Chapter 379 379. Cooking
379. Cook
This weekend, Zhao Xiaoling followed Chen Yifan back to Chen's house for dinner.

Zhao Xiaoling brought Lu Lei with her.

When the Chen family was in the southern military region before, the Chen family and Lu Lei's family knew each other well, so Lu Lei should also come to pay a visit to the Chen family.

It is agreed that Zhao Xiaoling will be in charge of cooking this time.

Early in the morning, Zhao Xiaoling took Lu Lei to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and prepare ingredients.

Lu Lei and Zhao Xiaoling arrived at Chen's house with large and small bags of ingredients.

Lin Liping opened the door and saw that the two of them were carrying so many things in their hands, and said: "You are so polite, I said I'll go buy it, and Yifan said you prepare it yourself, so I have nothing to do."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said, "Aunt Lin, you're welcome. For the dishes I planned, I should buy the vegetables and seasonings myself."

"Isn't that in my own home! It made you work so hard."

Lu Lei smiled and said, "Aunt Lin, Zhao Xiaoling doesn't think of herself as an outsider anymore."

"Yes, they are all family members, so don't see outsiders."

The three of them picked up and washed the vegetables they bought. It was still early, so they sat in the living room and chatted.

Hearing that Zhao Xiaoling and the others were coming, Mr. Ma also came to Chen's house early.

They stopped playing chess and just chatted with Zhao Xiaoling and the others.

Lin Liping and Mr. Chen asked about Zhao Xiaoling's family situation, such as whether there have been any letters recently!How are the family members?How is the business!If you are free in the future, come to the capital to play.

Chen Jie and Chen Yifan were sitting next to each other reading a book without interrupting, but quietly listening to their chat.

Zhao Xiaoling observed secretly, and found that Chen Yifan and his son looked very similar, and even their expressions were exactly the same, but Chen's father was majestic and kind, while Chen Yifan looked a little mature.

Zhao Xiaoling thought, when Chen Yifan gets older and is as old as his father, maybe he will look like his father now?
Zhao Xiaoling has no parents herself, so this discovery makes her feel very curious. Inheriting genes is really a wonderful thing.

Later, when talking about Lu Lei, Lin Liping smiled and said: "When we left the Southern Military Region, you were still a child, playing around with a bunch of boys. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, you became a She's a slim girl!"

Chen Jie said: "I heard from Yifan that your brother is also on the front line now, and your father is an upright person and a soldier."

Lu Lei remembered her mother's complaints, and smiled helplessly. In front of outsiders, their father and son both went to the front line, how loyal and honorable it is. Only she understands how worried her mother is every day.

Mr. Chen said with some envy and some complaints: "Look, everyone has granddaughters, but mine doesn't."

Mr. Ma snapped up and said: "You have such a good granddaughter-in-law, aren't you satisfied?"

Lin Liping also said: "That's right! The two of them have always wondered about their own daughters whenever they saw other people's families have daughters. Now it's all right! We have Xiaoling in our family, so we treat Xiaoling like a daughter."

The old man smiled and said: "Yes, yes, with Xiaoling, our family will have a granddaughter in the future, and we will love Xiaoling as our own granddaughter."

Chen Jie said: "Your military training is almost over, Yifan has to go back, and Yifan will not be in the capital in the future, Xiaoling, you should often come home to play. And Lu Lei, you also come together."

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei nodded and said they would come.

(End of this chapter)

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