330 seven real masters

The purple evil spirit and the golden holy light clashed for seven consecutive rounds, and the two separated due to a burst of divine power.

God Rakshasa is holding a sickle, and the purple pupils under the purple eye shadow are imprinted with the appearance of an angel god, as if he wants to cut off that annoying face at any time.

Angel God lightly waved a sword energy, and easily forced out the erosive aura deliberately mixed in by the opponent during the battle. She squinted her eyes and sneered, as if she had seen through the opponent for a long time.

This confrontation ended in a draw between the two gods.

"It seems that you are very favored by Wujie. How much capital did you pay to get the strength you have now?" Luosha stared blankly and smiled strangely, the teasing and sarcasm in his words was not obvious.

If it were the Angel God who used to be, she would have been furious at this moment to defend her reputation, but she is different now.

Unexpectedly, the angel god sneered, with playful eyes, and said with a smile: "At least I followed someone, and you followed a beast. Little girl, you have been played to death by then." Bar?"

God of Seven Elements, God of Destruction: "..."

All the gods looked at the angel god who had become the God of War in Zaun in astonishment, and took a deep breath.

What happened to the angel god who is as holy as a white lotus in Wujie's hands for two years! ?
Rakshasa God was stunned for a while, his pretty face turned purple and black, and he wanted to use words to provoke the other party, but he didn't expect that he would be so angry that the divine power in his body would be agitated.

"My mouth has become very powerful, I really like you more and more!" Rakshasa smiled grimly and waved the scythe again, mobilizing the Rakshasa power in his body to chop a dark purple light blade, cutting hundreds of meters obliquely, cutting the air Go straight to the angel god with the earth.

Faced with this move, Angel God did not dodge, because behind her were the Seven Element Gods and Destruction Gods who needed assistance, and she could not dodge.

Since the beginning of the attack, the angel god has already attracted the power of the real fire of the sun, and she is covered with golden light and surrounded by golden flames to protect her body. More power of the sun's real fire, compressed and condensed to the zero point where even the blade began to tremble, suddenly broke out and slashed.

Angel light cut!

The hundreds of meters long vertical golden slash was struck, the air was cut out of the vacuum zone, and the earth was torn apart.

The moment the two slashes collided, the winner was decided. The purple light blade and the golden light slash broke at the same time, but the golden light slash still won.

"Pfft!" Rakshasa spit out a mouthful of blood, took two steps back with a pale face, and looked at Angel God in shock, "How can you be so powerful?"

"Better than you." Angel God felt the great loss of divine power in his body, but he still had a calm expression on his face, supporting his weak body.

"That's impossible!" Rakshasa didn't believe it. Her divine power and godhead were undoubtedly at the level of the main god, and it was the limit of the main god level. There was no reason to lose to the angel god who was weaker than her in both aspects.

But the reality is that she lost, but for her to admit that she is not as good as the "Mother Birdman", it would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Give it up, your dragon god will never be a match for Lord Wujie." The sword point pointed directly at Rakshasa God's fragile white neck, and the angel god said seriously, "If you don't believe me, look at the battlefield behind you, Who exactly is winning?"

God Rakshasa subconsciously used her consciousness to scan the main battlefield. There was chaos there, but amidst the dead bodies and gunpowder smoke, she could still see clearly the Dragon God Army who was walking towards the abyss step by step, and her breathing began to become chaotic.

"Give up, Rakshasa." Destruction glanced at Rakshasa, and sighed in his heart. When Rakshasa ascended to the God Realm, he had already taken a fancy to Rakshasa's potential. He has great ambitions, and directly defected to the dragon god's camp in pursuit of power.

Seeing the other party in such a situation, Ruin only felt a burst of embarrassment.

God Rakshasa stared at the angel and the gods behind him, and finally slowly let go of the hand covering the wound on her chest. She straightened her back slowly, looked at them expressionlessly, and said, "You guys Do you know why I chose to join Dragon God at that time?"

Hearing this, the Angel God became vigilant in her heart, and she tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword a little bit. She answered in confusion, "Why?"

