Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1025 [Extra] Nanny for a lifetime

Chapter 1025 [Extra] The nanny for a lifetime

She was pregnant with her first child and her second child, and it was much easier than before. She took care of everything that was taboo, what should be made up, and that Yan Yifeng who loved her was all done for her.

There is a saying that is very good, a woman is a princess for 20 years, a queen for a day, a concubine for 10 months, and a nanny for a lifetime.

She belongs to the stage of imperial concubine now, but she will soon advance to the stage of nanny.

After the baby is born, she has to take care of two children and a stupid husband who can't eat on time. It sounds easy, but in fact, being a full-time mother is not easy~
In the garden, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, and Jie Yiyi walks in the garden alone with her stomach upright, with the mild sunshine on her head, and the crisp green lawn on her feet, enjoying herself very much.

The servant came out of Yan's house with a phone in his hand, and trotted over with a little excitement, "Ma'am... I want to tell you some good news. Master Chenchen won the No.1 in the school's drawing competition."

The servant's words reminded Jie Yiyi of the scene of Chenchen shutting himself in the room a few days ago, the little figure struggling under the light, she felt gratified and distressed in her heart, and she saw Chenchen's hard work in her eyes Yes, she nodded, "Yes. Get out of the car, I'll go to Chenchen School."

When he arrived at the school, Chenchen was on the stage to accept the award, and many girls who were obsessed with him were calling his name, but he just smiled, and then returned to his indifferent appearance. From receiving the award to stepping down, he was expressionless. After he and Yan Yifeng had quarreled, Jie Yiyi found that Chenchen had changed a lot. He used to be more lively, but now... Looking at his cold personality, he seems to be more and more like Yan Yifeng.

 In fact, she also hopes that Chenchen can be as smart and capable as Yan Yifeng when he grows up, but she is a little worried that all the genes have been inherited from him, he is romantic, he is playful, she is not ignorant, if the good ones are not passed on, What should I do if a bad one is passed on?
She didn't tell Chenchen when she went to school, she just took a picture of him receiving the award and went to Yan Yifeng's company.

On the way there, Yan Yifeng called. He just finished his work when he thought of her, "Honey, what are you doing?"

Jie Yiyi held the bento made for him in her arms, and she couldn't help but feel a little funny when she heard his phrase "what are you doing?" Yan Yifeng, in his impression, always cut to the point when speaking, and no nonsense was allowed. Also learned these greetings, "Busy with business?"

Yan Yifeng leaned on the big chair, glanced coldly at the view of the busy traffic under the floor-to-ceiling windows, and responded lightly, "Well, I just finished my work today, and my mind is full of your shadow, wife, you are so bad, how can you let me I haven't seen you all afternoon, so I miss you so much?"

A smile spread across Jie Yiyi's face, but she concealed her joy on the phone, "Did you do something to be sorry for me, so that your usual hurtful mouth becomes so sweet?"

Yan Yifeng tapped on the glass window with his finger, "My wife, you can't be so moody, my whole heart is tied tightly by you, I want to rush back to see you before I get off work, how can I have time to do things that I'm sorry for you? "

When the CE arrived, Jie Yiyi pushed the car door down, blocked the strong sunlight with her hands, and said in satisfaction, "It's best like this~"

  Saying that, he walked to the president's special elevator, planning to surprise him, but Yan Yifeng caught the figure as small as an ant, and he took a good look, and the woman wrapped like a ball turned out to be his wife , he got up and quickly pressed the elevator, put down the command, "Stand there and don't move!"

(End of this chapter)

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