Chapter 407

407. Past events

Liu Lihong contacted Ma Yuemei by phone and told Ma Yuemei that she couldn't stay in her hometown because of her husband's domestic violence. She wanted to develop in the provincial capital, and asked Ma Yuemei if she could help her find a job.

Ma Yuemei believed Liu Lihong's words completely, because when she was in the hospital, she only saw the Red Army again, a man who only showed himself after his wife gave birth and then disappeared. Domestic violence and other things are also possible.

Ma Yuemei sympathized with Liu Lihong, so she asked her to go to the provincial capital to find her. She said she would find a way to help her find a job.

So Liu Lihong left the rolling mill, the county town, and those who spurned her, and went to the provincial capital to join Ma Yuemei.

Ma Yuemei found Liu Lihong a job in the hospital cafeteria. Although it was only a temporary worker, she had food and shelter. The monthly salary was [-] yuan, which was no less than her salary in the rolling mill.

It is said that after Jiang Xiaodong was washed away by the flood during the flood rescue, he was washed to a river beach [-] kilometers away, and was rescued by an old man. After recuperating there for seven or eight days, he regained his strength before returning home.

The husband survived the catastrophe, and the daughter survived the dangerous period under the rescue of doctors.

However, Ma Yuemei's health has been up and down all the time, and she has not completely returned to normal.

So the daughter had no milk to drink, and Ma Yuemei had no energy to take care of her, so she invited a relative to come to the house to help take care of the child.

This relative is Jiang Xiaodong's cousin, whose family is in Ning County.

Because Ma Yuemei was seriously injured when she gave birth to her daughter, she has been unable to do her job well intermittently, but she is also a very strong person, and she still hopes to do her job well.

So when my daughter was eight months old, my sister-in-law proposed to take the child back to live for a while, because she still had two children at home, and she hadn't seen herself for more than half a year in order to help Ma Yuemei take care of the children. child and husband.

Ma Yuemei thought, it would be good to let her sister-in-law take her daughter back to her hometown to live for a while, so that she can concentrate on her work and take good care of her body by the way.

But he never expected that a week after Tangsao brought the child home, an earthquake occurred in Ning County, and the epicenter was in the village where Tangsao and his family lived.

Moreover, there was no information at that time. Ma Yuemei knew that when the devastating earthquake occurred in Ning County, it was already five days after the earthquake.

At that time, Jiang Xiaodong was on a mission and didn't know where he was or when he would return. Liu Lihong accompanied Ma Yuemei to Ning County.

They went to Ning County and found the village where Tangsao’s family lived. They heard that 90.00% of the people in the village had died. The magnitude of the earthquake was 7:1, and it happened at night. So most of the families in the village were all killed. When asked about the cousin's house, someone took them to a new grave, pointed to a few of them and said, "That's their family. The whole family is dead."

Ma Yuemei's eyes darkened, and Liu Lihong who was beside her helped her in time.

Ma Yuemei bit her lip, trying to wake herself up from the pain, "Is it true that no one in their family survived?"

"Of course! All dead, two adults, three children."

Three children, that is to say, the two children of the cousin and sister-in-law plus her daughter.

Ma Yuemei fell down softly.

After Ma Yuemei woke up, she insisted on digging up the grave to see if her daughter was killed.She would have to see her daughter's body to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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