320 Manager of the Four Divine Beasts

god king...

The silence of the gods was an unprecedented situation, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

It's like a Fortune [-] company suddenly broke into a new employee who "brought money into the team" one day. He only knew that the other party was outstanding, but he didn't know the other party's character, so he couldn't be forcibly dismissed. , Which position should this employee be stuffed into?

If assigned to the team of the first-level gods, due to their outstanding abilities, the five supreme gods are worried that the team will be messed up by this guy of unknown origin.

If he is assigned to the board of directors (God Realm Committee) and becomes one of the directors, then he is equivalent to suddenly possessing huge power. Without knowing the bottom line, if the other party is a villain, wouldn't the whole company have to mess up?
But among these two options, the five supreme gods must choose one of the two, and there is no such option as "don't accept the other party and let him leave".

If such a powerful god-king is allowed to be in the God Realm, God knows if the other party will come up with another regime!
After some seconds-like weighing, the five supreme gods came to a consistent conclusion through the communication of spiritual consciousness.

Let Gu Le join the God Realm Committee!

Because at least in this way, they can still keep the other party by their side and watch. If the other party does something wrong, they can run out and hold down this "guy who may spray shit everywhere at any time", and then... Wipe him butt.

Thinking of this, the faces of the five supreme gods all turned dark.

"Damn! Where did this guy come from!?" Facing Gu Le, who can easily resolve his ability to destroy the God of Nirvana, Destruction is very depressed, and he can't help shouting on the five gods group's spiritual consciousness channel stand up.

"I have to ask you guys." The evil snorted and said in a bad tone.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of the evil god king, the three gods of law enforcement thumped in their hearts, and quickly admitted their mistakes.

"However, we have been continuously monitoring the multi-dimensional world for many years, day and night, how can we not even discover such a powerful god?" After admitting his mistake, Life raised his own doubts.

Hearing this, the two gods of law enforcement, Shura and Destroyer, also frowned secretly at the same time.

Yes, with the strength of the other party, they are definitely more dazzling than the sun in his plane and planet. Even if compared with each other, their three law enforcement gods are infinitely close to the first-level gods of the god king realm. How could it be possible that Gu Yue, who was not yet a god at that time, could not be discovered.

Destruction said in a deep voice: "Could it be from another universe?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shura immediately vetoed the idea of ​​destruction, "There is absolutely no such possibility."

Facing the eyes of destruction and questioning, Shura looked at the ten rings of halo wrapped around Gu Le, and explained on the Wushen Kaihei channel: "Because in the area I am in charge of, there is a planet called Douluo Star." , that planet's cultivation system is exactly the same as Unbounded Breath, but it's much more terrifying."

Hearing Shura's explanation, Destroyer stopped making a sound.

At this moment, the kind god king who had never spoken on the black channel spoke up, and she said: "I know the Douluo star that Shura mentioned, it is also a very ancient planet, maybe it is the creation Lord Shishen accidentally left something special there during the creation of the world, and Wujie just got it, and mastered a method that can even block our spiritual consciousness, so it avoided the eyes and ears of all our gods, right? .”

What the Kind God King said made the most sense, and the other four gods also accepted his remarks.

"It's Shura's ineffective supervision. Shura is willing to be punished... In the future, the supervision will be strengthened." Shura is an old and straightforward person. At this moment, he thought of his guilt for the first time.

Hearing Shura's words, the kind-hearted God King couldn't help laughing, and said in his spiritual consciousness: "No need to do this, this time... well, then the character assessment of the Unbounded God will be handed over to You are responsible, it is best to carry out in secret."

Hearing this, Shura breathed a sigh of relief, and accepted the order seriously, "Yes, Shura complies."

Back to reality, the communication between the five supreme gods just now seemed to be long, but in reality it was only a moment.

Gu Le turned the black hole to the empty side, reversed the black hole into a white hole, and spit out the God of Nirvana that he had just absorbed on the wall of the palace.

