Chapter 434
434. Investigation
Chen Yifan said: "Although analyzing from various aspects, Xiaoling is very likely to be your daughter, but just to be sure, it's better to re-investigate and make sure."

"Yes, I have to check everything clearly, clearly. Yifan, you go and check with me."

"I won't go, Luo Daqing and Lu Hongjun can help you."

"You don't want to know Xiaoling's real identity? Don't you want to find out all of this yourself?"

"It doesn't matter to me who Xiaoling's daughter is. What I care about is her current mood. She seems unwilling to face such a sudden appearance, so I don't want to participate in the investigation of her life experience. go."

Jiang Xiaodong sighed, "Xiaoling is a proud child, and so are you. You are good enough and don't need to use other people's identities to elevate yourself. But in front of my children, I am just an ordinary father, and I hope to be able to Enjoy family happiness with my own children. Of course, I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a father these years, and let her suffer so much outside. If she doesn't want to recognize me, I don't care, I As long as I know that my daughter is still alive in this world, it will be fine."

"Yes, everyone does things with a clear conscience."

"Yifan, tell me, did Xiaoling suffer a lot before?"

"Of course, but how she endured hardships can't be described in words. You can go to the place where she lived and see for yourself."

Chen Yifan called the guard at the door in and asked him to call Luo Daqing and Lu Hongjun.

Soon, Luo Daqing and Lu Hongjun came.

Chen Yifan said: "Now I give you two an important task to complete together with Commander Jiang."

When the two of them heard this, they couldn't help puffing out their chests, stood up straighter, and listened attentively.

"You go to Nan County and Ning County with Commander Jiang to investigate Comrade Zhao Xiaoling's identity and background."

The two looked at each other, and Lu Hongjun asked in puzzlement, "Didn't you just go to investigate more than a month ago? Go to investigate again?"

Chen Yifan was expressionless, "Investigate again, and it must be more detailed. Not only should we investigate everything about her since she arrived in Nan County, but also find out about her biological parents. If you can't find out, then don't came back."

Lu Hongjun smiled and said: "No problem, it's a trivial matter. We dignified scouts are born to investigate such a trivial matter. It's fine for me to go with Luo Daqing. You don't need to trouble Commander Jiang!"

Jiang Xiaodong frowned, yes!For a soldier who has experienced many battles, it is not difficult to investigate such a matter. Why didn't he investigate it himself before admitting the result?
Chen Yifan said with a sullen face, "Is it my arrangement or your arrangement?"

Lu Hongjun immediately said: "Of course everything is arranged by regimental leader Chen."

"Your mission this time is to follow the arrangement of Commander Jiang, and this mission is not a trivial matter, don't take it lightly, do it carefully, don't miss any detail, and don't ask why, you just need to carry out the mission, The results of the task are still kept secret.”

Both of them glanced at Commander Jiang in bewilderment, and replied loudly, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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