Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 124 I hate it, Boss Yan!

Chapter 124 I hate it, Boss Yan!
in the kitchen.Mama Feng made breakfast, and when she passed Yan Yifeng's room just now, she happened to hear that he wanted to eat western food, knowing that Jie Yiyi didn't know how to cook, so she did it for her.

"Huh? Mama Feng, why did you prepare breakfast?" Jie Yiyi asked in confusion as soon as she entered the kitchen.

Mama Feng glanced at the restaurant and made a 'shh' gesture. Seeing that Yan Yifeng hadn't come down, she dared to speak, "Don't let Mr. Yan hear you!"

Jie Yiyi nodded understandingly, "Oh, yes."

Feng Ma handed two portions of tomato and egg toast to her, and said solemnly, "Miss Jie, if there is nothing else, I will go out first."

Jie Yiyi rolled her eyes, nodded with a smile, "Well, you go first."

As soon as Feng's mother walked out of the kitchen, Jie Yiyi reached out and poured the hot sauce on the side into the plate vigorously, cursing, "I will eat you to death, I will eat you to death."

Anyway, ketchup and hot sauce are about the same color, if Yan Yifeng blames it, she will just pretend to be ketchup.

That's it.

There was also milk, Jie Yiyi added a few spoonfuls of salt into it, seeing that Yan Yifeng and the others were about to come down, Jie Yiyi hurriedly gave the ingredients and put them back in place to cover up everything.

Will Yan Yifeng dare to bully her in the future?Hmph, although she is a servant, she is also a novice who has never been in the kitchen. It is understandable that she would do this.

Finding a reason for herself, Jie Yiyi picked up the toast on the side and ate it. She hadn't eaten for almost two days and died of starvation.

"Miss Jie, where are the meals for Mr. Yan and Miss Shishi?" The maid's voice sounded outside the kitchen door, and Jie Yiyi hurriedly stuffed the toast into her mouth, and replied vaguely, "Come right away."

Wiping the bread crumbs left on her mouth, Jie Yiyi walked out with her breakfast.

Before Yan Yifeng arrived at the table, she left quickly, pretending to be busy with other things.

Yan Yifeng went downstairs to search for Jie Yiyi's figure, saw her sorting out the morning paper, he curled his lips, put his arms around Ai Shishi's waist, came to the dining table, opened a chair for her, and acted like a kiss.

Seeing Jie Yiyiwang approaching, he lowered his head and rubbed her ears with his teeth, and Ai Shishi immediately made a delicate voice, "Oh, I hate you, Mr. Yan!"

Yan Yifeng pursed his lips, his gaze deepened a little, he pinched her chest with his big palm, and said magnetically, "We will do something more annoying later."

Ai Shishi hooked his neck and took a long kiss.

Jie Yiyi pretended not to see it, and continued to sort out the morning newspaper with her head down. Do you want to be so disgusting early in the morning?

If it wasn't because she wanted to see how the two of them looked when they were choked by the pepper, she would have turned her head lazily.She was waiting to see the joke.

Yan Yifeng kissed carelessly, and after a long time, he let go and sat up on the dining table.

Jie Yiyi's breathing became tighter, and a shocking scene was about to come out, Yan Yifeng was facing Ai Shishi, if he sprayed it out, it would definitely hit her face.

At that time, Ai Shishi's alluring makeup will be a tragedy, but... If Yan Yifeng wants to remain elegant in front of Ai Shishi, he will definitely swallow it.

When the time comes, his face... tsk tsk, cooked shrimp... hee hee.

"Mr. Yan. How do you know that people like to eat egg tomato toast? You are so kind to him, so touched!" Ai Shishi spoke delicately, her voice soft like an electric current.

Yan Yifeng stared at the western food, and curled his lips, "Eat more if you like it."

(End of this chapter)

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