Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 141 Kiss me once and I will tell

Chapter 141 Kiss me once and I will tell

Damn woman, she doesn't know what to do. He was afraid that she would be bored staying at home alone, so he took her out to see the world. How dare this woman refuse?

But having said that, to be precise, without her by his side, he was not in the mood to do anything.

Jie Yiyi stuffed a pillow into Yan Yifeng's arms, then moved back, "Because you already have many secretaries."

She didn't want to make his secretaries jealous because of her arrival.

"I told them all to leave!" Yan Yifeng's tone was cold and smelly.


"Because I'm in a bad mood."

"Then, will you feel better if I go?" Jie Yiyi asked puzzled.

Yan Yifeng grabbed her by the shoulders, held her in his arms, and handcuffed her tightly, with a dangerous warning in his mouth, "Don't challenge my patience! Don't question my words either!"

Those secretaries all left because of Jie Yiyi, but he was too embarrassed to say it out.

A few days ago during the cold war with Jie Yiyi, I saw everyone who was disgusted, so I told them all to leave...

When he gets angry, the whole C. The stocks of E Group are all falling, the reason is that Yan Yifeng's angry appearance frightened the traders.

"But I don't know anything." Jie Yiyi replied honestly.This was not the major she studied at the beginning, it was wedding dress design.

Originally, it was good to go abroad for further study after marriage, but now there is no chance.

"Jie Yiyi, are you a pig? You can't even make a cup of coffee?!" Yan Yifeng said mockingly.

You are a pig!
Even so, Ke Yiyi still politely refused, "The company has a professional coffee machine."

"Talk back again, believe it or not, I will rape you?" Yan Yifeng threatened.

"..." Jie Yiyi didn't say anything, but just stared at him.Sure enough, he still couldn't change his habit of swearing.

Obviously there is such a professional secretary who is not needed, but let her go with someone who can't even make coffee well. Isn't that sick?

"That's it!" Seeing that she didn't resist, Yan Yifeng spoke slowly.

After a moment of silence, Jie Yiyi finally spoke, "Aren't you afraid of being criticized by others if you are a big president and let someone who can't get on the stage follow you?"

Although she is the second young lady of the Jie family in name, but, to be honest, sometimes, she is not even as good as a servant, so she has self-knowledge.

"Who dares? I cut their tongues!" Yan Yifeng said seriously.

He has a special elevator for the president, directly from the parking lot to the top floor, and the only employee he has ever met is the secretary beside him.

"..." Xiao Xiao gave him a blank look, does he want to be so violent?

"Even if no one dares to say it, some people will discuss it, will they be dissatisfied?"

"Jie Yiyi, are you that unsure of yourself? Huh?"

Nodded, "That's right."

If she is not confident, it depends on who she is. Standing in front of a beggar, she must be extremely confident, but in front of him, she is simply a small ant under the feet of an elephant, or even worse.

"Pfft—" Yan Yifeng couldn't help laughing.

"Yan Yifeng, what are you laughing at? Don't laugh!" Jie Yiyi stretched out her hands to cover his wickedly smiling face, and after a long time, Yan Yifeng restrained his smile, "I'll take you somewhere tonight!"

"Where?" Jie Yiyi asked.

"Secret." Yan Yifeng said mysteriously, and Jie Yiyi got up and rushed over, grabbing him by the neck, "Say it quickly."

"Kiss me once and I'll tell you." Yan Yifeng lay down and hugged her.

(End of this chapter)

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