Chapter 25 Millennium Lingzhi
It was the time when the sun was shining brightly, and the dazzling sunlight shone through the hole above Gu Le's head, like a beam of light from a flashlight, completely illuminating the narrow basement.

Gu Le was about to take action, but suddenly heard the sound of two objects falling, and immediately took a big step back, grabbed the mace and turned around to look at the two people who fell in front of him.

He saw a pair of twelve or thirteen-year-old boy and girl standing in front of him. The boy was plain-looking, but the girl was graceful, cute and handsome. It seemed that the two of them were dressed like no strangers.

But Gu Le knew that the two in front of him were the hero and heroine Murong Yan in the game story.

The two came here because the heroine Murong Yan wanted to find her long-lost sister. They followed the crazy beggar on the east street in the town center to learn some clues about Murong Yan's sister's past whereabouts, and tracked them all the way here.

"Who are you?" Gu Le pretended not to know, and asked vigilantly.

"I still want to ask who you are, brat." The young man said with his arms akimbo, and then reached out to grab Gu Le, but Gu Le slapped his hand off.

The young man's hand hurt from being slapped, he rubbed his red right hand, and took a few breaths, "How dare you beat someone."

"I think you want to plot against me." Gu Le sneered, then glanced at Murong Yan, and said, "Miss, are you with him?"

Murong Yan has a quirky temperament, delicate thoughts, and was not in a hurry to act. With the sunlight above her head, she could see Gu Le's appearance clearly in the dim world. She is small, cute and delicate, and she must not look older than her.

She took out a few candies from her bosom, shook Gu Le, and said with a smile: "little brother, sister is not a bad person, can you tell me how you found this place? Tell me honestly, she will give you sweets .”

Gu Le blinked, and looked at the other person with a look of foolish eyes, "Are you really fooling me like a child? If you want to exchange information, you can't even introduce yourself?"

Murong Yan was startled when she heard the words, puffed up her cheeks, and said angrily, "You child is too ignorant of good and bad."

"I, Xiao Yan, stand upright all my life, and I don't bother to argue with a woman like you." Gu Le said in a righteous voice, followed by a cold snort of disdain.

"You." Murong Yan was furious, but she thought in her heart that this child's name was Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan? Haha, then do you know how to turn a horse into a fighting spirit?" Hearing Gu Le's words, the boy was startled for a moment, then laughed, then raised his chin and said, "Master, my name is Ye Xiaokun. Came here to hunt for treasure."

It turns out that the protagonist of this world is named Ye Xiaokun.

In the game, the protagonist controlled by the player is a person who is reborn using the reincarnation system. He can be regarded as a time traveler, and it is normal to know some tricks on the earth.

"Same. When I happened to pass by the east street of the town center, I met a crazy beggar. I heard the news from him." Gu Le nodded, and then looked at the pouting Murong Yan.

Murong Yan reluctantly spat out three words: "Murong Yan."

"Xiao Yan, how long have you been here?" Ye Xiaokun asked curiously.

"Not long after I came down, you came here," Gu Le explained.

Ye Xiaokun laughed when he heard the words, "It seems that my treasure is not lost." He said, he took a step back unconsciously, but suddenly felt as if he stepped on something, looked down, and couldn't help shouting "Damn it!" "!"
"Dead!" Ye Xiaokun screamed and jumped up, feeling a little creepy.

It was also the first time for Murong Yan to see a dead person, and she shrank towards Ye Xiaokun in fear, "Ah, why is there a human skeleton here?"

Gu Le is quite courageous. He used to work as a helper in the biology laboratory when he was in college. He has seen a lot of corpses soaked in formalin on this skeleton shelf, but he is not afraid. He walked up to the skeleton in a few steps. Looking at him, he found only a gold bracelet.

The word "Murong" was written on it, Gu Le looked at Murong Yan, and said with a sly smile: "Miss sister, the bracelet on this corpse's hand is engraved with the word Murong, so it could be the bones of your relatives."