Looking at the five supreme gods whose expression was slightly tense, Gu Le smiled slightly, "Just kidding, why bother to use knives and guns."

Seeing that the armguard on the opponent's lowered hand disappeared, Destruction relaxed his heart, but his face was still tough, and he said gloomyly: "This is not funny at all." Saying so, he also took back his Destruction Scepter in vivo.

At this time, the God of Kindness in a white robe stood up. She took off her hood, revealing a celestial face that astonished the heavens. Her quiet smile was full of compassion and holiness, and her eyes were like clear and calm lake water.She came to Gu Le with gentle steps, and said at the same time: "We are compatriots in the God Realm, why should we be obsessed with common etiquette?"

The merciful and merciful Bodhisattva statue of the kind god made Gu Le see a little shadow of Qian Renxue, but Gu Le knew that it was only on the surface, not a person's nature.

For gods like the God of Goodness and the God of Angels, their avenues are just that they contain these holy elements, and the gods who master these gods are just inheriting the "favor" of them.

Such "grace" will more or less affect the disposition of the god owner, but it will not change a person's nature, just like Destruction and Shura, although they are all violent and dark gods, but their essence In fact, they are an upright little wolf dog and an honest and loyal dog.

Hearing the words of the God of Kindness, Gu Le nodded in agreement, then looked at Destruction, and asked seriously: "What the Kindness God King said is reasonable, Do you understand Destruction?"


If I give you a step down, you will really face up, right?

Ruining was so angry that he was shaking all over, his soles were cold, and he wished he could fight Gu Le with all his strength on the spot.

Although I can't beat it.

Facing the eyes of destruction, Gu Le turned a blind eye to it, and looked at the red-haired beauty walking in front of him with great interest.

Just listen to the God of Kindness say: "The performance of the God of Unbounded just now has fully demonstrated your talent. Naturally, such strength cannot be buried and should be paid attention to. On behalf of the God Realm Committee, I extend an invitation to you, welcome to join the God of Unbounded us."

"God Realm Committee?" Gu Le pretended not to know.

The goddess of life explained from the side: "The so-called God Realm Committee is the highest authority that rules the God Realm and manages the gods and myriad realms."

"Oh, the neighborhood committee." Gu Le understood.

"...That's right." Hearing these words, the five gods suddenly felt that their status and godheads had plummeted for some reason.

Afterwards, Gu Le looked at the more than 100 light curtains suspended on both sides of the political hall, counted them in his mind, and then sighed: "Oh, there are only one hundred and eight worlds, how come there are ten thousand worlds. "

Gods: "..."

Godhead -1000.
"How many gods are there in our God Realm, now?"

"...There should be more than two thousand gods in total"

"Hiss - isn't there more students in my academy than this god?!" Gu Le gasped.

Gu Le's words once again invisibly hit the pain point of the God Realm, and the hearts of the five supreme gods couldn't help but twitch.

Looking at the gods whose expressions were slowly turning black, Gu Le sighed, and reluctantly said: "Well, it seems that the God Realm is extremely short of outstanding talents like me, so let me join you and help you grow stronger." team."

The reluctant face of the Unbounded God made the gods feel uncomfortable, and they felt that the next days in the God Realm might be turbulent for a while.


"A new God has come to the God Realm", "The New God is the God King", "The New God has joined the God Realm Committee" and so on. These news spread in the God Realm almost quickly, and it didn't take a day. Kung fu, after all, everyone communicates remotely with their spiritual sense, one pass ten, ten pass hundreds, and the population is not large, so naturally everyone knows it quickly, even the local gods and beasts are the same.

The gods talked a lot, some gods were uneasy, and some gods were curious and looking forward to it. They all wanted to know what changes would happen in the God Realm, after all, this meant a change in the pattern.

You know, there were originally five supreme gods, among which there were two god kings and three gods of law enforcement. Goodness and evil were the supreme god kings in power, and they directly managed the three gods of law enforcement. Tie.

