The Journey of the Sand Sculpture Spirit Master

Chapter 28 Meeting "Xueqinghe" for the First Time

Chapter 28 Meeting "Xueqinghe" for the First Time

In the evening, Gu Le, who put on an elegant evening gown, came to Prince Xue Xing's villa in Tiandou City with the dark-faced Ke brothers. This is where tonight's party will be held.

As a relative of the emperor, Prince Xue Xing often acts as a domineering figure in the imperial capital by virtue of this relationship, and he can be regarded as the number one celebrity in Tiandou City.

Of course, this Prince Xue Xing is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very smart. He did this mainly to show his elder brother. He was a good candidate for the king, and after Xue Ye ascended the throne, he even heard the voice of "Xue Xing should be the emperor".

After Xue Xing heard this rumor back then, his temperament suddenly changed drastically. He became arrogant and rude in dealing with people and things. Only when facing Emperor Xue Ye would he become docile.At the beginning, he wanted to use this performance to hint to Emperor Xue Ye that he had no intention of taking the throne.

Emperor Xue Ye was naturally very satisfied, so under the bottom line of not infringing on the national interests, he turned a blind eye and let Prince Xue Xing do "nonsense".

Also, later on, Prince Xue Xing had a very good relationship with Emperor Xue Ye's "least capable" fourth prince, Xue Beng, his nephew.

When Gu Le first arrived at the party, he felt that there was a dazzling array of beautiful things here, resplendent and magnificent, and there were young nobles with handsome men and beautiful women everywhere. The biggest visual inspection, he had already started talking with the opposite sex. The youngest Gai was four or five years old. Running around.

"Come on, Xiao Le, I'll take you to meet some people. If you get familiar with each other, it will be easier to deal with them in the future." As soon as they entered the venue, the two brothers, who were still dark-faced just now, suddenly glowed, and their eyes were fixed on the budding audience with excited and fiery eyes. Delicate girls who want to let go.

Gu Le scratched his head, helplessly being taken away by the two brothers, and met many people. Finally, the two brothers took him to a boy who was about eleven or twelve years old.

I saw the young man hugging left and right, smiling unrestrainedly and smirking, tasting the crystal clear fruit presented to him by the graceful girl in his arms.

"The Ke brothers have seen His Royal Highness." The Ke brothers held Gu Le's back and bent down to salute. The "Your Highness" also made Gu Le understand who the person in front of him was.

"Ah, hello everyone, eat and drink well, play casually, let go, haha..." Xue Beng heard the words, agreed perfunctorily, waved his hands casually, and drove a few people away.

Seeing this, the Ke brothers felt a little helpless, and took Gu Le away from the sight of Xue Beng who was "focusing on having fun".

After turning around, everyone basically knew each other. The Ke brothers, who were greeting everyone everywhere, each had a glass of red wine and waited for a while. Some beautiful girls with exquisite attire came over one after another. The handsome and lovely Gu Le lingered on him and asked about Gu Le one after another.

Gu Le was about to answer, but heard the Ke brothers say that he is their cousin.

Gu Le's eyes flickered, knowing that the two brothers had given him enough face. In this way, even if his parents were commoners, they were still related to nobles.

Although the Ke brothers worked hard, they lost much interest when they learned that Gu Le was born as a commoner, and he was not a celebrity anyway, so they turned their attention to the gentle and elegant Ke brothers.

Those who are still interested in ancient music are at most just playing with it.

Seeing the brothers of the Ke family who were busy among the flowers, Gu Le smiled slightly when he received Ke Nan's secret "Come on" gesture to him, and left in cooperation.

Gu Le swears that he has always been a firm man who guards his body like jade and is as immovable as a mountain. He never takes the initiative to touch girls, and he sneers at and dismisses all the temptations of Yingyingyanyan.

Therefore, being surrounded by mountains at this moment, the raging waves in front of him is really not his fault.

To be honest, it was these girls who moved the mountains first.

"Yeah, brother Xiao Le is so cute, how old is he?" the daughter of a certain earl pinched Gu Le's serious face and asked with a charming smile.

The peaks and ridges are gathered together, and Mount Tai is pressing down on the top. Gu Le said that he has endured such unbearable pressure at such a young age...

Sometimes cute and sometimes cool, always cute and always cool.

It seems that this life looks better, which is really not a bad thing.

While Gu Le dealt with this group of girls who "see sex and rebellion" freely, he secretly looked at Xue Beng not far away, thinking in his heart, how to fuck him... squeeze him.

Xue Beng's strength is very low, and now he is 11 years old, but he doesn't even have a ring. Since he was awakened at the age of six, the growth rate of his soul power can be said to be two levels in six years, slow to a tortoise.

The second elder brother died for no reason, and the third elder brother also recently contracted a strange disease for no reason, and his spirit power was always not running smoothly, and his body was getting thinner day by day.

All kinds of bad people around him were like warnings to him, and the alert Xue Beng learned to hide himself under his uncle's reminder.

Although I'm not sure who the perpetrator is, but in order to silently destroy the two imperial princes, there must be more than one person, and the relationship with him must be extremely close.

Xue Beng's worries are only known to him. He seems to be living carelessly and unrestrainedly every day, but in fact he is just venting his inner panic. There is a knife hanging over his head at any time. He has to be careful. Walking on the single-plank bridge, if you take a wrong step, you will fall into the water with a knife.

"Fourth brother, I didn't expect you to be here." Just as Xue Beng was chatting lewdly with the two beauties beside him with a wicked smile on his face, two figures whose appearance and hair color were very similar to his came out from the corner of the corridor, one of them The pale-faced young man walked towards him, and yelled at him in a low voice.

