Chapter 49 Horcrux
Wanting to stop making any troubles, Gu Le immediately rushed back to the courtyard where her parents lived, passing a small path, but happened to meet Xueqinghe coming out of the intersection in front.

"Gu Le, we met again, what a coincidence." Xue Qinghe didn't expect to meet Gu Le, and walked towards Gu Le with some surprise.

At this time, Xue Qinghe was accompanied by a delicate and lively young girl, this young girl was Xue Ke, the beloved daughter of Emperor Xue Ye, the princess of the Heaven Dou Empire.Behind the two of them were a few more beautiful maidservants who were respectful to the two of them. They kept their heads down and looked at the young man that His Highness the First Prince knew from the corner of their eyes.

Seeing this, Gu Le was slightly taken aback, thinking to himself, "Why are these fat sheep delivered to the door one by one today? It's really... great!"

"I have met His Royal Highness the First Prince, I have seen Your Highness the Princess." Gu Le made a slight bow, and the proper etiquette is still necessary.

"Why are you walking around the palace by yourself, people who are not in the palace can't just wander around in the palace." Xue Qinghe said a little seriously.

Hearing this, Gu Le threw the pot away immediately, and rubbed her head with a silly smile, "I was staying at my parents' residence, but I happened to meet His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, so he pulled me out to play, but he followed me, four His Royal Highness disappeared, so I was thinking about going back, but unexpectedly, I ran into His Royal Highness here."

"So that's it, my fourth brother is really worrying." Xue Qinghe sighed helplessly, rubbing his brows.

Xue Ke on the side also pouted in disgust when she heard the words, "Fourth brother and whatnot, the most disappointing and the most annoying."

"Hey, Xue Ke, your fourth brother is still your fourth brother no matter what you say, you must respect your elder brother." Xue Qinghe held Xue Ke's jade hand and persuaded him earnestly.

Regarding this, not only did Xue Ke not agree with his words in her heart, but she felt more and more disdainful towards Xue Beng, curled her lips, and her face was full of reluctance.

Gu Le has a panoramic view of the interaction between the siblings, and he deeply admires the acting skills of the fake prince in front of him.

Xue Qinghe judged the situation, and accepted it when he saw it was good. After the daily blackout, Xue Beng immediately changed the topic, looked at Gu Le, and said with a smile: "Gu Le, I remember, your parents are Xue Beng's personal chef, right?"

"Yes." Gu Le nodded.

"You are very nice, I appreciate you very much. You finally came to the palace, and I also want to do my best for the landlord, why don't you let me take you around. After all, if there is no palace person to lead the way in this palace , it’s not very convenient for you to move, so I can take you back later.” Xue Qinghe smiled slightly.

Gu Le blinked, "So, thank you so much for His Highness' invitation. I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

"Haha, it's easy to say." Xue Qinghe patted Gu Le's thin shoulders, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

Seemingly an ordinary pat on the shoulder, Xue Qinghe actually just wanted to feel the soul power in Gu Le's body at a close distance. After all, at the Soul Fight Meeting not long ago, she always felt that Gu Le still hid a large part of her strength, and felt that Gu Le still had a lot of strength. There is a lot of spare energy, I am afraid that the level of soul power is not as simple as level [-].

But she didn't expect that her invisible probing, a little prying that she sent out would be like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace in an instant, and then didn't receive any feedback, which is really strange.

This ancient music is really not as simple as it seems on the surface.Xue Qinghe secretly thought.

Under the leadership of Xue Qinghe, Gu Le didn't feel that he had gone to many places, because they all passed by the door and walked away immediately. He could only hear Xue Qinghe say that this is a certain place, and he generally understood that this place is not where he can go.

After walking around for half a circle, it was time for Xue Ke to learn etiquette, so she took her leave first, while Gu Le was brought to his bedroom by Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe invited Gu Le to his book hall for a continuation, and Gu Le acted a little flattered, after all, it was His Royal Highness the First Prince who personally made and poured tea for him.

"Xiao Le, can I call you that?" Xue Qinghe said while moving the teacup filled with tea to Gu Le.

"As the eldest prince likes." Gu Le quickly took it and replied.

"What do you think of the world today?" Xue Qinghe asked calmly.

Upon hearing this, Gu Le shook his head again and again, "Your Highness, you are really asking me too much. I am still young, and I have never had any understanding of this world."

"Hehe." Xue Qinghe smiled without saying a word, his pretty eyes narrowed slightly, in her opinion, Gu Le is not only secretive, but also very smart, but his age and appearance are very deceiving.

Therefore, she was not satisfied with Gu Le's answer, and knew that it was definitely not the real answer in Gu Le's heart.

