Chapter 409

409. Past events

Enduring the bad smell in the village, Liu Lihong asked many people but found nothing.

Later, Liu Lihong chatted with some rescuers, talked about the situation of her cousin's sister-in-law's house, and said that she and her friends went here to find an eight-month-old girl.

A rescuer said: "We rescued a girl about seven or eight months old from the rubble, and it seemed that she was taken away by a girl who participated in the rescue."

Liu Lihong said excitedly: "Really? Is that child okay?"

The other party said with great interest: "There is no problem at all. This is a miracle. The two adults and the two eldest children in the family are dead. The only child who is only a few months old is still alive. It is a fate."

Another one said, "That's two adults protecting the child with their own bodies."

"Yes, yes, this incident is quite touching, so everyone remembers it deeply. It is indeed the case. The two adults guarded the child. They died, but the child was still alive. Because of hearing the child's cry, So everyone dug up the house there as soon as possible, and the child was not injured or delayed, and was safe and sound."

Liu Lihong felt ecstatic in her heart, asked carefully, and was almost sure that the child was Ma Yuemei's daughter.

Because they said that the family name was Jiang, and Jiang Xiaodong’s cousin’s family name was Jiang. There were two couples and two children in their family. The age of the couple was about the same as that of the cousin’s family. Female, about the same age.

But the child was taken home by a girl who came to participate in the rescue. The girl's home is in Lin County, so she can easily find it by asking.Because the people who came to participate in the rescue were arranged by the county, the list and number of people were clear, and their conditions were also recorded in the book.Go to the county government in Lin County and check the list to find the girl.

Liu Lihong immediately rushed back to the county with the good news, and she wanted to tell Ma Yuemei the great news as soon as possible.

It was fifteen kilometers from the village to the county seat. At that time, there were few cars, so Liu Lihong could only walk there. During this distance, the excitement in Liu Lihong's heart gradually calmed down.

The problem is that there are three children's graves in the cemetery. What if Ma Yuemei insists on digging up the graves?
The more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

Because the eight-month-old child may or may not be Ma Yuemei's daughter.

How smooth is Ma Yuemei's life!She is loved by her parents and elder brother at home, and her husband loves her after she gets married. She is like a princess living in a honeypot. She is beautiful, gentle, and everyone loves her.

Ma Yuemei's only dissatisfaction is because of giving birth to this daughter, which broke her body, but she has a lot of love. Because of her health, her work is intermittent, and the leaders in the hospital have no complaints at all. Pay more attention to rest and don't worry about work.

As for her, Liu Lihong, she is just a humble temporary worker in the hospital, and her daily workload is several times that of others. Everyone in the canteen can order her at will. They do less than her, but their salary is lower than She is much taller.

They are all human, so why is there such a big difference?Liu Lihong thought, why did Ma Yuemei go so smoothly, why didn't she have any regrets in her life?
(End of this chapter)

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