Chapter 102 Uncle Su, Eat More

While chatting in the box, Gu Le soon received a notification from the service brother of the fighting spirit field that his fighting spirit was about to start soon.

After putting on her mask and adjusting her clothes, Gu Le came to the Soul Fighting Stage.

Not long after coming to the stage, the opponent "Lone Ghost Wolf" also appeared.

The two eye holes exposed by the erha's hood, the feeling of staring straight on is really indescribably weird, because it seems that an erha is really staring at it.

Every inch of his gaze seems to be saying, are you ready for the 200 million decoration fee?
Although I don't know what the breed of dog Erha is called in the Douluo Continent, Erha's destructive power is equally famous regardless of the region or language.

"Bliss Baguette, level 34 food-type battle soul master, please give me your advice." Gu Le cupped his hands slightly and pulled down, holding a 1.2-meter-long Hormone Baguette in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuntao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. This action of pulling out his martial soul, as well as the familiar hormone baguette, can be confirmed, Gu Le is definitely a good brat.

I haven't seen him for a few years, and the brat is even taller than him.

However, his soul power was still a bit weaker than his own.

The corners of Su Yuntao's mouth curled up slightly, and he saluted back, "Lone Nether Wolf, a level 37 assault soul master, come to learn the best tricks."

"Crazy dog! Crazy dog!" The audience cheered. Seeing Su Yuntao's body became muscular and swollen after possessing his martial soul, and his body hair grew wildly, they couldn't help cheering loudly.

Gu Le: "..."

He stared, pointed at the audience around, and shouted to Su Yuntao: "Aren't you a wolf? Why are you called a dog?"

"You are the dog! Your whole family is a dog! I am a wolf!"

"Liar! Your headgear is a dog!"

"...It doesn't matter! Kid, give me a trick!"

Gu Le still had a lot of bad points to vomit, but Su Yuntao was so dark-eyed that he didn't want to listen any more, so he jumped forward and swung his wolf claws down.

Rogue stick method - a blow to the head!
Injecting soul power into the hormone stick, the stick suddenly became hard, as hard as a stone, and swung out with a whistling wind.

Su Yuntao didn't want to hurt Gu Le, so he didn't use all his strength to attack.

Although Gu Le didn't use his full strength, don't forget that since he transformed Night Rogue into a full-body soul bone suit, he can now have tons of strength at his fingertips.

The result can be imagined, Su Yuntao flew, rolled several times on the ground, almost fell off the stage.

Erha's headgear was tilted to the back of his head, which just covered Su Yuntao's own blank eyes.

Just now, what happened?
Ding!Su Yuntao, who originally had the heart of an elder and wanted to educate the host to keep a low profile, was beaten into a dazed look by the host, and you gained 6 sand sculpture points.

Gu Le approached quickly with Lingyun steps, raised his hand and slapped Su Yuntao's chest.

Su Yuntao was alert immediately, came back to his senses, rolled to the left, and dodged the swift palm.

He turned the hood back to the front, looked at Gu Le with gloomy eyes, and thought to himself: "What has this brat eaten these past few years? His strength is terrifying. No, you can't face him head-on."

The second soul skill, Nether Action!
Two yellow soul rings flashed on Su Yuntao's body for a moment, and the next moment he seemed to be transformed into a ghost, moving very fast, and the moment he approached Gu Le, a purple claw mark was drawn.

Gu Le took out another French stick with his right hand, blocked it behind him, and blocked the claw attack.


Baguettes shattered.

"Tsk." Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Su Yuntao spat, and quickly distanced himself from Gu Le.

Gu Le looked back, and looked at the other party with some surprise, his eyes were very strange.

It turned out to be you, Yun Tao!
Just now, taking advantage of the gap, he glanced at the prompt message, only then did he realize that his opponent turned out to be his "dear" Uncle Yuntao.

It is estimated that the other party also recognized him, so the first move was so light.

But the other party didn't say anything, and Gu Le also pretended not to know for the time being.

A few seconds later, Su Yuntao's second soul ring flashed again, and his whole body turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Gu Le again.

Gu Le swung the staff forward suddenly, and the black shadow that Su Yuntao turned into suddenly sank like an intangible black gas, and then twisted and circled around Gu Le like a mass of changeable gas. to behind.

