Chapter 402 402. Shocking
402. Shocking
"Your thinking is very strange. I have different views from yours, so there is nothing to say. I am leaving. Please don't stop me. You can't stop me. It's not like we didn't have a fight before. I hope you have A little self-knowledge."

Of course Jiang Tingting remembered that time, she didn't know what happened, she was knocked down by Zhao Xiaoling on the ground three times.

She knew very well that she was not Zhao Xiaoling's opponent in fighting.

She didn't want to suffer this kind of loss again, so Zhao Xiaoling wanted to leave again. Jiang Tingting didn't dare to stop her again, and could only watch her leave bitterly.

The next day is the weekend, so on Saturday night, students who live in the capital can go home.

Jiang Tingting came home, depressed.

Liu Lihong asked distressedly: "Daughter! What's the matter with you?"

"It's not that Zhao Xiaoling. Today, grandpa actually went to look for her at school. They sat in the small garden and chatted for a long time."

Liu Lihong was very surprised, "Your grandfather went to find Zhao Xiaoling? Why? What's the matter?"

She was curious about why, but Zhao Xiaoling didn't say anything, Jiang Tingting said angrily: "How do I know?"

Liu Lihong fell into deep thought, this Zhao Xiaoling is really not simple, to let someone like Mr. Ma go to school to find him.

Jiang Tingting sat on the sofa and beat the sofa.

"Zhao Xiaoling, that bitch, actually said that I don't look like someone from the Jiang family or the Ma family. I'm really pissed off."

Liu Lihong grabbed Jiang Tingting's arm in shock, pulled her and said, "What did you say? Zhao Xiaoling said that you are neither like the Jiang family nor the Ma family. Why did she say that? What else did she say?"

Jiang Tingting screamed, "Mom, what are you doing? You hurt me."

Liu Lihong let go of her hand in a daze, and murmured, "How could she know, the old man must have said something to her."

"This Zhao Xiaoling, she is a broom star, why am I so unlucky to meet her as a disaster star."

Liu Lihong couldn't care less about comforting her daughter, she walked around the room restlessly.

The old man actually went to find Zhao Xiaoling, but Zhao Xiaoling said that Tingting was not like the Ma family and the Jiang family. Could it be that the old man told Zhao Xiaoling about Tingting's life experience?
impossible!Tell Zhao Xiaoling why?And the old man is a person who keeps his promise, he will not leak Tingting's life experience for no reason.

Liu Lihong was fidgeting, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and finally she planned to ask the old man.

Liu Lihong changed her shoes and went out.

Because she was in a hurry, she didn't even hear Jiang Tingting asking her why she was going from behind.

Liu Lihong hurried to Ma's house soon.

Seeing Mr. Ma, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Seeing Liu Lihong's sudden visit with a strange expression, Mr. Ma was hesitant to speak. While studying the chess record, he said calmly, "What's the matter with you?"

"I... I heard that you went to Tingting's school today, what's the matter?"

"You came here just to ask this question?" Mr. Ma fiddled with the chess without raising his eyelids.

Liu Lihong bit her lip, and simply spoke bluntly.

"Yes! I heard that you went to find Zhao Xiaoling, and after you left, Zhao Xiaoling actually told Tingting that she was not like the Jiang family or the Ma family. I don't know what she said to Tingting Meaning, old man, you didn't tell Zhao Xiaoling about Tingting's life experience, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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