Seeing the person coming, Xue Beng immediately stood up from his seat in surprise, and the charming and charming noble girls around him also fled away in panic, leaving Xue Beng alone: ​​"Big... big brother, third brother."

It was the First Prince Xue Qinghe and His Highness the Third Prince who came here. Seeing them, everyone in the audience stopped what they were doing, and looked cautiously or obsessively at the two candidates for the Crown Prince. Send it to one of them.

Gu Le's gaze locked on Xue Qinghe for a moment, and he saw that this sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was handsome and tall, nearly 1.8 meters tall, and he looked even taller when he stepped on slightly high-heeled boots, but such a noble man , A person with an outstanding figure actually makes people feel no pressure, but can vaguely find a sense of intimacy and softness from the other person.

This is a passive effect brought about by the Seraphim spirit, which will make people unconsciously feel that kind of unnecessary gentleness, like bathing in the holy light, and unknowingly, they can't help but fall into the other party's temperament , will become inexplicably trusting each other.

Gu Le quickly looked back. This little girl is too powerful, and she has a deep scheming mind. She doesn't have as many methods as the other party, and she doesn't have much capital to save her life. It's better not to get in touch with the other party too much.

The fourth prince, Xue Beng, seemed to be being reprimanded by the third prince, and Xue Beng was surprisingly docile. Although his face looked impatient, his body never moved a single bit.

At this ordinary party, the only three princes of the empire appeared at once. This was something that everyone never expected. For a while, everyone had different thoughts and wanted to take this opportunity to get close to him. The three princes... oh, except for Xue Beng's two princes, maybe if they get favored, they will be able to make a fortune?

The pressure around Gu Le suddenly eased, and the girls who had been around Gu Le smiled and said goodbye, and went to the two princes.

Gu Le didn't feel anything about this. Although the human massage chair is comfortable, you still have to enjoy it in moderation.

Turn around, pick up the knife and fork, and prepare to eat some meals and snacks at the table, and drink some juice along the way.

Reaching out for a fruit plate, she saw a slender white hand placed on the fruit plate at the same time. Gu Le looked up and saw a pair of smart and soft eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, little brother, it just so happens." Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and retreated his hand like a gentleman.

Gu Le's eyes flickered slightly, and he moved the plate towards the other party, "How can a little man dare to grab food from His Royal Highness the First Prince? Besides, the First Prince is older than me, and I can't even grab it."

"You are a pariah, you deserve to grab food with dogs, and you dare not take anything from the eldest prince." A very angry noble boy sneered at Gu Le, secretly looking at Xue Qinghe.

Gu Le shook his head with a naive look on his face, "This lord is wrong, why did he say it, you can't compete with dogs for food."

Xue Qinghe: "..."

Ding!Qian Renxue, who felt that she was shot while lying down, felt a little aggrieved, and you got 17 sand sculpture points.

"Hehe, little brat, go home and eat your milk, this is not the place your child should come." The noble boy smiled instead of anger, talking more and more vigorously, completely unresponsive to the changes in the situation, and walking beside him His partner had covered his face and sneered.

"Uncle, what you said is right." Gu Le blinked.

Hearing this, the noble boy's expression froze, and he was about to get angry, grabbed Gu Le's clothes and taught him a lesson, when he heard Xue Qinghe on the side say coldly: "Send him out."

The aristocratic young man was secretly happy. It seemed that His Highness the First Prince was moved by him, and this started to help him.

However, before he was happy, two soldiers in the castle put their hands on his shoulders.

With a dazed look on his face, he was dragged out of the court before he could react.

If there is one, there are two, Xue Qinghe found an excuse that he wanted to be alone, and after letting the men and women around him leave, he looked at Gu Le with a bewildered face, his eyes were thoughtful, and the corners of his mouth Slightly raised, with a gentle face: "Sorry little brother, I have wronged you just now."

"Wronged?" Gu Le blinked his eyes, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Did someone bully me just now? Why didn't I know, but the First Prince, how did you send that uncle out just now?"

Xue Qinghe shook his head with a smile, and moved the only fruit plate on the table back to Gu Le, "This is yours." He still couldn't help pinching Gu Le's fair and tender face. After a while, he blinked playfully and left.

Gu Le twitched the corners of her mouth, unmoved, picked up the knife and fork to eat the fruit, but thought in her heart: "I'm afraid this little girl is difficult to deal with."

After eating the fruit, Gu Le rubbed his stomach, which was just three points full, and got up to go to the bathroom. Passing through the corridor, he happened to meet a person who was bored and looked up at Xue Beng. This melon has just been reprimanded, and now he must be full depressed.

Seeing Gu Le walking towards him, and then walking past him without saying a word, Xue Beng frowned slightly, and looked back at Gu Le, "Hey, boy, don't you need to salute when you see this prince?"

Hearing this, Gu Le paused for a second.

For some reason, after seeing this scene, Xue Beng suddenly felt his heart tense, as if the other party would rush over and beat him up at any moment, but then he thought, no, he is the prince, who would dare to beat him up?

Just when he was thinking wildly, Gu Le turned around and saluted him with a smile, "Does His Royal Highness need a salute from Xiaomin? Then... hello, Your Highness Fourth Prince, goodbye, Your Highness Fourth Prince. "

Xue Beng was slightly stunned, looking at this smiling face, he was dumbfounded for a while, not knowing what to say, and soon saw the back of the other party turning into the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

 Please collect, tickets or something~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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