Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1014 [Extra] You must obey me

Chapter 1014 [Extra] You must obey me
For Jie Yiyi, what Yan Yifeng said was too hurtful for Chenchen. He is still young and doesn't understand anything, so he shouldn't put too much pressure on him, but she can't find a reason to talk to him. Theoretically, the more she showed that she cared about Chenchen, the more he wanted to find fault with him. Therefore, no matter how much she felt sorry for Chenchen, Jie Yiyi could only keep it silently in her heart.

As soon as he got back to Yan's house, Chenchen immediately entered the door, closed himself, and didn't come out, even when the servant brought food in, he didn't open the door either.

The servant reported the matter to Yan Yifeng, and the son showed him a face?Yan Yifeng angrily dumped all his food into the trash can.

"Yan Yifeng!"

Jie Yiyi disapproved of his approach.

The child is still young, so he loses his temper. As for him, if he wants to be stubborn with him, is his fist bigger than whose fist is bigger?
"A child doesn't need to be spoiled like you! He has hands and feet, so he will come down to find something when he's hungry!"

"What the boy did is wrong. I taught him what he should have done for granted. What right does he have to show me the face, huh?"

Jie Yiyi put down the bowls and chopsticks, "Yes, it is indeed a very common thing for a father to teach his son a lesson, but do you know how hurtful your own words are? Chenchen's playful smile all day long is called cheerfulness, and what you gave him What is the evaluation? How old is he? He started to deny him before he graduated from kindergarten. For him, it is not a question of whether he values ​​him or not. It is because you don’t care about his son at all. How much harm is it to a child? Do you know?"

"So... do you think that I, Yan Yifeng, should educate my son by keeping my mouth in my mouth for fear of melting and stick in my palm for fear of breaking? It's not too much to indulge once, and next time you will continue to indulge until your son is used to being a good-for-nothing. Satisfied? NO! I don’t care what kind of education he uses for other people’s children, but if he was born in my Yan family, he must obey me! Otherwise, pack up and leave!”

  His stern voice echoed in the hall.

Jie Yiyi looked at him, suddenly felt very strange.

At the same time, it also reminded him of one person, that is strictness!The same overbearing, the same unreasonable!

   The doctor told her that a pregnant woman should maintain a calm state of mind, so she endured it and deliberately lowered her voice, "Yan Yifeng, I don't want to quarrel with you!"

After she finished speaking, she got up and walked upstairs.

Yan Yifeng knew what she wanted to do, and his face darkened, "Without my permission, you are not allowed to approach his room, let him shut the door and think about his mistakes!"


Jie Yiyi scolded in her heart.

The footsteps did not stop, and continued to move forward.

Seeing that Yan Yifeng was so angry, the servant was afraid that something would happen if he continued like this, so he stopped her, "Madam..."

Jie Yiyi stubbornly took the key and went into Chenchen's room without looking back.

"Bump..." Yan Yifeng overturned the dishes on the table.

  "very good!"

"Yan Sichen, you are good enough!"

Chenchen was sitting in front of the piano practicing the piece for tomorrow's competition. Because of his ecstasy, he didn't notice that Jie Yiyi was approaching.

She originally thought that Chenchen would hide in bed and cry and make a fuss, but it can be seen that his small body, sitting on that bench, practiced for a piece of music so superbly, and his immature face was full of fighting spirit , Her heart was instantly grabbed by something, and an indescribable emotion spread from the bottom of her heart.


   Jie Yiyi's voice was not loud, but it ended the beautiful song played by Chenchen. Hearing his mother's voice, Chenchen was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, got off the small bench, and walked towards him, "Mom mum!"

(End of this chapter)

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