Chapter 51 Diagon Alley

"Le, do you know? I'm going to be eleven years old in a few days!" One day, Gu Le was shaken awake from the bed by Ron, and he looked at Ron with half-dimmed eyes in a daze.

It's a good thing that Gu Le didn't wake up, otherwise, he would have punched the cute Zhengtai face in front of him.

The other party's words reminded Gu Le of something. He yawned and smiled at Ron, "Congratulations, 11-year-old Ron, who is about to be admitted to Hogwarts."

"Thank you, Le, I think you will also receive the admission letter." Ron happily shook Gu Le's shoulders and said, "In this way, we can live together in the same school again, which is great gone."

"And if we can be assigned to the same department, it will be even more perfect!"

Seeing the young boy in front of him immersed in his illusion, and listening to what the other party said, Gu Le scratched his face, smiled, and did not respond.

His body is only seven and a half years old now, and it is still a question of whether he can receive the admission letter from Hogwarts.

But the age issue, Gu Le lied that he was 11 years old, and he was a month older than Ron.

There is no way, if you want to get close to more plane key persons in this world, entering Hogwarts is the key.

However, Gu Le was very lucky and got his wish and received the admission notice from the owl, which was sent along with Ron's admission notice.

Nowadays, it is impossible for the wizarding world to let go, or even miss any child with magical talent, no matter what his origin is, it is impossible.

Decades ago, before Moran disappeared, Moran patients were wizards who failed to guide their magic power to express normally. The damage they caused to the entire human society was frightening and extremely difficult to control.

After finally controlling the silent onset, there is a relatively peaceful wizarding society like today. The management of the major magic schools and the wizarding world must shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding this hard-won peace. Do a good job of searching among the folk to find children with wizarding talents.

No matter what the child's origin is, try to accept him and guide him.

Therefore, since Arthur discovered that there is a hidden "magic power" in Gu Le's body, it means that Gu Le's wizard talent has been awakened. No matter how old Gu Le is now, the information entered is 11 years old anyway. right boot.

Looking at the words written on the admission notice, Gu Le didn't think it was too hard to read. After all, he was a person who had passed CET-[-] in college English, and now his memory was superb, and he could still remember the past vividly.

It probably means that Headmaster Albus Dumbledore welcomes Gule to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a first year student.

There are two more children in the family who are leaving home to go to school. Molly was both happy and emotional. She touched the heads of Ron and Gu Le, kissed both of them lightly on the forehead, and said, "Congratulations to you children, oh By the way, speaking of it, if you want to enter school, you must prepare well."

Molly seemed to remember something, she clapped her hands suddenly, and then shouted to those upstairs: "Children, we have to go shopping in Diagon Alley, if you want to go, hurry down and start Bar!"

Hearing this, Fred, George, and Percy immediately poked their heads out from the fences on each floor, shouting strangely: "Ah! I'm going!"

"Recently, the joke store released a new style. I don't have enough money. Can George and I work together?"

"Of course no problem, bro."

The two brothers, Fred and George, punched each other and came to a consensus.

"I hope I can find something new and interesting." Percy walked down the stairs, still looking staid and boring.

Gu Le and Ron looked at each other, shrugged, and followed behind Molly. Molly quickly changed her clothes, put on her somewhat old-fashioned and patched shawl, and then took it off the counter. A small jar filled with green powder.

Naturally, Ginny would follow. No matter how old or young women are, shopping is to them what games are to men. She sneaked close to Gu Le and whispered to Gu Le: "Congratulations, Le, you can Went to Hogwarts to go to school."

"We will be in the same school next year. I will wait for you at the school first, haha." Gu Le noticed a trace of envy and disappointment in Ginny's eyes, and knew that the child felt that she would be lonely if she was left alone in the family soon. , and she herself is yearning for life in the academy, so he replied with a smile like this.

"Be sure to wait for me." Ginny clenched her pink fist, a little happy.

Ginny, a little loli, has red hair and brown hair, and is very cute. To Gu Le, she is an excellent object who can be recognized as a younger sister.

Of course, the key point is that Ginny is very obedient, especially unfunny, and it is very easy to satisfy Gu Le's potential evil taste.

