Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 134 Who wants to touch you?

Chapter 134 Who wants to touch you?

Yan Yifeng poked her on the head, and said sarcastically, "A woman whose mind is full of sexual desires, so dirty? Who wants to touch you? What's more, I, Yan Yifeng, don't want to have sex with a drowned ghost!"

Jie Yiyi let out a sigh of relief, closed her eyes again, clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, trembling a little, as if she was afraid of something...

Is she that afraid of him?

After a while, Jie Yiyi fell into a deep sleep, and Yan Yifeng pulled away her hands that were wrapped around her chest. She was a little bit stubborn, but her strength was not as strong as his, so her little hands softened.

Yan Yifeng unbuttoned her clothes, and saw her chest, his heart, beating lightly.

Wasn't she afraid that he would touch her just now, so she put her hands on her chest?But because he was afraid that he would see the scar on her chest?

The hickey marks had disappeared, but those teeth marks and whip wounds were still clearly engraved on her body.

The fair and supple skin left behind these scars, the originally perfect body has a little blemish...

Also, the body is obviously slimmer, especially the face, the chin has become sharper...

"Damn it!" Yan Yifeng slammed his fist on the bathtub, recalling that what he did to her in the past few days was to make her do housework and not to eat...

What the hell did he do? !

No wonder she fell into the bath just now, she can't even struggle, and she hasn't eaten for a few days, so it's strange that she can struggle?
Fingertips caressed the tooth marks and whip marks on her chest, his heart was aching, as if he could feel her pain when the blood seeped out...

"Stupid woman, I'm a man, I won't bow to a woman, do you understand? If you say sorry to me, will you die?"

Yan Yifeng spoke, Jie Yiyi was a little sound asleep, she didn't hear what he said, but she spit out in a daze, "Yan Yifeng, I was right, I don't want to apologize, she hit me first... I was right .”

"What did you say?" Yan Yifeng leaned closer to listen, and Jie Yiyi's dream talk was over.

"Damn! Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Yan Yifeng's eyes darkened a little, and he roared at her.

No wonder she would tell him confidently that day that she was not wrong, it turned out that it was Ai Shishi who hit her...

Why, did not tell him at that time, but in a dream?
Ai Shishi is an actor, and she is just a simple woman, how could he believe an actor's words?


Picking her up from the bathtub and putting her on the bed~, Yan Yifeng wiped her body with nothing but distress in his eyes.

Taking out the pajamas from the wardrobe and putting them on for her, Yan Yifeng sat on the head of the bed, smoking a cigarette irritably.

He never touches cigarettes and alcohol, and only occasionally smokes or drinks when he is upset.

In my mind, I recalled what happened in France...

Although he kept silent, after returning to China, he checked the deleted records with his mobile phone.

Jie Yiyi did make a call with his mobile phone, but the call lasted only two seconds, and she hung up before she could say a word. Perhaps, she really didn't know that Yu Shaofan would go to France.

Yu Shaofan followed him to France after tracking down his location with navigation and positioning, so he really just wanted to celebrate her birthday, or did he have other intentions?

Glancing at her who was in a heavy sleep, Yan Yifeng took out his phone and called Bo An, "Send someone to keep an eye on Yu Shaofan, and report to me immediately if there is any situation, including his phone calls and people who have been in contact with him." !"

"Yes." Bo An replied over there.

(End of this chapter)

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