Soon, when Su Yuntao launched an attack, he appeared again, his first soul ring flashed suddenly, and the raised wolf claw was attached with a layer of purple soul power to form an even bigger and sharper black claw.

The first soul skill, Lone Wolf Claw!

Just when the huge black claw was about to fall on Gu Le's back, Gu Le suddenly turned around at a rapid speed, easily grabbed Su Yuntao's wrist, and stopped his attack with pure force.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, they didn't expect the power of this Bliss stick to be so powerful.

They all had no doubt that Su Yuntao might be cheating, no one dared to cheat in the Great Soul Arena, otherwise he would be hunted down to death because of the contempt of those big families in the Soul Arena.

Therefore, because of this, everyone was deeply shocked by the power of ancient music.

Su Yuntao turned pale with fright, his wrist felt as if it was tightly imprisoned, and he couldn't move. The next moment, he unhesitatingly displayed his third soul skill, Nether Wolf Roar!
The purple color of the thousand-year soul ring shone out from his body. Su Yuntao under Erha's hood took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to shrink into wolf pupils, and suddenly sang loudly.

Su Yuntao's third soul ring is taken from the thousand-year-old soul beast Nether Wolf King, and the attached soul skill is a group attack, which can indiscriminately affect the spirits within a ten-meter radius around him through the deafening howl of wolves. Enduring painful mental torture, the closer you are to the source of the sound, the greater the impact.

Although their audience is far away from the range of the skill, they don't have to worry about being hurt by the soul skill, but the ugly wolf howl really made them unbearable, and they couldn't help but miss their ears.

Gu Le also finds it unpleasant, but it just feels that the ears have been violated, and there is no other special feeling.

Now Gu Le's physical fitness is comparable to that of a soul emperor, and his mental strength is far superior to that of ordinary soul saints. He can compete with Contra. This level of mental attack can't even break through his mental defense.

He took out a hormone stick with his left hand, then let go of Su Yuntao's wrist with his right hand, quickly took off Su Yuntao's hood, and pointed the left hand stick at the man with his mouth and eyes closed under the hood. One trick "EX Curry Stick"!
The steroid stick was forcefully stuffed into Su Yuntao's mouth, causing Su Yuntao's soul skill to be interrupted in an instant, and the whole person regained consciousness in an instant, and was forced to open his mouth wide in bewilderment.

"Come on, Uncle Su, eat more, eat more, you're welcome, you're welcome." Gu Le smiled and forced Su Yuntao to eat her hormone baguette.

Su Yuntao's eyes widened, "cough cough cough...hin hin hin (no way)..."

"Don't be polite, don't be polite, eat more."

Just like that, with tears in the corners of Su Yuntao's eyes, he was forced to eat a whole hormone baguette on the spot.

Su Yuntao knelt down on the spot, feeling his mouth was a little swollen, then bent his knees, covered his lower body with the erha headgear on the side, looked at Gu Le with resentment, and said through gritted teeth: "Gu! Le! You are like this To your Uncle Su!"

"This is an expression of love. Surprised or unexpected, do you remember the good times we used to spend together?"

"I miss you %...&¥%¥..."

Ding!It feels terrible to be hanged and beaten by juniors, Su Yuntao is resentful like a little daughter-in-law, you have gained 8 sand sculpture points.

Soon, Su Yuntao conceded defeat, and the headgear was taken off. Now that it's all over, he will definitely get ridiculed looks from countless colleagues the next day.

Su Yuntao looked gloomy, hooked Gu Le's neck, and rubbed Gu Le's hair vigorously to vent his anger, "You brat, you haven't changed for a few years, and you will play with Uncle Su whenever you get the chance! Lao Tzu has finally changed his position, and now he will be looked down upon again."

"Hehehe." Gu Le smirked a few times indifferently, and broke free from the other party's shackles with a light effort, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for many years, so I miss you so much, so I have a big surprise for you."

"I'd rather not have this surprise." Su Yuntao shook his head helplessly with a pair of dead fish eyes on his face, and after recollecting something wrong, he stared and shouted, "Could it be that you brat knew that your opponent was me a long time ago?" That's why you decided to do it!"

"Where, I just look at your headgear and I feel very kind, it looks exactly like you."

Su Yuntao: "..."

You just want to say that I look like a dog! ?

(End of this chapter)

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