Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1017 [Fanwai] Tired, don't want to toss

Chapter 1017 [Fanwai] Tired, don't want to toss

After Jie Yiyi came out of the bathroom, she hugged Chen Chen to the bed, but there was still a lot of anger in the next room. Chen Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he pushed her, "Mommy, why don't you go back to sleep? He seems very upset." Happy."

Jie Yiyi handed him a glass of milk, "Whoever loves it is unhappy, whoever is unhappy, go, ignore him."

"But... In this way, we all don't have to sleep. In fact, Mommy, you don't have to worry about me being unhappy. I'm fine."

Listening to Chenchen's words, Jie Yiyi suddenly felt that he seemed to have grown up a lot.

Put a kiss on his face, "In this case, let's go to sleep."

After covering Chenchen with the quilt, Jie Yiyi turned off the light.

Chenchen tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, looking at Jie Yiyi who didn't want to go back to the room at all, he couldn't help but asked silently, "Mommy, you really don't plan to go back?"

Jie Yiyi made a "shh" gesture, signaling him to keep quiet.

Then tell him the story of him and Yan Yifeng before.

That night, Jie Yiyi and Chen Chen slept soundly.

But Yan Yifeng was sleepless.


Chenchen didn't forget that there was an exam today, so he got up early in the morning.

After eating the breakfast prepared by the servant, I went to school.

Jie Yiyi didn't get up until nine o'clock. After washing up, the servant asked her to go downstairs to have breakfast. When she got downstairs, she saw Yan Yifeng sitting on the sofa. He hadn't seen him all night. He seemed to be haggard, with dark circles under his eyes, of course. , This doesn't affect him, he is handsome, she still remembers what happened yesterday, so she didn't say hello to her, and came directly to the dining table.

For her ignorance, Yan Yifeng became even more angry, and his face turned dark.


According to this point in the past, Jie Yiyi had already sent over the bento she made by herself, but now it is almost twelve o'clock, but she still hasn't seen her shadow. He knows that she is trying to anger him, so he can go upstairs Going to the hotel to eat food that is [-] times better than hers, but he's just fucking guilty~ I want to eat her cooking, even if it's unpalatable, I haven't seen her all afternoon, I haven't heard her voice, my heart is worried Tight, he knew, this is the rhythm of death.

At this point, Jie Yiyi was finishing her lunch, sitting on the balcony basking in the sun, reading a book.

The servant suddenly opened the door and came in, handing over the phone, "Madam, your phone number"


"Mr. Yan's."

"Say I fell asleep."

"But I told him just now that you were basking in the sun after dinner."

Jie Yiyi had no choice but to take it, "Hello."

There was no sound from the other side, Jie Yiyi gave another feed, but there was still no movement, she was about to press to hang up, when Yan Yifeng's cold voice suddenly came from inside, "Do you dare to hang up?"

For so long, Jie Yiyi was used to his threats, her voice was indifferent, "What's the matter?"

"You can't call back if you have nothing to do, huh?"


Are you angry now?It's okay to call and cause trouble.Don't you know?

But Jie Yiyi never spoke, and sat quietly.

The voice over there suddenly softened a little, "Why didn't you bring food here at noon today? Huh?"

It was the lethargy stage again, and she felt sleepy after eating, Jie Yiyi got up and went into the room, and lay down on the bed~, "I'm tired, I don't want to toss."

"But I'm hungry!"

Jie Yiyi closed her eyes, "Go eat when you're hungry."

"You have spoiled your appetite, and you can't get used to outside food!"

"so what?"

"I'll give you half an hour to bring the food over."

(End of this chapter)

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