Chapter 386 386. Posture
386. Posture
"But you can't use this awkward posture when you're in love, right?"

What posture do you use? "

"Dating love is to sit and talk properly! It can't be like this, it's like playing hooligans."

"Playing hooligans? Then I will play..."

As he spoke, his lips touched hers.

Caught off guard, Zhao Xiaoling didn't have time to exclaim, her lips were blocked, his lips were gentle but warm...

After Zhao Xiaoling came to her senses, she thought, what a pity, she might be seen by passing classmates, it's over, people of this age, two people who fall in love have to keep a certain distance when walking on the street!Even holding hands can be watched by people, not to mention hugging and kissing on the side of the road, and being seen by people, how can she stay in this school in the future?

But when Zhao Xiaoling raised her head in a panic, she found that it was completely dark, so the passers-by couldn't see what the people in the car were doing at all.

Zhao Xiaoling's heart relaxed a little.

But Zhao Xiaoling still blamed and said: "How can you be so disrespectful of time and place? If my classmates or teachers in the school saw me, how can I stay in this school in the future."

Chen Yifan said calmly: "It's so dark, how could others see it."

Zhao Xiaoling was too choked to speak.

"I'm surprised that you and Jiang Tingting are fighting like enemies, and you still go to the park and chat with her brother."

Chen Yifan was still brooding over this matter.

"Jiang Tingting is Jiang Tingting, and Jiang Guo is Jiang Guo. Jiang Guo is completely different from his sister. He deserves to be the son of Commander Jiang, but Jiang Tingting has no demeanor of Commander Jiang."

"I'm curious, what can you talk to him about?"

"There is something to talk about! Talk about his business, you know, I was in business before I became a soldier! So I can't stop talking about business with him. Let me tell you, this Jiang Guo may He is a big boss who makes more money than you can even imagine."

"When it comes to doing business, you look like a money fan. Are you short of money? I will give you every month's money in the future. Is this enough to spend?"

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said: "I can't help it. I was a poor ghost in my previous life, so I love money in this life. I still keep your money for my own use. My family often sends it to me."

"If you love money, you can do business at home! Why do you still come to serve as a soldier? How much money does a soldier have?"

"I love money, but I love you more! I came to be a soldier, not for any reason, but because of you. In my previous life, I was short of money and also extremely short of love. So in this life, if I meet someone I love, it is worthy of love." I came here without hesitation."

"You little goblin, you can really talk. Your provocative words make me want to kiss you again."

Zhao Xiaoling quickly held him down, "Don't, it's getting late, let's go back to school!"

"Sit a little longer and talk a little longer."

Both fell silent.

"What do you want to talk about, tell me!"

"I don't want to say anything today, I just want to sit quietly with you, even if I don't say anything, this is also a kind of happiness."

"Me too. As long as you are by my side, I will do nothing. As long as you exist, my heart will be particularly at ease and warm."

Time flies, one month of military training is fleeting, and it will soon be over. Remembering that after the military training is over, Chen Yifan will return to the front line, Zhao Xiaoling feels a lot of reluctance and separation in her heart.

The two of them just sat quietly in the car by the side of the road, chatting with each other.

They didn't go back to school until very late.

(End of this chapter)

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