Chapter 419 419. Tyrant
419. Tyrant
When talking about excitement, Jiang Guo said: "Xiaoling, after you graduate from the military academy, you should stay in the capital! I think Yifan's family should have the same meaning."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "After graduation! Where is Yifan, I will be there."

"Three years from now, the battle in southern Xinjiang should be over! At that time, he will definitely return to the northern military region."

Zhao Xiaoling nodded, "Maybe!"

"Then I'll buy you a house here!"

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said, "You are a local tyrant now! You can buy a house and give it away as a gift. I'm so tempted! But Yifan won't agree to me accepting your gift."

Jiang Guo rubbed his nose, "Well! I really didn't think about this issue. With Yifan's personality, he really wouldn't let you accept it, but let's put it another way, you can say that your family bought it for you. Isn’t that all right? Didn’t you say that your family is in business and they can afford it.”

"This is even worse. I can't lie to Yifan. As long as I lie about things in this world, there will always be a day when the lie will be exposed. At that time, even if I am full of mouth, I won't be able to speak clearly."

Lu Lei said: "What kind of house should I buy? The Chen family's house is big enough. They also like Xiaoling, and they only have one son, Captain Chen. When you get married, you will definitely live with your parents. There is no need to buy another house."

Jiang Guo said: "This is where you are young and ignorant. No matter how good your parents-in-law are, they are also parents-in-law. They live together every day, and for a long time, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps. Moreover, the living habits of young people and old people are different. The idea is different, these things will cause conflicts after a long time, so it is better to live separately, just not too far away, it is convenient to move around."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "You are really an independent person with advanced thinking. I agree with you that distance creates beauty, especially between people. But if I want to buy a house, I will buy it myself. You just said I also said that my family is in business, and houses in the capital are not expensive now, so my family can still afford them."

Jiang Guo said: "You just treat me as your family member! Even if the elder brother bought it for the younger sister."

"But you are not my brother after all! Your sister is Jiang Tingting!"

"I regard you as my younger sister and recognize you as my younger sister."

"No, absolutely not."

Zhao Xiaoling didn't want to bring hatred anymore, Liu Lihong's mother and daughter hated her deeply now, if she accepted Jiang Guo's house, she might be cursed by Liu Lihong's mother and daughter all the time.

It's even worse to recognize him as a brother or something.

With Chen Yifan's love, she was already content, and she couldn't bear to accept the love of his brother, even though her feelings for Jiang Guo and his son were very delicate, and she felt that they were very kind, so she could only Said, they may be relatives in the previous life!But in this life, they don't have this fate, so let's accept their fate with peace of mind!

After chatting for a while, Jiang Guo and Zhao Xiaoling bid farewell and went back to the military compound.

He didn't go home, his father was not at home, he seldom went back, he didn't want to face the mother and daughter, every time he went to the compound of the military region, that is, to eat and live at his grandpa's house, he treated his grandpa's house as his own.Even more comfortable than in your own home.

Seeing Jiang Guo, Zhang Lin smiled and said, "Guoguo is back, you haven't been back for a long time, are you busy recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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