Mrs. Yipin: a farmer's doctor

Chapter 709 Special Art Competition

Chapter 709 Special Art Competition (4)
"You're not bad looking either. Maybe you're the one who gets the bracelet out of tricks."

When the students in the building heard Aunt Murong's words, they all knew what was going on today, there were bursts of whispers, and there was no malicious laughter among them.

After a while, Aunt Murong caressed her hands on the railing, and said to everyone: "You hour is the last time limit."

Hearing his words, the master secretary cleared his throat and announced loudly: "Etiquette and etiquette—beginning!"

As soon as the words fell, all the reference students on the field turned around and walked out of the attic.

Zhiran frowned, and asked Yue Shan puzzled, "Didn't you say that it usually takes one morning? Is etiquette the fastest? Why is it taking so long?"

Yue Shan pinched her chin, thought for a while and said, "It must be difficult to coax a woman who hasn't smiled in four years! I think the doctor must have considered this point."

"That's right! In the past, we sometimes played tricks and asked us to spend time looking for someone. This time, we just told us the location directly. Let's go quickly!" Yue Qi suddenly appeared behind him and said.

Zhiran raised her eyebrows in surprise, and asked puzzledly, "Do you want to be with us?"

Yue Qi asked back, "Don't you know that etiquette is formed by yourself? A group of five to seven people is optional."

"I don't know! No one told me!" Zhiran spread her hands, showing helplessness.

This time, she didn't intend to take the wooden plaque on etiquette, so naturally she didn't pay attention to it.

Besides, she was so busy practicing archery, riding a horse, playing chess and dancing every day that she was so busy that she didn't even care about other things. No one told her, so she naturally didn't ask.

Zhiran looked at the people around her, Xiyu, Yue Shan, Liu Junhao, Yue Qi, Ren Yongzhen and herself, there were exactly six of them, and it happened to be a group.

The students who left the building did not leave first, but gathered together to talk, some formed a team, and some fished in troubled waters.

"I, can I be with you guys!" Fu Mi'er ran over with her face flushed, pinching her dress nervously and looking at Zhiran.

Zhi Ran shook her head with a chuckle and said, "No! You see we already have six people here, you and your friend are two, a team can only have five to seven people! You will never leave your friend behind Bar!"

"She, she can..." Fu Mi'er originally wanted to say that Luo Tingfang could be with other friends.

But being stared at by Zhi Ran's slightly reproachful eyes, she opened her lips, but was speechless, and said desolately: "Okay! I understand."

Fu Mi'er dragged Luo Tingfang away in disappointment.

Yue Shan chuckled and said, "It's a good thing that this little girl admires you so much! How can you avoid her!"

Zhi Ran said with lingering fear: "She is too lethal, I think it's safer to stay away from her."

Standing in the crowd, Princess Xiran and Zhiran looked at each other, with fire in their eyes, as if saying: I will definitely get the first card.

Zhiran narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, drawing a faint smile.

She was not interested in etiquette at first, but her fighting spirit was also aroused. It didn't matter whether she took the wooden token or not, but she couldn't let Princess Xiran get the first wooden token.

A group of six people sat in the Xiangfu's carriage and headed towards the long pavilion at the north gate, but saw that the pavilion was empty, and many students who arrived earlier complained on the spot.

Accusing the college of inaccurate information and wasting time.

The six of Zhiran didn't even get out of the carriage, and asked the coachman to drive the carriage back.

Inside the car, Liu Junhao and Ren Yongzhen were discussing.

Ren Yongzhen guessed: "In front of Huajie, under the willow tree, it should refer to where she lives. Has she gone home?"

Liu Junhao frowned heavily, and he didn't respond immediately, but he didn't refute either.

Zhi Ran thought about Aunt Murong's words carefully, and said with a pair of little feet leisurely, "A habit that has persisted for four years suddenly changed today. Something very important must have happened that made her have to change her plan."

Liu Junhao raised his eyes, and then echoed, "I think so too!"

Yue Qi frowned, and asked: "Does that mean she has gone home? Should she go to some place for business?"

Liu Junhao shook his head and said, "We still have to find her home and find out about her before we can help her."

Yue Shan reached out and tapped Yue Qi's forehead, and said with a light smile, "You don't really believe what some idiots in the academy say, do you? You think that good-looking men can make girls laugh."

Yue Qi blushed, and retorted: "Stop talking nonsense, how could I think so!"

With bright eyes and bright smiles, Zhiran said to the men, "Maybe only you men can do this."

Liu Junhao and Zhi Ran looked at each other, his expression was slightly careless, and he asked with a smile: "Do you also think that this girl who is [-] years old might be a brothel girl?"

Zhiran shrugged, and asked instead of answering: "I can't think of any other flower street in the imperial capital, and there happens to be a willow tree in front of the flower street, which is enough to explain it, isn't it?"

"Ah..." Xiyu covered her mouth and let out a soft cry.

She was introverted, her face was thin, and she blushed immediately, and said in a squeak, "Bo, Doctor, how could they do this!"

Zhiran was noncommittal, and said generously: "I think the doctor who proposed the question this time is very far-sighted and a person with great wisdom."

"How to say?" Except Liu Junhao's eyes flickered with a smile, as if he understood the meaning of Zhi Ran's words, the others asked curiously.

"It goes without saying that we are polite to the superiors. After all, the first rank of the official ranks crushes people to death. However, when have we paid attention to etiquette to ordinary people, let alone this kind of brothel girl? This time, I think the doctor and the others may It is to tell us that everyone has something to respect, and this woman must have her own story."

Ren Yongzhen looked pensive, and suddenly smiled and said: "I can't see it, you can realize this at a young age."

Zhiran smiled lightly, and said to Liu Junhao, "He can also think of it. In fact, this is not an overly profound question, but it's just a different standpoint! You grew up rich and well-clothed, but we are different. When we were young, Seeing all the faces of people, the most important thing is to know that the poor have no dignity, no matter how hard you live, it is the same."

Zhiran said it easily, but the atmosphere in the car still changed slightly.

It wasn't until the carriage arrived at the gate of Yan Qingfang that things got better. Zhiran jumped out of the carriage and saw Jianlin's daughter-in-law guarding the shop alone.

Immediately smiled and asked: "Auntie, you are alone!"

Jianlin's daughter-in-law immediately came out from behind the closet, and greeted her with a smile on her face. When she was about to tell Cao Jianlin whereabouts, she saw that Zhiran was behind many of her classmates.

(End of this chapter)

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