Chapter 393 393. Being Deceived
393. Defrauded
When Li Qing woke up the next morning, he found himself lying in a strange place.

With a little bit of faint mottled light coming in through the dilapidated windows, she found herself lying in a dilapidated room.

The room is very small, there is nothing in it except a bed, a dilapidated cupboard, the quilt on the bed is also dirty and old, and it emits a disgusting smell.

What is this place?
She remembered, yesterday she followed Zhao Shufen to Zhaojiagou, this is Zhaojiagou!
Yesterday she followed Zhao Shufen to a family in their village. After drinking a bowl of sugar water, she knew nothing about it.

What happened afterward?
Is this Zhao Shufen's house?
She hurriedly put on her clothes, but she felt weak and uncomfortable.

What's the matter with her?
But the door was locked from the outside.

Li Qing slapped the door angrily and shouted, "Zhao Shufen, what are you doing? Open the door quickly."

She couldn't stay in this damn place for a minute, she wanted Zhao Shufen to take her away as soon as possible.

How could she follow Zhao Shufen to such a poor and dilapidated place, since it is so poor and dirty, she would never come here.

It was the old woman from yesterday who came to open the door.

She had a bowl of porridge and two sweet potatoes in her hand, and she asked Li Qing to eat them.

The bowl was a rough wooden bowl, pitch black, Li Qing shook his head in disgust.

When Li Qing walked out of the room, she saw clearly that she was living in this woman's house, and she felt something was wrong in her heart.

Although she was very hungry, she wanted to go to Zhao Shufen's house to eat.Zhao Shufen's family can't be so sloppy!

"Where is Zhao Shufen? Where is she? I want to find her."

"Shufen went down the mountain early in the morning."

Li Qing became anxious, "Why didn't she call me? Why did she go down the mountain by herself, and I have to go back too."

As Li Qing said, he rushed out of the room, and when he reached the main room, he wanted to rush out the door.

The door of the house is locked.

"Open the door, I want to go out." Li Qing said angrily.

The old woman put the food in her hand on the dirty low table in the main room.

She said in a light tone: "Shufen has already sold you to my family as a wife. Now you are my son's wife. You can't go anywhere."

Li Qing was like a thunderbolt, she was actually sold by Zhao Shufen, to this poor mountain valley where the sun never shines, to this old woman's ugly son.

"No, I want to go home, I want to go home, I'm not here." She didn't want to stay here and live a life worse than pigs and dogs.

Li Qing struggled, but his whole body was sore and he had no strength at all.

In desperation, she overturned the low table, the porridge spilled all over the floor, and the table was broken by her kick.

The ground was a mess.

The old woman said indifferently: "It's useless for you to cry. In this life, you can only be my daughter-in-law. If you are better, you may suffer less. If you let your temper make trouble, you will suffer." eat."

The old woman caught off guard and picked up a broken leg of the table and hit Li Qing.

Li Qing fell to the ground, the old woman was very strong, she dragged Li Qing and threw her into the room.

Before Li Qing could react, she locked the door from the outside.

At this moment, Zhao Shufen had already arrived at the county seat with 200 yuan in her pocket. After Li Qing passed out last night, she still did not forget to take back the 200 yuan in Li Qing's trousers pocket, and then charged the old woman [-] yuan. So Li Qing stayed at his house.

The business went very smoothly, and it was sold at a high price, because Li Qing was not only young and good-looking, but also a high school student, and the buyer was eager to ask for someone, so Zhao Shufen asked for 50 yuan more than others, and they also gladly accepted.

When Zhao Shufen returned home, she took out all the money happily and counted it. Adding the 200 yuan, she has saved 900 yuan now.

She plans to buy a store facing the street. When Zhao Xiaoling and the others bought it, it cost only a few hundred yuan, but now it has risen to 500 yuan. She has to save for a while.

If she meets more stupid girls like Li Qing, her money will increase very quickly, Zhao Shufen thought.

That day, when Li Qing's family saw that she didn't come home, they didn't pay much attention to it. Maybe she went to a classmate's house to play!

But for several days, Li Qing was nowhere to be seen, and Li Qing's mother was also a little anxious. The child was hit these days, and the daughter-in-law scolded him so badly that day. She wouldn't be too happy to commit suicide, right?
She said she asked her family to look for her, but her son said, "She is not a child, so she may have gone to play somewhere, and she will come back naturally after playing enough."

Li Qing's mother went to look for it alone, but she didn't know where to look for it. She walked around the county and went home.

Although I was worried, there was nothing I could do.

(End of this chapter)

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