The Journey of the Sand Sculpture Spirit Master

Chapter 61 Ancient Music: Appeared!Huangdou 7 Sand Sculpture!

Chapter 61 Ancient Music: Appeared!Huang Dou Qi Sand Sculpture!

"Huh? Breaking through so quickly, who is so lucky?" Meng Shenji couldn't help asking in doubt.

The corner of the old dean's mouth twitched, "It's that kid Gu Le."

"Oh, it's him." Meng Shenji suddenly realized, and then looked down.

"That's enough! You've turned your back!" The old dean immediately yelled angrily after feeling the strange gaze from his old friend.

Meng Shenji laughed dryly and waved his hand, this topic is over.


After Gu Le broke through, he consolidated his true qi a little bit, and continued to practice with the momentum until he felt the hunger from an empty stomach like sea water.

He quit meditation, intending to get something to eat first.

Satisfying one's appetite is the first priority. Although cultivation is also very important, it can only be ranked second.

Walking out of the mimetic practice area in the kitchen, Gu Le saw that some students had already come out to gather and line up before him.

After seeing Gu Le coming out, the old dean called Gu Le to come and gather quickly. He was the last one, and then said: "From now on, you can come to practice every day until your usage days expire. Okay, now let's go Let's experience the cafeteria of the senior academy."

The canteen of Tiandou Royal Advanced Academy is very large, and the dishes inside are also high-end, all of which are high-grade soul beast ingredients and high-grade vegetables. Of course, the price of each dish is so expensive.

Fortunately, Mengshenji paid for it today, so Gu Le and the others can eat freely.

Then... Dream God Machine fell silent.

Gu Le's kid can really eat. Such a young and small man can actually eat ten servings, which is the amount of an adult.

It's not a big deal, it's fine if you can eat it, Gu Le is really rude, and only picks the most expensive and the best food, Meng Shenji can't help feeling sorry for his pocket.

"Children, you can eat as you please. It doesn't matter if you choose the most expensive one. You, Teacher Meng, will pay the bill." The old dean made up his mind, making the eyes of all the students who were still hesitating and wanted to maintain their aristocratic reserve brighten up.

The old dean has already said so,'re welcome!
Meng Shenji's heart was bleeding.

Gu Le took a bite of the crab soul beast meat transported from Linhai City, dipped in the sauce and sipped a large piece of meat, with a satisfied face, and said: "It's really fragrant, it tastes like money."

Meng Shenji took another arrow to his wounded heart.

Of course, if you love money, you love money. Meng Shenji himself can sit on the education committee, and the money is only a lot. No matter how they can eat ancient music, and no matter how expensive the food is, it will only last a week, so they can afford it!
While eating, a pleasant voice fell into Gu Le's ears, "Tianheng, come, eat some of this, it's delicious..."

At first he didn't pay much attention, guessing that some young couple was having an affair, but then he heard someone say: "Hey, I said Yanzi, can you always show your affection with the boss in front of us, this light... tsk tsk, it's dazzling. "

"Hey, I think you're just jealous. If you're a virgin, you can find a girl?" The third voice also said.

"Little Leopard, you are also a virgin yourself, what are you so proud of?"

"Hehe, I look better than you, I just don't want to find a random girl, I'm not as horny as you."

The owners of the two voices were bickering with each other, and the posture should be able to fight.

Just when I thought things would go on so naturally, I heard a clear and calm male voice: "Okay, you two, you like bickering every time, now let's eat first, and during training, you two can fight as much as you like." All with you."

"Oh...we got it wrong, Teacher Qin Ming." After hearing the man's words, the masters of the two young voices suddenly lost their momentum and admitted their mistake angrily.

Hearing the name "Qin Ming", Gu Le paused with the chopsticks in his hands, and couldn't help but look back, and saw a team consisting of seven teenagers and a middle-aged man who seemed ordinary.

The boys and girls are all handsome men and beautiful women. The men are either handsome or slightly feminine, while the women are all fair-skinned, beautiful and charming, showing their youthful qualities.

Two of the girls, one with green hair, can't say how beautiful her face is, but she has seductive green eyes and a charming temperament like a snake beauty. A hollow feeling, like a well-crafted doll.

"Emperor Fighting Team?" Gu Le's eyes lit up, seeing the arrangement of these seven boys and girls, he remembered a combination in the original book.

"I'm very pleased to have found seven more fat sheep." Gu Le sighed inwardly. Visually, the current Huangdou team is only a great soul master, at most it should be a student of the highest level.

Perhaps aware of Gu Le's gaze, the captain Yu Tianheng, who was having lunch, couldn't help but look sideways. He was a little surprised to see a child in an intermediate college uniform looking at them, but he didn't care.

After all, as a group of shining gold, they are attracting everyone's attention everywhere. If you see this kind of sight a lot, you will get used to it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the team battles of their seven-member combination have not lost yet.

The combination of seven of them is invincible!
Gu Le is not in a hurry to pluck the wool of this flock of fat sheep, and raise them first, because they can't run away anyway.

In five days, if you come a few more times, you can always find a chance to make a move.

In the afternoon, he entered the mimicry training ground to practice for another afternoon, and Gu Le and the others returned to their academy contentedly.

Everyone was very satisfied with the secondary training effect of the Mimicry Training Site. Both Bodo and Yui also said excitedly that they would definitely be able to break through to the first level within the deadline.

Anyway, Gu Le is not very interested in the practice of mimicry, what he is interested in is those fat sheep...

In the early morning of the next day, on the playground of Tiandou Royal Senior Academy, the seven members of the future Emperor Dou team were already carrying out daily drills in an orderly manner under Qin Ming's guidance.