"Because..." The moment Rakshasa replied, his eyes were suddenly covered by dark green ink, he opened his dark white teeth and smiled, and said in a charming voice, "My real master ordered me."

Just when the gods were shocked by what the other party said, a voice that pierced flesh and blood sounded.

tick... tick...

Angel God's resolute eyes fluctuated, she slowly lowered her head, and saw the purple magic sickle piercing her body and devouring her vitality.

God Rakshasa kicked the Angel God away with one foot, then smeared a drop of golden blood from the tip of the knife and put it into her mouth to taste. She licked her mouth and said, "How could I lose so easily?" Here it is for you, people, I lied to you."

As she spoke, she put her hand on her bloody heart, and under the witness of the gods, it slowly healed.

No!It's not so much healing as it is going back in time, it's going back in time!

The blood that had splashed out from her wound flowed back into her body, and the broken flesh recovered.

"So that's why you are Zola's minion." Angel God barely sealed the wound with divine power, stood up with the sword on his back, his pretty face was pale.

"Yeah, my master's power is very powerful, it's much stronger than God of Time's comprehension of time." Rakshasa God turned the magic sickle in his hand, and a little dark green light gathered on the tip of the blade. Lightly thumped on the air.

The next moment, the God of the Seven Elements, who was repairing the gap in the God Realm, was horrified to find that the filled gap began to disintegrate again. To be precise, the repaired place was regressing back to when it was not repaired.

"You're crazy! If the gap in the God Realm isn't closed, all life in the God Realm will die!" Destruction yelled!
"Hahahaha—destroy, destroy, I'm just helping you do what your god should do." Rakshasa winked at him charmingly, and smiled like a maniac.

At this time, the angel god moved again, and his divine power suddenly exploded. His body swelled to more than two meters and turned into a sun angel transformed by the real fire of the sun, summoning several angel fire dragons to attack Rakshasa.

Rakshasa smiled deeply and turned into several black lights to avoid some of the fire dragons, but in the end he was bitten by a fire dragon, and then was overtaken, surrounded, and bitten by other dragons of the real fire of the sun.

Bang! !

The fire dragon exploded, submerging Rakshasa God in the flames.

"Cough——" Angel God coughed up dirty blood continuously, just now he was pierced through the body by the Rakshasa scythe, causing the Rakshasa divine power that can devour the power of life to directly invade the body and penetrate deep into the bone marrow, and he can't stop fighting now, I'm afraid it will be very difficult It's hard to get a chance to clear it out of the body again.

"Hahaha—" hoarse laughter sounded.

After the flames dissipated, a scorched, mutilated, and deformed body fell outside the space crack. At this time, the Rakshasa God no longer had the charming voice just now, but the voice that was filled with sand and lead water was like a magic voice piercing through his ears. "I didn't expect this move, it's amazing..."

"Temporarily fused the real fire of the sun with the divine body, and turned it into a complete sun angel, which instantly burst out with power comparable to that of a god king. Now, even the power bestowed on me by my master is hard to save." Luo Sha Shen Sen smiled, and his body was once again shrouded in dark green fluorescence.

The scorched skin slowly returned, the lost limbs, and the bent and deformed body recovered... Finally, the Rakshasa stood up again, but it was not completely recovered.

Rakshasa's divine attire was broken, and her delicate and beautiful appearance no longer existed. She was covered by fresh burnt skin, and her hair was burned into tangled grass. She looked more like an evil spirit from the abyss.

"It hurts." Rakshasa was still smiling, but the tears kept flowing, mixed with skin oil and blood, the actual pain was enough to tear her heart.

After all, it was burnt by the power of the real fire of the sun. The original real fire was the first ray of flames that existed since the beginning of the world. Even the Supreme God King can be burned to death.

At this moment, the Rakshasa God is in the same situation as the Angel God. Both sides have been corroded by their respective powers, and both are facing the threat of death.

Rakshasa panted heavily, feeling that the water in her body was being evaporated by the power of the real fire of the sun. Her skin was no longer as simple as being burned, but as if the land had lost moisture and was drying up, becoming fragile. Unbearable, she felt that her body would be carbonized in a short time, and it would shatter when touched.

