Chapter 436 436. Purpose
436. Purpose
Liu Lihong smiled, "Xiao Ling, why do you say that? I really think you look like a friend of mine, that's why I want to make friends with you. I've forgotten the past between us. , people live in this world, if they don’t let go of some things, wouldn’t it be very tiring.”

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, then I'm leaving." Zhao Xiaoling didn't expect that Liu Lihong, who was aloof before, had such a thick skin.

Liu Lihong grabbed Zhao Xiaoling, "Xiaoling, do you...have a birthmark on your arm?"

Zhao Xiaoling instantly understood what Liu Lihong's purpose was in acting for such a long time.

This is thanks to Jiang Guo who came to her that day and told her everything, so she wasn't surprised by Liu Lihong's question.

She said calmly: "No!"

Liu Lihong looked at Zhao Xiaoling blankly, a little astonished and even more relieved, "Xiaoling, is it true? You don't have any birthmarks on your arms?"

"No! Why do you ask that?" Zhao Xiaoling asked back.

Liu Lihong let go of Zhao Xiaoling's hand, "It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it."

"It's fine if you don't have anything?" Zhao Xiaoling asked intentionally.

If Liu Lihong was really good for her good friend Ma Yuemei, she would not have said such words. These words just proved that Liu Lihong was worried that Ma Yuemei's daughter was still alive.

Zhao Xiaoling pulled away knowingly, leaving only Liu Lihong standing there blankly.

This Zhao Xiaoling looks so similar to Ma Yuemei, she thought she must be the little girl back then, but she just said that she has no birthmark on her arm, so she is not Ma Yuemei's daughter.

Liu Lihong was ecstatic in her heart. She had trouble sleeping, eating, and worrying these few days, and all of a sudden she felt relieved because of her word "no", as if a big stone that was pressing on her heart had been removed.

To her, these two words were like the sounds of nature.

So much so that she couldn't believe it was true for a while, but seeing Zhao Xiaoling's expression just now, she didn't have the slightest surprise or abnormality.

If she really had a birthmark on her arm, she wouldn't behave so calmly, let alone a young girl, even an adult, it would be impossible to hear a stranger mention a distinctive feature on her body Calm expression.

Therefore, when Zhao Xiaoling said these two words, it didn't look like she was lying.

Moreover, although Zhao Xiaoling looks very similar to Ma Yuemei, the difference in personality between the two is too great.

Ma Yuemei is such a simple and soft person, but this Zhao Xiaoling is a person with a heart as hard as iron. If Ma Yuemei, what she said to Zhao Xiaoling just now, would have moved Ma Yuemei deeply, but this Zhao Xiaoling is I don't like oil and salt, and I don't believe her at all.

If you want to truly defeat someone, you have to be close to him, know him, and know her weaknesses.

It seems that it is really not easy to deal with her, at least, there is no chance of connecting with her.This is a difficult person to approach.

Although this Zhao Xiaoling is not Ma Yuemei's biological daughter, she looks too much like Ma Yuemei, so her existence is still a great threat to their mother and daughter. Although Ma Yuemei has been dead for so many years, no matter Ma Yuemei The family or the Jiang family's father and son loved her at all. Now that there is a person who looks exactly like Ma Yuemei, their attitude towards her is already obvious. After that, the status of their mother and daughter is getting more and more worrying.

You have to find a way to get rid of her.

(End of this chapter)

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