Chapter 32
This open space was bigger than the circle of the playground. After ten laps, the two teammates who had not exercised well were about to collapse, while Gu Le was breathing steadily and looked normal except for a little sweat on his forehead.

Gu Le coldly reported the next exercise method, which is a set of weird movements. At first glance, it looks weird and simple, but in fact, only when you complete a movement requirement carefully and accurately, you will find that this is not a kind of exercise at all. torture!
This is the training method that belongs to the fighting method of "Tuna Fa". The exercises, acupoints, light work, etc., are naturally impossible to pass on lightly in ancient music, but if you want a quick and harmless exercise method, then The health exercises recorded in this method of fighting are the first choice.

babble babble...

The bones were groaning, the muscles were screaming, and every movement made the young girl almost collapse, but seeing the small figure in front of him persisting indifferently, they used their soul power and gritted their teeth to persevere.

Unfortunately, after persisting for less than 5 minutes, the two fainted to the ground one after another.

"Oh, it's too weak." Gu Le shook his head and sighed. It's so difficult for a teammate in this passer-by role to help him up.

When the two woke up again, except for the two baguettes that were still warm, Gu Le was gone.

The baguette is Gu Le's martial spirit, and the two of them immediately realized that it was Gu Le's gift for them to recover their bodies.

The baguette is big, but the taste is good. After eating the 1.2-meter-long baguette, the two still feel a little unsatisfied, because after eating this one, a wonderful heat surged out of the body, filling the soul. At the same time, they relieved their aches and pains, as if they had received a comfortable full-body massage.

"Gu Le's soul skills are so strong." Yui sighed.


Hearing the promise of the faint mosquito voice from the people around him, Yui looked over, and suddenly saw the blushing scene, punched Xiaoduo down in embarrassment, knocked Xiaoduo to the ground, and ran away as if fleeing.

Xiaoduo was left alone in the quiet night under the cool breeze, curled up with an unnaturally arched body, covered his hot red face with his hands, and murmured: "It's really strong..."

In this way, in the next month or so, under the "after-school education" of ancient music full of evil tastes, Hatano and Yui grew up rapidly. Squeezing, directly broke through the gate of the next level.

At the same time, the bodies and fighting skills of the two have also improved by leaps and bounds. At least they are no longer like before, when they were hit by Gu Le, they fell to the ground and killed everyone.

Of course, they are both in pain and happiness. The boy Bodo inevitably eats Gu Le's hormone baguette every day, forces Shi Geng, and feels the increasingly indifferent eyes of his female companion, and he can't help but secretly burst into tears.

Although the bad taste of ancient music gave them some headaches, the two of them couldn't raise a trace of anger or hatred towards ancient music, which was twice their age. Instead, they had a bit of respect and admiration in it.

Gu Le has to complete their double amount of training every day, and the set of health exercises that they can't do every day, but Gu Le does it all every day, and has to repeat it several times.

The opponent's strong physical fitness and exquisite fighting skills did not come in vain, they were obtained through their own hard work.

People who work hard and achieve something are always respected and admired, and Hatta and Ye Yui are naturally and inevitably moved by ancient music.

The reason why Gu Le dared to overtrain himself so presumptuously was entirely dependent on the inexhaustible medicinal power of the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum in his body. It is naturally best to absorb the medicinal power as soon as possible, otherwise they will escape out of the body meaninglessly at any time. It's a huge loss.

During this month, Gu Le also often looked for Liu Erlong, and asked her to invite students from the Advanced Soul Master Academy to practice a few duels with him.

The practice with the great soul masters made Gu Le understand one thing, that is, if the opponent does not use the martial soul, he can use martial arts and fighting skills to beat the opponent to shit. It's hard to say.

When Liu Erlong was watching from the sidelines, he was naturally surprised to find that the martial arts and fighting skills displayed by Gu Le were quite powerful, and could already be classified as self-created soul skills.

With his own self-created soul skills at a young age, Liu Erlong's evaluation of Gu Le is naturally higher, and he fully understands the reason why Master Yu Xiaogang accepts Gu Le as his apprentice. ah!
Gu Le has grown rapidly during this period of stability and regularity. Although there is no particularly great improvement in soul power, there has been a qualitative leap in overall quality.

Soon, one month was up, and information was released for the soul combat assessment within each grade.

Because it is a quiz, it is not formal, and there is no need to assign a first and second place, each team only needs to play one game.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

Under Gu Le's suggestion, all three of them collected intelligence about their opponents in various ways.Gu Le and their opponents are Gong Minsuke's three-person group. There is a thirteenth-level assault system soul master who is a beast warrior, a twelfth-level agility attack system soul master who is good at leg skills, and a tenth-level soul master. A second-level four-leaf clover auxiliary system soul master.

Among them, the most important thing to pay attention to is the combat soul master of the sensitive attack department. The martial soul is a light spirit boot. After the martial soul is activated, the body will become extremely light and agile, the movement is extremely fast, and the jumping ability is superhuman. Above the height above the ground, his leg skills are very strong. Gu Le once saw him break a tree trunk with thick arms.

In terms of speed, even if Gu Le used cloud steps, he might be inferior to the opponent who is proficient in speed.

