Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 107 Ruined Your Surprise

Chapter 107 Ruined Your Surprise

Jie Yiyi knew that she couldn't blame anyone, she asked for all of this... When she stayed last night, she should have thought of today's consequences... However, she was still very happy.


During these few hours, Jie Yiyi has been silent, and never said a word to Yan Yifeng again, and Yan Yifeng has always maintained that posture, without even blinking his eyes.

Finally, Zhisheng rose and landed slowly, Bo An pushed open the door, Yan Yifeng walked down with big strides, Jie Yiyi quickly followed after seeing this situation.

Outside the manor, Mama Feng and the servants of the Yan family all came out to greet Yan Yifeng. When they saw Yan Yifeng, they bent down respectfully and said in unison, "Welcome Mr. Yan and Miss Jie home."

Yan Yifeng didn't even take a second look, and walked directly into the villa. Jie Yiyi didn't dare to slow down, and followed him closely.

Everyone was used to Yan Yifeng's indifference, and they didn't find anything wrong, so they followed quickly.

Outside the door, a servant changed Yan Yifeng's shoes, Jie Yiyi stood behind him, Feng's mother approached gossipingly, and asked with a smile, "Did you enjoy Miss Jie's birthday dinner?"

Jie Yiyi didn't dare to talk much at first, but Mama Feng's words made her turn her head, dinner party?She looked at Mama Feng suspiciously.

Mama Feng thought she didn't make it clear enough, and glanced at Yan Yifeng's back, her smile deepened, "Isn't Miss Jie's birthday yesterday? Didn't Mr. Yan prepare a lot of surprises for you..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Yan Yifeng turned his head in a sinister manner, and interrupted coldly, "Mama Feng, before I get angry, get lost as far as you can!!"

It was her bad idea, how dare she bring it up in front of him? !
"Wait here for me obediently. After the meeting, I will take you out for a stroll. I have a surprise for you tonight." Mama Feng's words reminded her of what Yan Yifeng said to her yesterday morning.

Then, the birthday dinner Mama Feng mentioned just now was the surprise that Yan Yifeng prepared for her?

Yesterday, happiness almost went to her head, and she almost forgot what Yan Yifeng had said to her.

He prepared a birthday surprise for her, but she and Yu Shaofan... felt guilty and ached slightly.

"Mr. Yan, what's the matter? Didn't you..." Mama Feng asked puzzled, not understanding the situation at all.

Yan Yifeng kicked away the maid who was changing her shoes, and yelled coldly, "Get out! Get out of here!"

"Miss Jie, Mr. Yan, he..." Jie Yiyi interrupted her, "Mama Feng, go and do your work first."

She always thought that Yan Yifeng only wanted her physically and sexually, and nothing else, but yesterday, he put his heart into it, but she didn't cherish it...

She ruined Yan Yifeng's kindness...

"Yan Yifeng, I didn't know yesterday..." Jie Yiyi followed closely behind him, seeing that Mama Feng didn't follow, she opened her mouth to explain.

"Get out of here too!! Get out as far as you can, don't let me see you again!!" Yan Yifeng ordered coldly, kicked the door open, and then slammed it shut.

Jie Yiyi didn't leave, but quickly entered the room and stood beside him, "Yan Yifeng, I'm sorry, I ruined your surprise."

"Jie Yiyi, you fucking, I'll let you go, don't you understand?!"

"A cheap~ woman like you deserves my surprise?! Don't be so self-righteous."

(End of this chapter)

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