Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1002 [Fan Wai] I Can't Give You Happiness

Chapter 1002 [Fan Wai] I Can't Give You Happiness
"Shaofan, don't get excited. The doctor said that your operation went very well and you have passed the critical period. As long as you take a good rest, we will soon...soon..."

"Lin Xi, tell me the truth, what happened to my leg?"

"Oh...the doctor said that your leg is severely bruised, so you can't move for the time being..."

"Is it really just temporarily unable to move? Why, I have no feeling in both legs, you tell me!!"

"Shaofan, on the day of your operation, the doctor gave you anesthesia. The effect of the medicine may not be over yet. Don't worry, you will be fine..."

"Then help me up, I want to go to the bathroom."


"Help me up!!"

Lin Xi didn't help him, but just looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Yu Shaofan brushed off the quilt with one hand, moved his feet, and wanted to go down, but found that he couldn't lift this leg at all. He gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength, but his lower body was as if he was paralyzed, and he didn't listen to his orders at all. He was out of breath, supported the bed with both hands, and crawled little by little with the strength of his upper body. He thought that as long as he reached the edge of the bed, he could get out of bed by himself, but... unexpectedly, one leg landed on the ground, just thinking He stood up, but fell heavily to the ground because he couldn't support the weight of his upper body.

Falling off the bed~, his leg hit the foot of the bed, he didn't even feel a little bit, not at all! !
Yu Shaofan thought it was an illusion, he put his hand on his thigh and pinched it fiercely, but he was also unconscious!He still didn't want to believe it, he clenched his hand into a fist and hammered it hard, but...

"Why!! Why does it not hurt when I hammer my leg like this! Tell me, why is this??"

Yu Shaofan growled, and beat hard with his hands, trying to find a little pain in his legs.

Lin Xi's heart was broken seeing Yu Shaofan like this!

Hurry up, hold him, and stop him from harming himself, "Shaofan, don't do this, don't do this, the doctor said, it will get better!"

"My leg is disabled, isn't it?"

"Shaofan, what do you want for lunch, can I make it for you?"
"Are you answering me!!"

"Shaofan, are you thirsty, I'll pour water for you!"

Although he didn't get the answer from Lin Xi, Yu Shaofan already knew it!

This is not a blow to him!
He is crippled!

He is crippled!

Can he still give Lin Xi happiness?
Bitterness welled up in his heart, he finally found Lin Xi, did God have to play tricks on people like this?

He pushed Lin Xi away, "Go!"


"You go!! I don't want to see you again!"


"Go away!"

Lin Xi stepped forward and hugged Yu Shaofan tightly, shaking his head desperately, "Shaofan, I won't go, I won't go!"

Yu Shaofan pushed her away again!
But Lin Xi refused to let go, she cried, "Shaofan, you want me to take full responsibility, I won't leave!! Kill me, and I won't leave!"

Why didn't he want to keep Lin Xi by his side?However, he is a useless person! !Useless wretch! !
"Lin Xi, don't be stupid, I'm a useless person, I'll live in a wheelchair all my life, I can't give you happiness, do you understand? You go, just pretend I've never seen you!! Go!"

"I am willing to take care of you!"

"But I can't give you happiness!" Yu Shaofan growled.

Lin Xi shook her head, "I'm not afraid, staying by your side is the best happiness, Shaofan, no matter what you become, I will love you."

(End of this chapter)

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