Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 157 He Was Revenge Secretly

Chapter 157 He Was Revenge Secretly
Seeing him signing his name in a hurry in the morning, such a dense number, I don't know how he read it. After a while, she felt dizzy.

These documents are CE's income report, Jie Yiyi glanced at them, and was so frightened that his heart couldn't bear it.

No wonder Yan Yifeng lost his temper so early in the morning. It turned out that the amount dropped by 5% because he didn't come to the company all day yesterday.

CE Group has great influence in the country, and one day's income can almost buy the entire city. However, Yan Yifeng did not come to the company yesterday, and the company's business has lost more than one billion yuan.

One billion, for anyone, it's outrageous, but Yan Yifeng, it's so weird that Yan Yifeng can still eat with her as if nothing happened.

Jie Yiyi wasn't interested in these at first, but when she saw the number, she suddenly had the desire to continue reading.

If she remembers correctly, this month, Yan Yifeng was away from the company for several days, and the amount of money he lost during his absence for a few days could go around the world?

Jie Yiyi shook her head helplessly, and was about to put these documents back to their original places, but her eyes accidentally caught a few sensitive words—"About the plan to crack down on Yu's Group." '

Seeing these words, Jie Yiyi's breath tightened. She didn't want to touch other people's business secrets, but this was related to Yu Shaofan's company.

Yan Yifeng went down for a while, Jie Yiyi turned sideways, stared at the elevator for a while, took a deep breath, and finally took out the document carefully.

Because she was afraid that Yan Yifeng would come back suddenly, Jie Yiyi didn't read everything, but saw a few important points, which were related to Yu's cooperation.

She remembered that almost a month ago, when she was taking breakfast to Yan Yifeng's room, she heard what Yan Yifeng said. He said that within a week, he would see news of Yu Shaofan's engagement.

But now, Yu Shaofan is going to be engaged to Lin's daughter. When he was in France, Yu Shaofan told her that Aunt Yu's forced marriage was just a coincidence.

However, in this strike plan, Lin, Xue, Li and several groups that cooperated with Yu Shaofan turned out to be from Yan Yifeng's side...

So Lin Xi and Yu Shaofan's engagement was not to marry Yu Shaofan, but to help Yan Yifeng defeat the Yu family?

She always thought that the incident in France was over, but she was too naive.

That day, Yu Shaofan pointed a gun at him in front of so many people, and almost shot him. How could Yan Yifeng, who is so calculating, let him go so easily?
No wonder there has been no movement. It turns out that he has been secretly carrying out... revenge.

Everyone around him was plotting against him, but he was completely kept in the dark. As soon as Yan Yifeng let go, Yu's Group would immediately go bankrupt!

Recalling the appearance of a gentleman when Yan Yifeng greeted Yu Shaofan last night.She suddenly felt that this world was too scary...

no!She had to stop Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi from getting engaged!
But what should she do?How can I help Yu Shaofan?
Even though she knew that it was impossible for herself and Yu Shaofan, that was the man she loved after all, and she couldn't just watch him get hurt.

Rolling her eyes, after a while, Jie Yiyi took out the mobile phone that Yan Yifeng bought for her in her bag, took a quick photo of the plan, then ran to the bathroom, and sent the photo to Yu Shaofan.

She didn't know if it was too late, but she hoped it could help Yu Shaofan!
(End of this chapter)

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