for you."

Jiang Tingting didn't pay attention to him. This brother always spoke to her in such a weird way, not like the attitude a brother should have.

Liu Lihong explained to her that because Jiang Guo's biological mother died early, and he already had memories of his own mother at that time, he rejected Liu Lihong from coming home to replace his mother. Jiang Tingting and Liu Lihong kissed each other, so he didn't want to see her .

The relationship between the siblings is not very good, Jiang Tingting has become accustomed to it.

Liu Lihong hurried over and rushed into the ward.

Pulling Jiang Tingting and yelling: "Tingting, how are you? Are you okay! What's not feeling well now, tell me, I'll go to the doctor."

Jiang Guo frowned, "I told you on the phone before, she's fine, there's nothing wrong with it, she just fainted from fright, now that she wakes up, she's fine."

"How could it be okay if you fell from such a high place?"

"She didn't fall to the ground, someone caught her. You should thank Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei who caught her."

During this period of time, the word Zhao Xiaoling was a thorn in the heart of Liu Lihong and her daughter.

Liu Lihong let out a "bah", "Thank you Zhao Xiaoling? The devil believed that she would save our Tingting. Thank God if she didn't take the opportunity to murder her."

"He saved Tingting, under the watchful eyes of everyone, can there be a fake?"

"That must have other purposes." Liu Lihong said.

Jiang Guo's frown deepened. Liu Lihong pretended to be noble and reserved in front of outsiders, but at home, behind her father's back, she was a vulgar woman.

The same is true of her concern for Jiang Guo. She shows how much she loves him in front of outsiders, but at home it is a different look. Every word and every expression is full of hypocrisy.

Therefore, Jiang Guo hated this hypocritical woman since she was a child.Her vulgarity, selfishness, vanity and snobbery often make Jiang Guo intolerable.

Just like now, someone rescued Jiang Tingting, but in their hearts, not only did they not thank them, but they also suspected other people's motives for saving her. With such two people, Jiang Guo felt that it was unnecessary to say a word to them.

At the same time, he also hates this younger sister who is so spoiled by Liu Lihong, who is as stupid and ignorant as Liu Lihong.

Jiang Guo was temporarily called here to take care of Jiang Tingting. Because Liu Lihong could not be found, and her father was far away from the front line, Jiang Tingting fainted and was hospitalized, so Jiang Guo had to come and take care of her.

Now that Liu Lihong is here and Jiang Guo's mission is complete, he stands up to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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