Chapter 427 427. Similarity
427. similar
Mr. Chen became even more angry, "I warn you! You bad old man, if you dare to go to Xiaoling and say that our family has investigated her life experience, causing Xiaoling to misunderstand us and have a grudge in your heart, I will tell you You work hard."

He called out to the orderly again:
"Get him out of here quickly."

Of course the orderly didn't dare to do anything to Mr. Ma, but he could only obey Mr. Chen. He pulled Mr. Ma and said: "Grandpa Ma, my old man is angry now, so don't bother with him anymore. Both of you old men calm down." , you go back for now! Come back tomorrow when my old man’s anger subsides, okay?”

Mr. Ma was invited out of the Chen family.

He said angrily at the door of Chen's house: "Who is this person! I haven't finished my words yet! They kicked me out. When it is found out that Xiaoling is really my granddaughter, let's see what I do." Clean you up."

Mr. Ma went home resentfully.

Jiang Guo ran to Zhao Xiaoling's school in one breath, but couldn't find her.

It turned out that instead of going back to school, they went shopping, went shopping in department stores, went to a nearby park, and rented a boat to go boating on the lake.

They let the boat float on the lake at will, and they lay on it leisurely and chatted.

Jiang Guo stayed outside Zhao Xiaoling's dormitory until evening, when Zhao Xiaoling and the others came back from having dinner outside the school.

From a distance, I saw Jiang Guo smoking a cigarette and pacing restlessly, throwing the cigarette butts all over the floor.

Lu Lei abducted Zhao Xiaoling with his arm, "Look, Jiang Guo, what is he doing there? Couldn't he be looking for you?"

Jiang Guo also saw Zhao Xiaoling and the others, and excitedly waved to them desperately.

Zhao Xiaoling also smiled and waved back to him.

Lu Lei said: "He really came to look for you, he couldn't be more interested in you, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Didn't he say before that he wanted to be my brother? Besides, he knows my relationship with Yifan, and he and Yifan are also friends."

Lu Lei curled his lips, "It's all excuses for brothers and sisters."

Zhao Xiaoling said disdainfully: "Don't think of him so vulgar, I think he is sincere in recognizing me as his sister, and he has no other bad intentions."

As he spoke, he came to Jiang Guo.

Jiang Guo took a few steps forward and said, "Xiao Ling, I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

"This matter is a bit complicated, let's take a step to talk."

Lu Lei smiled and said, "Then I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Zhao Xiaoling waved at Lu Lei, then turned to Jiang Guo and said, "Look at your serious face, what's the matter?"

"Let's go over there for a walk!" Jiang Guo pointed in the direction of the library.

There is a small garden over there, very quiet.

The two walked over there side by side.

Arriving in a quiet corner, Jiang Guo said: "Xiao Ling, do you know? You look exactly like my mother."

"Your grandpa came to my school yesterday, and it was also in this place. He told me that I look a lot like your grandma. I'm curious. Is there another person who looks exactly like me in this world? So, Not only do I look like your grandma when she was young, but also your mother?"

"I don't know what my grandma was like when she was young, but the photos of my mother when she was young are exactly the same as yours now."

Jiang Guo took out a photo from his trouser pocket.

"Look at this photo. This is a photo of my mother when she first joined the army. When he took this photo, he was about the same age as you."

 I'm so sorry!This book is often not updated normally. During this period of time, there are too many things at home, and various situations have arisen. Maybe everyone will no longer believe me when I say that there are things at home, but it is true. In the past six months, there have been too many things at home. I don’t want to talk too much about the family affairs in detail. After all, this is my private matter, but today I will explain that my father was critically ill four days ago. When I received a call at work, I drove more than 70 kilometers back to the hospital. When I passed by an ambulance, my father was sent to the provincial capital hospital for emergency treatment, and I ran all the way to chase him. My father has been observing in the emergency room for the past few days. He may need surgery in three days when his condition stabilizes. I can only try to find time to write an update.

(End of this chapter)

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