Chapter 80 80. Inmates
80. Cellmate
Li Xiuying supported her sore waist and said with a low face: "You must not mess around, we underestimated her and Zhao Yulan today, so we suffered such a big loss. Haven't you found out yet? Zhao Yulan is no longer the original Zhao Yulan."

Tang Li didn't take it seriously, she wanted to record all the suffering she suffered here on Zhao Xiaoling, and when she went out one day, she wanted revenge.

But their troubles had only just begun.

The next day, Li Xiuying's mother and daughter were moved to another room, where there were three women.

Mom!I don't know if I don't enter here, but there are quite a few women who commit crimes.

Li Xiuying and Tang Li felt that they were wronged for being locked up here. They had done nothing wrong, but these three women might have done something shameless, so they were locked up here. I can't help but have some contempt for these three women.

Because they felt a little repulsed by them, Li Xiuying and Tang Li ignored the three women sitting in the corner after they entered. They walked and sat down in another corner.

Three women, one in her 30s, dressed in shabby and rustic clothes, with dull eyes, haggard complexion, skinny and skinny, her chest brand is No. [-].

No. 20 is younger, looking only in her [-]s. It can be seen that she looks good, but her spirit is not good. She also has the same disheartened look as No. [-].

When they saw the arrival of Li Xiuying's mother and daughter, they just raised their eyelids, and then lost interest, and sat against the corner in a daze.

Woman No. 30 is in her [-]s, fat and fat.

She was full of curiosity about Li Xiuying and Tang Li.

She got up and stretched her muscles and bones, and slowly walked in front of Li Xiuying's mother and daughter.

"Hey! When you get here, no matter what the reason for everyone coming in, it's the same. Sitting around like this can drive people crazy. Let's chat and pass the time faster."

The fat woman's words were approved by Tang Li, and she was really sulking and couldn't vomit.

"Which village are you from?" She asked in order to get closer.

"I'm going to Tuncun, how about you?"

"We are from Nancun."

"You are together, so you have committed the same thing?"

"We didn't do anything wrong, we were wronged." Tang Li argued hastily.

The fat woman smiled, "Even here, no one will admit that what they did was wrong."

She moved a little closer and whispered to them, "Both No. [-] and No. [-] murdered people. It's a bloody fact, but they don't think it's their fault. You wouldn't kill people too, would you?"

Li Xiuying was terrified. Wouldn't it be dangerous for them to live with the murderer?

But the two women in front of him didn't look like they could kill anyone.

"We didn't kill people, how could we kill people, we just had a fight." Li Xiuying said.

"I don't think it looks like a murderer. The murderer, like them, has become insensitive."

"Who did they kill?" Tang Li was curious.

"No. [-] killed her father-in-law and her husband with drugs. No. [-] killed her friend. Her friend was an educated youth who made her belly bigger, but she didn't want her. He went back to the city by himself. She chased her to the city. kill that friend."

"I really can't tell, the two women don't look like murderers at all."

This small room, they are talking about them here, it is impossible for them not to hear, but they are indifferent to it.

(End of this chapter)

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