The opponent's lineup is good. At first glance, they also seem to be stronger than Gule's side, but Bodo and Yui are not panicked at all.

If you have ever seen a food-type weapon soul master who is stronger than an assault-type soul master, I am afraid you are not worried about what will happen to the support in your team.

On the day of the Soul Fight assessment, Gu Le came to the scene very early, and watched his team play from the first round.

This is also to keep an eye out for the opponents that may be encountered next. Gu Le has inherited some of the qualities of the master, that is, rigor and strategy. Since the force is not strong enough to overwhelm the crowd, then don't be superior to others in terms of brainpower.

After five or six team battles, Gu Le didn't see anything particularly outstanding, but there were one or two outstanding ones.

One is the son of an imperial minister who has been in the limelight since entering school this year. His martial soul is a cheetah, with strong explosive power and extremely fast speed, and he takes the route of agility and attack.

The other one is a female, also from the battle soul master, Wuhun Xuehu, who is in the control department. The first soul skill is charm, which kills both men and women. For adolescent girls with unstable minds, this move is very powerful .

Gu Le hadn't seen the other excellent soul masters for a while.

What I have to say is that the agility attack system really takes advantage in three-person team battles.

Because of the small number of people, it is basically difficult for the support to be well protected. Once the speed of the agility attack opponent is too fast to defend, the support will be the first to rush to the street, and the next situation will suddenly turn to one side.

Finally, it was Gu Le's turn to play, and the opponents also stood on stage.

After the two sides reported their homes to each other politely, they were ready to fight.

Under the order of the referee teacher, Gu Le saw that the opponent had already moved first.

The attacking soul master on the opposite side uttered a tiger roar, the tiger martial spirit possessed him, his muscles swelled, the academy uniform was directly torn, and the strips of muscles were clearly visible.

At the moment when the fierce tiger soul master completed his possession and attracted attention, a black shadow suddenly approached Gu Le.

Gu Le was indifferent, a glazed cover that showed a dreamy luster in the sun shrouded Gu Le, and a clear sole print stopped in front of Gu Le.

"Huh!" Xiao Duo swung his double-edged battle-axe with both hands and slashed at the light-spirit boots soul master. The latter leaped nimbly, stepped on the glass cover, jumped up, and somersaulted to dodge the blow of the battle-axe.

At this moment, a wind blade swept over the soul master of the light spirit boots who was still in the air, and directly cut a [-]-[-] cm big gash on his calf.

"Woo!" The light spirit boots soul master unexpectedly fell to the ground with splashes of blood.

"I don't know when you are fighting, is it the most taboo to bounce around? If you move too much, the time you stay in the air is also your time to be beaten." Xiao Duo showed a playful smile on his honest face.

As a person who has experienced the lessons of blood, Xiao Duo has also suffered such a loss, and now it is finally his turn to talk about others.

Hearing this, Yui who just issued the wind blade couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, "Please, if you want to say this, I should say it, okay?"

"Idiot, the battle isn't over yet, why are you so proud?" Gu Le's faint voice sounded out of nowhere, making the two of them tremble in fright, and looking straight ahead, they saw the four-leaf clover soul master who hadn't moved all this time move.

"Four leaves call, grow!" The four-leaf clover soul master girl holds a four-leaf clover that emits green light in her hand, and the soft green light wraps around the soul master of the light boots, and a large wave pours into the opponent's broken body open wound.

But in an instant, most of the wounds of the soul master of the light spirit boots healed. Although it still slightly affected his movements, he was no longer completely unable to move.

Seeing this, Xiao Duo and Yui cheered up, Xiao Duo swung his battle ax forward, and the tiger soul master on the opposite side threw a tiger's palm into the white blade, firmly pressed down Xiao Duo's battle ax and chopped down.

Wind blade!

Yui, who was guarding Gu Yue behind Xiaoduo, supported the glass cover, and at the same time, soundlessly and invisiblely issued a wind blade.

If the soul master of the light boots had a sense, he immediately rushed to the girl of the four-leaf clover soul master, and the wind blade directly cut through the clothes on his back, drawing a long bloodstain.

Regarding this, Gu Le and their opponents looked very ugly, and the soul master of Qingling Boots gritted his teeth and said: "The girl opposite, are you really a defense system soul master!?"

Yui's delicate face was full of pride, she straightened her chest and said, "That's right!"

The three people on the opposite side: "..."

Have you ever seen that defense system soul master's first soul skill is attack type?

The power of the tiger!

A circle of yellow halo surged under the tiger soul master's feet, and he let out a fierce tiger roar, the dark red soul power in his whole body became brighter, and his power increased by [-]%, and he actually bounced off the battle ax that Xiao Duo had pressed down , a tiger paw grabbed Xiaoduo.


When the tiger soul master slashed the tiger claws, he felt as if he was walking on an iron plate. The sound of the claws scratching made his teeth sour. In the end, the powerful tiger claws only scratched the opponent's clothes, leaving four thin and shallow lines. the wound.

The three people on the opposite side were stunned again, staring at their three strange opponents.

The first soul skill of a defense-type soul master is attack, and the first soul skill of an attack-type soul master is defense. You two are sure you didn't disagree! ?

 Ask for collection, lots of tickets~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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