Chapter 389 389. Misunderstanding
389. Mistake
Li Qing left the house and walked towards the county town alone in a daze.

Li Qing didn't know what to do in the coming days. If she hadn't joined the army, she would be more than enough to be a primary school teacher in the countryside with her uncle's relationship.

She didn't want to marry a farmer and be an ordinary farmer's woman, spending her whole life planing in the fields.

But now, even the family can't accommodate her anymore. After this quarrel, her situation at home will be very embarrassing.

She can't go on like this anymore, she has to find a way to change this situation, but she doesn't know how to change it, one thing she understands is that she doesn't want to stay at home anymore.Not only was the family unable to accommodate her, but she was also so suffocated that she was about to collapse.

Li Qing was walking while thinking about her own thoughts. She felt that the five kilometers from the village to the county town was a long way to go, but today, she felt that it was very short and arrived in a short while.

Because she didn't know what she was doing in the county seat, and her mind was still unclear, what should she do?
Walking on the street, Li Qing didn't know where he was going and what he was going to do?This was the first time she felt how tormented it was to walk alone without a purpose.

There is only one bustling street. I pass by Zhao Xiaoling's restaurant, which is very lively. Their house no longer sells rice noodles, but instead sells food. The rice noodle shop has become a restaurant. This is the only restaurant in Nan County, and the business is surprisingly good.

Everyone in the village said that Tang Chun and his wife had good fortune and were popular in everything they did.

People have also changed from envy, jealousy and hatred at the beginning to numbness now.

There was a smell coming from the restaurant, it was the smell of fried ham with green peppers, the smell of ham mixed with the spicy smell of green peppers, it made people drool, Li Qing finished his lunch, but ran out without eating, At this time, she felt even hungrier after smelling the aroma of this dish.

Li Qing squeezed the ten yuan in her pocket, and she decided to find a rice noodle shop to eat a bowl of rice noodles.

Going down the street, to the door of the lowest shop, Li Qing poked his head inside.

The owner, Zhao Shufen, was cooking rice noodles on the stove at the door. When she saw Li Qing poking his head, she greeted enthusiastically, "Are you eating rice noodles? Come in!"

There are only a few shops in such a palm-sized street, so many people know about these people.

Of course, Li Qing also knew about Zhao Shufen. She was from Zhao Xiaoling's village, and she didn't have a good relationship with Zhao Xiaoling.

So she still has some kind of affection for Zhao Shufen.

Li Qing entered the store and said he wanted a bowl of rice noodles, then sat down and continued to think about her thoughts.

This Zhao Shufen, Li Qing knew, was married to a rascal, and was living in poverty a year ago, but now he even opened a rice noodle shop, so he has no worries about food and clothing.

She came from a mountainous area with an elementary school education, and now she has gained a firm foothold in the county, so it's impossible for me to be inferior to her!

But now, her situation is really not as good as hers.

This cognition made Li Qing feel very frustrated.

Li Qing felt a sense of sadness that she would not have a place in the world, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

After Zhao Shufen cooked the rice noodles, when she brought them over, she saw Li Qing wiping her tears, and her heart moved.

People in Nan County are very jealous of others crying in their own home. Although this is not Zhao Shufen's home, it is almost like home to her, but she is not annoyed.Instead, I secretly rejoiced.

(End of this chapter)

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