Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 126 Drug Abortion or Human Abortion?

Chapter 126 Drug Abortion or Human Abortion?

He obviously kissed her violently, but she didn't feel that annoying, the hot breath swirled back and forth in front of her nose.

no.She couldn't sink in, she couldn't let him get his way.

"Let go... let go." Jie Yiyi pushed him away fiercely, and when he was deeply in love, she quickly backed away from her lips, stood up quickly, and straightened her clothes.

Yan Yifeng stared at her displeasedly, he couldn't stop thinking about the feeling just now, "Jie Yiyi, how dare you resist me?"

There was a breath of lip gloss in Jie Yiyi's mouth, her face turned pale, she covered her mouth and almost spit it out, clenched her fists, and threw it at Yan Yifeng.

He said angrily, "Yan Yifeng, you are sick, you kiss me with the same mouth that you have kissed before, disgusting, disgusting!!"

Yan Yifeng held her hand tightly, raised his eyebrows, and said in a disdainful voice, "Disgusting? On the plane that day, didn't you kiss me by kissing someone else's lips?"

The taste of lip gloss in her mouth was getting stronger and stronger, and a sour feeling rose in her stomach, Jie Yiyi ruthlessly shook off his hand, "Yan Yifeng, you pervert... vomit..."

Jie Yiyi covered her lips, and quickly walked to the bathroom.

How could she forget that he kissed Ai Shishi just now?too disgusting?
Yan Yifeng lifted his lips and smiled triumphantly, but he didn't catch up and let her go.

in the bathroom.

"Ouch..." Jie Yiyi retched, feeling extremely uncomfortable.The taste in the mouth cannot be diluted no matter how much it is washed.

She swore that she would never let Yan Yifeng touch her or kiss her again in her life.

Who knows how many women he has kissed with that mouth, thinking of Ai Shishi's heavily made-up face, she couldn't help retching a few times.

The shoulder was grabbed hard, and the slender nails sank in again. Before Jie Yiyi could turn around, she heard a cold questioning voice from behind, "Are you pregnant? Are you retching so badly?"

Pregnant?Your whole family is pregnant!
Jie Yiyi ignored her and continued to wash. If she didn't wash off the smell today, she wouldn't leave the toilet.

Seeing that Jie Yiyi didn't respond, the strength of her claws increased again, and she continued to speak, "Medical abortion or human abortion? You choose yourself?"

laugh!Jie Yiyi shook off the water droplets on her face, shook off her paws, and turned her head, "Miss Ai Shishi, do you live by the sea? It's so wide? It doesn't matter if I'm pregnant or not?"

What's more, if she is really pregnant, it's not her turn to worry about it. Why is she more nervous than her?Isn't she pregnant?
"Want to conceive Mr. Yan's child, and then marry into a rich family? Jie Yiyi depends on you? Save yourself... Mr. Yan won't look at you too much after giving birth. I just remind you kindly, young man, don't waste it." own body."

"Can your imagination be richer?"

If she wants to conceive Yan Yifeng's child, does she still need to take contraceptive pills every day?It's an international joke.

"Isn't it?" she mocked with raised eyebrows.

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to refute, but think about it, why should she care what others say?

Smiling, "I concealed it so well that you actually saw through it, hehe, but, each other."

There was a pain in the abdomen, Jie Yiyi frowned, and Ai Shishi's cold voice came from her ear, "It really is so, if you really dare to conceive President Yan's child, just wait to enter the coffin!"

"I returned this punch to you. Don't think I don't know what you put in your breakfast just now!!" She withdrew her hand and turned around gracefully.

She punched her in the stomach, and the pain was unbearable. Jie Yiyi turned her eyes cold, picked up the bucket at the side, and poured it fiercely towards her back...

Ai Shishi's footsteps froze, and she turned her head angrily, Jie Yiyi smiled, "Sorry, I moved a step too fast, I wanted to flush the toilet."

(End of this chapter)

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