Hearing this, Murong Yan's eyes turned red immediately, she couldn't help sobbing, and cried, "Don't talk nonsense, woo, sister..."

Ye Xiaokun slowed down. After all, he was set in the game as a time traveler, and his mind was relatively mature. He snatched the gold bracelet from Gu Le, put it in Murong Yan's hand, glared at Gu Le, and then He comforted: "Miss Murong, don't be sad, I don't think the pelvis of this skeleton skeleton looks like a woman, so it shouldn't be your sister's corpse..."

"So my sister might still be alive." Murong Yan chose to believe in hope, and looked at Ye Xiaokun with wide eyes, although she had some doubts about Ye Xiaokun's words.

"Tsk." Seeing that she hadn't deceived the other party, Gu Le couldn't help but twitched her lips slightly. This action made Murong Yan even more sure that Gu Le was playing tricks on her.

"Stinky brat, how can you lie to people!" Murong Yan scolded angrily.

"Look at you so cute, let me tease you." Gu Le winked at her, then walked around the bones with a smile, and came to the three altars placed in front of the bones.

Murong Yan snorted coquettishly, thinking: This brat is still molesting other girls at such a young age, he must not be a good person.

On the three altars were placed a giant knife, a copy of the remnants of the exercises, and a ganoderma lucidum. The goal of the ancient music was the latter two.

Ye Xiaokun and Murong Yan followed closely, turned around the altars, and saw a few large characters written on each altar.

The knife is called Dragon Slaying Knife, but for some reason, the paint on this knife still peels off, and the dragon is carved like a dog.

The remnant is the remnant of the Jiuyin Divine Art, and the Ganoderma lucidum is the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

Seeing Ye Xiaokun's tempting gaze, Gu Le pursed his lips. It seemed that he could only act first. He hesitated for a second between the remnant and the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. Considering Murong Yan's strength, he briefly weighed the pros and cons. After that, Gu Le stood on the side of the thousand-year-old ganoderma, and said to Ye Xiaokun, "I want this thousand-year-old ganoderma, and you can choose the others."

"Oh oh oh, then I want this magic book. Murong, how about you?" Ye Xiaokun also chose, and then looked at Murong Yan.

Murong Yan smiled and said: "Hehe, this knife looks fake at first glance, I don't want it, my Murong family's family-inherited skills are no worse than this Jiuyin Divine Art, besides, this Jiuyin Divine Art is incomplete, and it is not the beginning of the article. The remnants are even more useless, the same is true for the thousand-year-old ganoderma, I have eaten a lot of ganoderma before, and I have long been resistant to the medicine, so eating it will be useless."

"Ah, that's it." Ye Xiaokun was a little dumbfounded, and said in his heart that she really deserves to be the eldest lady of an aristocratic family, and she is extraordinary in knowledge, food and clothing.

Then he looked bitterly at the incomplete copy of the Nine Yin Divine Art in his hand, and sighed: "Why is it a remnant copy?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaokun picked up the fragmented copy from the altar.

Seeing this, Gu Le was startled, picked up the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, stared and shouted: "You are stupid, didn't you notice that there is a mechanism on the altar? If you take anything, it will trigger the mechanism!"

Boom boom boom...

The earth and stones around the basement are loosening and falling apart.

Being scolded by a child, Ye Xiaokun felt a little aggrieved.

Ding!You have harvested Ye Xiaokun's sand sculpture value +29.
Hearing the sound, Gu Le's eyes lit up, it seems that traveling to another world can also grab the wool of the key person in another world.

But right now is not the time to think about this, Gu Le jumped on Ye Xiaokun's body in a few steps, hanging like a koala, and said: "What are you doing in a daze, get out quickly."

"You!" Ye Xiaokun stared.

"Qinggong is not good." Gu Le looked like a rascal.