Of course, she wouldn't expose Gu Le, after all, she didn't have evidence, so it was obvious that she, the eldest prince, was making trouble for no reason, so she changed the subject, "You must have met Sect Master Ning, right? He is my teacher."

"Yes, Uncle Ning is very nice, but I feel that he likes me very much, which makes me feel... a little dangerous." Gu Le nodded repeatedly, secretly wondering what Qian Renxue was thinking.

Xue Qinghe: "..."

Ding!As Ning Fengzhi's superficial disciple, Qian Renxue felt like a black line, and you got 13 sand sculpture points.

For a while you asked me to answer, Gu Le felt a little mentally exhausted, talking to these conspirators was really boring, there was something in the words, and the routine was deep.

I don't know if Xue Qinghe got the information she wanted, after chatting for a while, she smiled and took Gu Le around her palace, and then sent someone to send Gu Le back.

Looking at the thin and small figure who left, Xue Qinghe's kind face relaxed, showing a trace of fatigue, rubbing the center of his brows, a little sad, "Why do you feel so tired talking to this child? But sometimes it feels like... I'm being played by him."

This feels... so tiring.

The next day, Gu Le left the palace and returned to the outside of the palace. Only then did he feel as if he had lost his shackles and returned to nature.

According to some people, Gu Le's state at this time is like a Erha who has lost his restraint. No one knows what he will do in the next second.

Unexpectedly, Gu Le honestly returned to his home in Tiandou City, locked the doors and windows, drew the curtains, let go of his spiritual thoughts and explored for a while, and after further confirmation of safety, he started the sky-stealing weapon that he hadn't done for a long time "Steal the sky".

Sand sculpture value: 1772
Rage value:
Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudo: 30%
Zhang Chulan: 40%
Uzumaki Naruto: 60%
"I hope I can produce a good product, don't cheat anymore, I can't stand it." Gu Le thought to himself.

With a swipe of his hand in the void, a void and black hole appeared beside him. Gu Le's fingertips danced a few times in the air, took a deep breath, and then stretched his hand in.

Ding!Stealing the sky failed!

Ding!Stealing the sky failed!

Ding!Stealing success!Congratulations, you have obtained the plane of "Detective Conan", a personal mobile phone of Edogawa Conan (Kudo Shinichi).

Ding!The mobile phone that stored Xiaolan's secret photos and identity secrets was stolen. Conan Edogawa felt cold and felt that his life had lost its color. You got 35 sand sculpture points.

Ding!Edogawa Conan's anger towards you increases to 45%.

Hearing this information, Gu Le took a sneaky pause. He took out the Nissan flip phone he just got, opened it, and found that the phone had no password and was fully charged. He casually checked the original owner of the phone. information recorded.

Obviously, this is the mobile phone that Gu Le pretended to be Shinichi. There is also a text message on it that will be deleted in the future, exchanging with Dr. Ali, and Conan's true identity is faintly revealed on it.

Gu Le exited the mailbox, opened the gallery again, and found some landscape photos in it, as well as a sleeping face of a soft and beautiful girl.

"Well, it must be Xiaolan. Looking at this spiky hairstyle, it must be her." Gu Le's focus is always so different. He didn't care about the girl's slight hint of spring, but observed with interest. They picked up each other's special hairstyle.

After closing the phone, Gu Le continued to steal the sky.

No network, no charger, this phone is almost useless in another world.

Ding!Stealing failed x8!

Ding!Stealing success!Congratulations, you have obtained the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes from the plane of the "Harry Potter series".

Strip part of Voldemort's soul from the Horcrux!Transformed into spiritual power...

Ding!Successful conversion!

Ding!Due to the mismatch between the host's physical body and the strength of the mental power, the excess mental power has been sealed up, and it will be moderately liberated as the host's physical body improves.

Ding!You also get permanent BUFF - Parseltongue and black magic talent proficiency.

You also get a negative BUFF, a mark from Voldemort, and Voldemort will be able to lock your existence.

Ding!Voldemort, who was not fully recovered, suddenly felt the collapse of one of the horcruxes, and was incapacitated and furious, showing a sand sculpture, and you gained 36 sand sculpture points.

Ding!Having your important things stolen, Voldemort hates you to the extreme, and his anger value has reached 100%.

Ding!You are about to be teleported, please be prepared.

Ding!Detect the low strength of the host, passively enable the only safe transmission, and you will be transported to a safe place away from Voldemort on the "Harry Potter" plane.

Gu Le was dazed when he heard the news, sweating slightly on his forehead, and while waiting to be teleported by the open square void gate, he murmured: "This time, I really stole from an incredible person."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yue had been completely swallowed by the portal.

 Please collect tickets or something~~~~ This is really important~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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