Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1029 [Extra] I like my sister

Chapter 1029 [Extra] I like my sister
The father and son in the car were speechless.

Chenchen always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, looking at Yan Yifeng's gloomy face, he felt a little worried in his heart, thinking about it carefully, he did nothing wrong today.

  Yan Yifeng noticed that the little guy had been staring at him in confusion and panic, and glanced at him coldly, "Why are you staring at me?"

Chenchen shook his head, "Why is Daddy free to pick me up today? Where's the driver?"

Usually, mother would pick him up with the driver when she was free, but daddy was always busy with work, so he couldn't care about these trivial matters at all. What's more, no matter at any time, he put mommy first. He doesn't have a high status in his heart, so...

Yan Yifeng was impatient with Chenchen's question, "Why are there so many nonsense?" After a pause, he added, "The driver asked for leave and went home!"

Chenchen's heart was empty, he thought that Yan Yifeng came to pick him up specially, the joy in his heart just now disappeared instantly, he lowered his head, "Oh."

The father and son are here, and the topic is broken again.

Chenchen took out the math textbook and looked at it seriously. Yan Yifeng looked at the simple exercises with an uneasy expression, "Is this school good? They all go to the big class in kindergarten, and they still give such childish exercises?"

Think about it, when he was in kindergarten, he had already started to study the textbooks for the fourth grade of elementary school!

Chenchen closed the textbook and put it back in the schoolbag, "Daddy, I can do these exercises in the textbook without going to kindergarten. This is a classmate with poor grades in the class, please let me circle the key points for him to review."

Chenchen's explanation made Yan Yifeng's complexion a little better.

This is necessary, the son born by his Yan Yifeng should not have too many gaps.

"Hey, Daddy, this is not the way back to Yan's house!"

Looking up, Chenchen saw Yan Yifeng driving in the opposite direction of home, and immediately corrected the route.

"I know!" Yan Yifeng replied coldly.

"Father..." Chenchen wanted to ask Yan Yifeng where he was going, but he knew that Yan Yifeng didn't like his nagging, so he closed his mouth, turned his head, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The children's cheers echoed in the amusement park. Yan Yifeng stopped the car, and Chenchen got out of the car. In his impression, he came here once a year ago. At that time, Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng hadn't reconciled. He said that he wanted to play in the amusement park. And Yan Yifeng fulfilled him.

Yan Yifeng has always disliked places like amusement parks. Every time Chenchen said he wanted to go to this place on weekends, he would always refuse, let alone bring him here. Although Chenchen is not as playful as before, children, always Keeping a childish heart, here is his child's world.

"What do you want to play?"

After buying the ticket, Yan Yifeng lowered his head and asked him.

Listening to Yan Yifeng's gentle consulting tone, the expression on Chenchen's face was much more relaxed than before, and Xiaozui couldn't help showing a smile, "Doesn't it mean that Daddy will accompany me when I play?"

   Yan Yifeng responded with an expression that was right.

"Then I want to play the pirate ship bumper car roller coaster and enter the haunted house!" As he said, he excitedly dragged Yan Yifeng into it.

Yan Yifeng is tall, and being dragged by Chenchen, he looks very embarrassing, Yan Yifeng dislikes, "What kind of haunted house do children go to? They will have nightmares at night."

"But, I've never been in it, so I really want to see it...By the way, Daddy, why doesn't Mommy come together?"

"There are so many things going on in the amusement park. Your mommy is pregnant with a baby, so you can't go to this kind of place..."

There was a little disappointment on Chenchen's face, and then the fire was rekindled, "Then Daddy, after my sister comes out, can I bring her with me?"

"How do you know it's my sister?"

"I like my sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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