Qin Ming, an outstanding student who graduated from Shrek Academy, is also a student that Fred can handle today. At the same time, he is also the current holder of many records in Shrek Academy. His record will have to wait six or seven years. Years later, Tang San and the others went to break it.

After all, under the influence of Shrek Academy's high-quality education, Qin Ming thrived, and under the influence of his ears and eyes, he also has certain insights into soul master cultivation, and he is a very good team leader.

Qin Ming believed that he would be able to cultivate a group of students who were even more outstanding than himself in the future.

Looking at the seven teenagers who were earnestly doing their own exercises on the playground, Qin Ming believed in his idea even more firmly.

The students were talented and willing to endure hardships. Qin Ming felt that he was comfortable as a teacher. Taking advantage of the time when the students were practicing, he also found a corner to sit down and rest first.

"Have they started to practice so early? They have a pretty good habit." Just as Qin Ming was resting and watching the seven students, suddenly a slightly immature voice sounded from behind.

Qin Ming looked back subconsciously, and saw a boy in his early ten years old standing behind him. Judging by the uniform he was wearing, he should be a student of an intermediate college.

"Son, why are you here?" Qin Ming was a little surprised.

"Hey, why are you shrinking alone?" Gu Le looked down after hearing the sound, and then seemed to think of something, stepped back a few steps with horror on his face, and said, "Could it be the kind of idiot who likes to observe young boys and girls?"

Qin Ming: "..."

Ding!Qin Ming, who was mistaken for an idiot, was helpless, and you got 12 sand sculpture points.

The corner of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, no matter how plain his appearance was, he was neither ugly nor wretched, so he wouldn't be considered an idiot! ?
"I'm not... I'm just a teacher."

"Teacher moron?"

"...No! No! I am their teacher, and I am simply resting here." Qin Ming's eyelids twitched wildly. How could this child have such a crooked mind?
"So that's the case, I should have said it earlier." Hearing this somewhat sullen voice, Gu Le immediately changed his attitude and said with a wave of his hand.

Qin Ming's face twitched, but he didn't have an attack yet. He just looked at Gu Le and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh, I came here to practice in the mimicry training ground, but I just found out that I came too early, and the recorder hasn't come yet, so I'm bored and wandering around." Gu Le replied.

Hearing Gu Le's answer, Qin Ming confirmed that Gu Le is one of the group of intermediate college students who will be practicing in the academy's mimicry training ground in the past few days.

Seeing Gu Le standing there and observing Yu Tianheng and the others' training earnestly, this serious look seemed a bit cute, Qin Ming's anger gradually subsided, and he felt a little funny, saying: "You are very fond of their training methods. Curious?"

"I can't say how curious I am, I just want to see it." Gu Le looked at him and said, then looked at these people's rough and primitive exercise methods, and couldn't help shaking his head, "But it doesn't seem to be very good, it's quite ordinary .”

"Hehe, although their way of exercising is quite ordinary, the amount of exercise they need is two or three times that of ordinary people." Qin Ming explained with a smile.

Gu Le blinked and nodded, "That's okay, but if they don't use soul power when exercising, wouldn't the exercise effect on the body be better?"

"If you don't use soul power, you can exercise three times as much, even my students won't be able to persevere." Qin Ming looked at Gu Le and said, at the same time, he was touched in his heart, and felt that Gu Le's idea seemed worth a try. .

This is indeed suitable for body training, it too difficult? Qin Ming still knows the physical fitness of his students, and no one should be able to persevere.

Just when Qin Ming was thinking, Gu Le suddenly interjected: "Well, teacher? Can I go for a lap? Don't worry, I won't disturb the seniors and sisters to exercise. I'm going to come here early today to catch up with the seniors. , I haven't exercised yet."

Qin Ming was slightly taken aback, nodded, and agreed.

Then Gu Le started to run laps on the playground with two short legs, neither fast nor slow and very steady.

Seeing that Gu Le finished a lap without affecting his students, Qin Ming's heart also settled down.

However, what he didn't know was that his second student, the Shi family brothers who were also running laps on the playground, were gradually being tortured and devastated by the same sentence forever.

"Look to your left..." Whenever Gu Le passed the runway on the left of the Shi family brothers, Gu Le would say this sentence, and then passed them.

The Shi family brothers didn't take it seriously at first, they just glanced at Gu Le, the little kid, and continued to run on their own calmly.

When they finished half a circle, the kid appeared on their left again, said "Look to your left" again, and passed them again.

The Shi brothers are indifferent.jpg.

When the Shi family brothers just ran a lap...

"Look to your left." The familiar low voice appeared beside them again, and then the two short legs swayed wildly before their eyes.

The Shi family brothers were slightly moved, and then continued to be indifferent.jpg.

When the Shi family brothers ran two-fifths of a lap, the familiar sound of footsteps came from behind their heads again, followed by the familiar sentence "on your left." out of their field of vision.

Familiar scene, but also a familiar sentence, the Shi family brothers began to feel a little dark, and couldn't help but speed up a little.

Who is this kid? He's quite arrogant.

After another half circle, the seemingly unchanging voice sounded beside them again: "Look to your left."

Shi family brothers: "...!!!!"

"Fuck, the brat is quite arrogant, isn't it endless!? Brother, surpass him!"


Ding!Under the influence of the host, Shi Mo and Shi Mo, the calm brothers of the Shi family, gradually turned into sand sculptures, and you gained 36 sand sculpture points.

 Yes, this is a US team meme, I miss the US team that no longer exists~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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