"Evil God! Hurry up and save me!" Of course Rakshasa didn't want to die, so she used divine power to transmit sound and shouted.

This action made the hearts of the gods tense, and the angel god no longer rested and panted, and swung his big sword, intending to cut through the mess quickly, and quickly cut off this evildoer.

Rakshasa blocked several rounds in a row, and used the divine power in her body cautiously, not daring to be careless at all. If she didn't keep a large part of the divine power to protect her body, she was afraid that the power of the sun's real fire in her body would take advantage of it and cremate her in one fell swoop. her.

Just when Rakshasa was about to be unable to hold on, a gray streamer came to Rakshasa's side in a flash, and knocked the angel god back with one claw.

This made Angel God's injury a little bit worse, and he stuck his sword on the spot for a long time without moving.

The evil god yelled at Rakshasa: "Why are you arguing, you stinky woman, do you know that I'm busy too!?"

While yelling and cursing, he gritted his teeth and tore off the messy hair that consciously wrapped around his body, and burned them to death with the flame transformed by divine power.

When he calmed down a bit, he discovered the predicament of Rakshasa God. He looked at Rakshasa God who had completely turned into a devil with a look of surprise. He only glanced at the surrounding environment and roughly guessed the situation, " Hey, it seems that you have used the strength that the lord lent you, it seems that the injury is quite serious, and even the strength of the lord can't completely heal it."

"If you have time to make sarcastic remarks, why don't you save me quickly." Rakshasa stared at the evil god.

The evil god laughed a few times, and under the eyes of the gods, he activated that power again.

I saw that the dark green energy released by the evil god was even more powerful, directly and completely enveloping the whole body of the Rakshasa God, and the backflow recovery speed of the Rakshasa God's body was countless times faster than when she used her own ability.

In the end, the Rakshasa God with soft white hair and delicate face appeared in front of the gods again intact.


A strange low growl suddenly resounded through the quiet surroundings. This sound directly caused the evil god to hold back his hand in horror. Seeing the crack in the space behind him, he burrowed into it by himself.

"Hey! Save people to the end!" Rakshasa felt that there was still a ray of the sun's real fire in her body that hadn't cleared out. Although that point could be suppressed by divine power, it was always a hidden danger. She couldn't help but cursed for running away in a hurry A sentence from the evil god.

Seeing this opportunity, the God of Angels, who had been resting all this time, had his eyes lit up, and immediately launched the magical skill "Angel, Judgment" and slashed at God Rakshasa.

"Fuck you angel god, how many times have you tried to target my mother's beauty!" Rakshasa had been prepared for a long time, but he couldn't completely guard against it, and the pretty face was burned by the real fire of the sun again, and it was directly destroyed Most of his face was blown away by Angel God's explosive blow.

Before Rakshasa could stop and stabilize his body, he felt his body being sucked in by the space crack behind him.

"Hmph." Naturally, Angel God couldn't let the other party go, so he forced himself to chase after his injuries, and flew into the space crack.

"Uh——" The second after the three gods left, another space crack opened, and a "reptilian woman" that horrified even the seven elemental gods walked out.

"Cthulhu, where's the person?" After Kayako crawled out, seeing that the opponent was not there, he immediately put away his frightened expression, stood up from the ground, swept the ashes on his knees, and cleared the ashes like expectoration. voice, asked lightly in a brisk voice.

The gods were silent and very sure that this was the unbounded one.

Ruin was ashamed, and pointed to the crack in space that had been drilled by many gods, "Run from there."

"Oh." Gayako nodded, then silently walked back towards the main battlefield.

Seeing this, the gods opened their mouths, and there was something they wanted to spit out.

In the end, the angry Vulcan couldn't help but asked, "Hey! Don't you want to chase after him?"

Hearing the words, Jiaye turned around calmly, and explained in a serious and confident manner: "Xiao Le and I... have a contract, we can't go far."

 I will work harder, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will finish the grand finale.

(End of this chapter)

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