Ye Xiaokun was speechless, shook his head, and then, together with Murong Yan, performed lightness kung fu, stepped on the rock wall, and flew all the way out of the cave entrance.

After they came out, the three of them looked a little disgraced and embarrassed.

"Hey, exciting." Gu Le jumped off Ye Xiaokun, then patted Ye Xiaokun's chest, and said with a smile, "Little brother has good physical strength."

Ye Xiaokun smiled angrily, "You kid can make sarcastic remarks, right?"

"How can this be sarcastic, it's a compliment to you." Gu Le blinked, rolled his eyes, then took out a torn book from his arms and stuffed it into Ye Xiaokun's arms, leaving without looking back, while shaking He waved his hand, "This cheat book is a gift of thanks, we will meet again in Shanshui, see you next time."

"Hey!" Seeing Gu Le running away, Ye Xiaokun's face twitched, and he muttered, "I'm not good at lightness kung fu, how can I still run so fast? It's really possible."

"It's a strange child, I don't know which family it is." Murong Yan looked at the thin back, shook her head, and laughed a little.

Seeing Gu Le's appearance clearly, she was only about seven years old. At this age, she didn't feel embarrassed to argue with him anymore.

Ye Xiaokun looked down at the "cheat book" that Gu Le had just stuffed in, looked at the cover, and took a deep breath. On the cover of the erotic picture, there were four large characters "Secret Art in the Room".

"Ah! Hooligan!" Seeing the book cover, Murong Yan blushed and slapped Ye Xiaokun's face with embarrassment and anger.

Ding!The pot came from the sky, Ye Xiaokun was innocently lying on the gun, the scene was extremely sand sculpture, you got 55 sand sculpture points.

After Gu Le received this news, he couldn't help but smile.

After returning to the center of Ping'an Town, Gu Le went to shopkeeper Tong of Yuelai Inn and paid a piece of silver to stay.

After taking a comfortable bath, Gu Le took out the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum brought out from the underground stone room, smelled the fungus fragrance from the Ganoderma lucidum, swallowed his saliva, and tore up the big Ganoderma lucidum like he would kill his father and enemy. Bite into pieces and swallow them whole without chewing.

As soon as the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum entered the stomach, Gu Le felt a surge of heat rising from the stomach, and it couldn't help being controlled, like the body spreading around.

It is impossible for Gu Le to let the power of the medicine dissipate like this, sit cross-legged in meditation, run the "Tuna Method", quench part of the power of the medicine, and integrate part of the power of the medicine into the soul power to expand the cultivation base of the soul power...

When Gu Le opened his eyes again, he found that he had unknowingly returned to the Heaven Dou Palace in Douluo Dalu, sitting cross-legged on his bed.

Seeing the bed still the same, it seemed that the one-day trip to another world was just a vast illusion or dream, but Gu Le knew that this was not the case.

His body hadn't finished digesting it, but it was gradually calming down. The thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum contained in Gu Le's body was still emitting heat. The temperature seemed to tell Gu Le that he was not dreaming.

Gu Le looked down at his hands, felt the strength of the soul power in his body, and couldn't help showing a joyful smile: "Soul power, it's level [-]."

From the twelfth level to the fifteenth level, the span of three consecutive levels was completed in just one night!

If it wasn't for the time limit, Gu Le should be able to step into the seventeenth level after absorbing the rest of the medicinal power.

Gu Le changed into clean clothes, and came out of the room a little uneasy.

God knows what is the time ratio of my time and space travel. If I stay in the world of Heroes for one day, it will be a few days, months and years here, so what should I do?
Even in one day, Gu Feng and Tian Cui's couple would probably be scared to death.

Fortunately, after Gu Le walked out of the room, he ran into Tian Cui who was about to enter his room.

Tian Cui touched Gu Le's head, and said with a smile: "It's good to wake up so early, so that Mother won't have to call you again, get ready, Mother will send you out of the palace to report."

 Please collect and recommend~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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