"Le, this is Floo powder. Come on, kid, grab a handful first." Mo Li came to Gu Le with a small jar, and asked Gu Le to grab a handful of the green powder inside.

In Weasley's somewhat dark home, Gu Le could still see that the powder in his hand was shining with the faint light.

"Can you use it?" Seeing Gu Le's curious expression, Molly asked worriedly, then pulled Ron over and said, "Come on, Ron, you should demonstrate it to Le first."

"Okay." Ron nodded, grabbed a handful of floo powder, went into the dusty fireplace, cleared his throat, and then threw the floo powder to the ground, saying, "Diagon Alley (Diagon Alley)!"

As soon as the shake was over, the weird green flame burned Ron to ashes, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye... He had been teleported to Diagon Alley.

Mo Li then supported Gu Le's shoulders and said, "Floo powder is as simple as that. When you grab the powder, you can just say the name of the place you want to go, but you must say clearly."

Spoken ancient music: "..."

Always feel a little bad.

Gu Le was a little timid and didn't dare to go up, God knows where he would be teleported, right?
The Weasley twins and Percy were the last to come down the stairs, but they also flooed away earlier than Gule.

Ginny followed closely behind, and before leaving, she gave Gu Le a cheering gesture before using the Floo powder.

Mo Li patted Gu Le on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, just take it as a bold attempt. If you can't pronounce the words clearly, you may be teleported to the vicinity of the relevant place name at most. It may be a little embarrassing, but we will definitely Find yours."

"Huh... well, let me try." Gu Le smiled stiffly, went into the fireplace, sprinkled the Floo powder in his hand, and said in his mouth, "Diagon Alley!"

I only saw a burst of dark green flames suddenly spread all over my field of vision, my eyes went black, and I felt that all objects around me could not be touched for a moment, and I lost my center of gravity.But soon all these wonderful feelings disappeared, and the next moment, he found himself in a strange fireplace.

"Oh, congratulations on your success, Le." Ron smiled and reached out to welcome Gu Le out.

Gu Le was taken aback, took Ron's hand, walked out from inside, and said with a relaxed smile: "It seems that my spoken English is not that bad, haha."

"Where is this?" Gu Le couldn't help asking, looking at the noisy people around and the strange environment.

Fred on the side replied: "This is the Leaky Cauldron, this is the entrance to Diagon Alley, oh my god, new toys! I can't wait!"

George put his arms around Fred's shoulders, and said with a smirk, "We must do something big when we go back to the academy, haha."

Percy's indifferent face.JPG.

Ginny approached Gu Le, pinched his sleeve, and smiled innocently.

After a while, Molly also arrived. She swept the dust off her body in a dusty look, and complained angrily to the steward of the Broken Axe Bar: "Your broken bar should be cleaned up, it's messed with me." covered in ashes."

Hearing this, the manager of the Broken Ax Bar shrugged and jokingly said, "Then you'd better find a way to make yourself richer, and change the transmission method, Mrs. Weasley."

"The face of an ugly capitalist is the same regardless of wizards and Muggles." Gu Le complained to Ron.

When Ron heard it, he looked at Gu Le in surprise: "Le, have you ever been to Muggle society?"

"Of course, I stayed there for a long time." Gu Le smiled slightly, and then said, "To be honest, some of the things they make are much more interesting than the products made by mages."

"Really? There are puppet toys?" Hearing this, Fred and George asked excitedly with their eyes widened.

"Yes, speaking of which, I happened to bring one with me." Gu Le took out a water gun out of thin air, and there was still enough "ammunition" in it, which would definitely make people prolapse.

"This is a gun? This is a Muggle weapon, a gun! How did you conjure it!?" Fred shouted in shock.

Gu Le waved his hand, "Muggle tricks, you have practiced a lot, and you can do it fast. This is not a real gun, it's just an ordinary toy water gun. The principle is very simple. Fill it with water and shoot it out ,that's all."

Gu Le shot at the mouse brought by Fred, and a cloudy yellow liquid was shot into its mouth precisely.

Ding!Pettigrew Pettigrew suffered a catastrophe and looked dazed, you got 19 Sand Sculpture Points.

 The next thing that will appear is a key prop, Gu Le's wand. You can guess how sand sculpture Gu Le's wand is.funny.

(End of this chapter)

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