Chapter 440 440. Father and Son
440. Father and son
Talking about Zhao Xiaoling, Jiang Guo relaxed, "I don't meet her very often. Since I met her, I have only met her five or six times! But it feels like I have known her for many years. An old friend is also like a long-lost relative. And she is very understanding and smart. I always have endless things to say when I am with her. Let’s take my business as an example! Except her , no one would understand me that way, and I didn’t even notice some things. She told me, such as some of my characteristics. The words came out of other people's mouths, I think they are falsely flattering me, but I believe what she said."

Life is lonely, everyone hopes that someone can understand themselves, but few people will patiently understand others.

Including Jiang Xiaodong as a father, he was just worried about why his son didn't get close to him, and why he became incomprehensible, because he didn't try to understand him carefully.

After being silent for a while, Jiang Xiaodong said: "Yeah! I also feel that I have known Xiaoling for a long time when I saw Xiaoling for the first time, because she has the shadow of your mother on her body. I never dared to think that she has a relationship with me before." It doesn't matter, because your sister has already... I was confused, and I didn't check it out back then."

Mentioning this, Jiang Guo was a little excited, "Why didn't you check it out back then? You didn't check it out for such an important matter?"

"At that time, your mother was very sick and extremely weak, and it had been more than ten days since the earthquake. None of us dared to bring up that topic to provoke your mother, so we believed Liu Lihong's words and hurriedly took your mother from Ning County. That small hospital was transferred to a large hospital in the provincial capital for treatment."

A kind person will never judge others maliciously, this has nothing to do with IQ.

"What happened later? In the following months, you never asked my mother if she saw my sister's body with her own eyes?"

"Your mother's illness has been repeated, and her illness is mainly heart disease, who dares to use that matter to stimulate her?"

The two fell into an awkward silence again.

Jiang Guo said: "I believe that Zhao Xiaoling is my sister, I believe in my feelings."

"It's not just your feelings. According to the results of Chen Yifan's previous investigation, 90.00% of Zhao Xiaoling is your sister. Zhao Yulan brought Zhao Xiaoling back from the earthquake in Ning County that year. The time, place, Zhao Xiaoling's age, especially It's that she looks exactly like your mother, and those circumstances fit."

Jiang Guo sighed: "I asked her to show me the birthmark on her arm that day, but she refused to let me see it, and said that she didn't have a birthmark on her arm. If you can confirm that she has this birthmark, then you can be 100% sure that she is Yes, unfortunately, I didn’t see it...and when I mentioned the birthmark, her expression was surprised, and she hugged her arms tightly. Her behavior showed that she seemed to have that birthmark, but why didn’t she admit it? "

"She may not be able to accept this fact all of a sudden. We need to understand her feelings. No matter what, we need to find out about this matter. I also want to know what happened back then to make us lose contact with your sister. "

(End of this chapter)

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