The three gods of law enforcement gods cover almost all the gods in the entire God Realm. Only a few gods did not join these gods either because their strength was not weak, or because the gods were out of place. They just played their own. .

Now there is a powerful new god joining the God Realm Committee, and it is said that his strength is still the God King, but is he on the same level as the God King, or is he on the same position as the three law enforcement gods?

The gods speculated that it was the latter, but they were worried about this, because if it was the latter, would it cause dissatisfaction with the new god king? This conflict may directly shake the foundation of the ruling system of the God Realm.

Even if the new god king is not dissatisfied and is willing to be on the same position as the three law enforcement gods, then this situation will still be turbulent.

If the new god king is the god of law enforcement, and his strength is too strong compared to other law enforcement gods, then this may cause some gods to jump from the original three gods to the new god king. , or the gods who did not join the god system also joined the sect because of the strength of the new god king.

The job-hopping behavior of other gods will inevitably lead to conflicts between the law enforcement god and the new god king, which will inevitably fall into an endless cycle of conflicts between the supreme gods.

Some gods are worried about these bad possibilities, and some gods are self-motivated and don't care about those power disputes. They just want to know what kind of person the new god king is, what kind of power will be in charge of the gods, and if he joins his gods, will the benefits be good? Well...these are more self-interested things.

However, to the surprise of all the gods, the new god king Wujiezhi made such a decision in the God Realm Committee the next day.

"It is said that the gods and beasts in the forest of the gods have always been governed by no gods, and sometimes they often conflict with humans and gods." Gu Le patted his chest, with an obligatory look, "Leave them to me to manage."

The five supreme gods in the political hall were startled when they heard the words, they never thought that Gu Le would make such a proposal.

Gu Le's proposal was actually what they wanted to hear the most, but they were also afraid that Gu Le would not accept this proposal, so no one considered it at first.

After all, the majestic king of gods must be the top and strongest in the world, so he has become a god and let him be an animal caretaker?Generally speaking, gods feel very aggrieved when they think about it. The most fearful thing is that because of this, Gu Le will cause a "disturbance in the gods' world". The God Realm is in danger.

Therefore, the original idea of ​​the Five Gods was that everyone split up a little bit of power to form a new management branch, and then let Gu Le take power.

But now...

The five gods silently suppressed the plan that was prepared all night. You see, this is the decision made by the King of Unbounded God himself. They didn't force it, everything was voluntary.

"Cough, of course you can. The relationship between gods and beasts and humans and gods has always been a problem of frequent conflicts. I'm afraid there will be more grievances and it will become more and more difficult to manage. It's very good that you are willing to intervene in this matter at this time." The kind god Wang also decides to leave this mess to Gu Le, who accepts it voluntarily.

The evil god king nodded in agreement, while the other three law enforcement gods remained silent, and their three views followed the facial features of the two god kings.

Since then, Gu Le has become the manager of the Divine Beast Forest, which is not yet called the Forbidden Land.After the meeting, Gu Le rushed to his post just like the village head appointed by the government who couldn't wait to get on the job.

He came to the sky above the beast forest, and all the beasts living here raised their heads blankly.

Gu Le looked down at them, with a smile on his face, his body trembled slightly, and five beams of light came out of his body and landed into form.

One is a boy with a rabbit mask, the other is a blue hairy man who is as big as a hill and exudes cold air all over his body, the other is a woman covered in black with disheveled hair and a strange breath, the other is a beautiful red-haired woman wearing a green apron, and the other It is a giant cobra with a pattern of red and white patterns.

They exude an aura that is neither human nor divine. As souls, the energy fluctuations they emit are more similar to the fluctuations of beast souls.

Gu Le landed slowly, put a thick long French stick that he took out from nowhere on his right shoulder, and said to the beasts who had gradually shown their fierce looks with a smile: "Hello everyone, I will be your factory from now on." It's long."

(End of this chapter)

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