Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 163 Yu Shaofan Engagement Banquet

Chapter 163 Yu Shaofan Engagement Banquet
For a long time, until the two of them were about to suffocate and their breathing became rough, Yan Yifeng let her go...

Her lips were flushed red from the kiss, making her look even more delicate and alluring.

At this moment, the dressing room was full of beauty.

Looking at her, Yan Yifeng stretched out his hand and straightened the dress for her. With a shallow neckline and her chest looming, if Yan Yifeng hadn't resisted it by force, he couldn't help but pounce on her.

After tidying up his clothes, Yan Yifeng picked out a pair of high heels for him, paid the payment, and walked out of the mall.

Yan Yifeng picked out a pair of ten-centimeter-high shoes for her, but Jie Yiyi had never worn such high shoes, and she was a little uncomfortable walking.

And Yan Yifeng stretched out his hand to let her put it on, and deliberately slowed down to let her follow.

Royal Palace.

At 7:10, there were already a sea of ​​people.

There were cars parked outside the gate, and Yan Yifeng had a dedicated parking space.

After the car stopped, Yan Yifeng opened the car door for Jie Yiyi, then asked her to take his hand and walked into the palace.

The imperial palace is very big, those high-ranking people, the second generation of rich, famous ladies and so on have already arrived, raising their glasses of wine, some reminiscing about the old days, some discussing business...

As soon as Yan Yifeng entered the station, several people came up to strike up a conversation, but they were refused.

The dinner party hasn't started yet, so Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi haven't shown up yet.

Jie Yiyi hoped that they could come back later, when the crowd was fuller, so that she could be ignored.

Maybe it's because of Yan Yifeng, or maybe it's because Jie Yiyi is too delicate tonight.

She always felt that there were countless squinting eyes staring at her everywhere, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I'm here!" Yan Yifeng's big palm wrapped around her little hand, Jie Yiyi stiffly raised her head and nodded slightly.

Fearing that Jie Yiyi would be tired, Yan Yifeng took her to the VIP seat and asked her to sit down. At this time, the waiter handed him a wine glass, and Yan Yifeng asked him to change it to fruit juice.

Bo An has been following closely behind Yan Yifeng, and if anyone approaches, he will be driven away.

On the main screen in the hall is the wedding photo of Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi. In the picture, he hugs Lin Xi with a slight smile, lowers his head slightly, and kisses her forehead. happiness.

Seeing that enviable pair, Jie Yiyi felt a little bitter in her heart. Suddenly, a big hand pinched her waist hard, and Jie Yiyi regained her senses.

Yan Yifeng lowered his head, as if he was kissing her, but actually he was biting her ear, "Don't embarrass me here, take back your tears!"

Jie Yiyi bit her lips tightly, looked up at him, and retorted coldly, "I didn't cry, why are you crying?"

Yan Yifeng glared at her, "The main character is coming out soon, I'll tell you to wait and don't embarrass me!"

Ah!Why are you ashamed to bring her here?Knowing that I shouldn't, I will definitely suffer a very serious end, "Got it."

Five minutes later, the host, who had been speaking on stage, invited out tonight's protagonist.

After the warm applause, Yu Shaofan led Lin Xi out of the backstage and onto the stage.

Under the lighting, Yu Shaofan is the most dazzling prince tonight. He is dressed in a white suit, making him handsome and extraordinary, and the woman is noble and elegant.

Jie Yiyi said that he would only come to make soy sauce and not pay attention to them, but he was like a shining pearl in the night, once he looked directly at it, it was difficult to look away.

Yu Shaofan kept a calm and elegant posture, and said a lot of opening remarks, and it took nearly half an hour for him to finish.

Just as Yu Shaofan stepped off the stage, he suddenly looked over here.

His sight was like a bullet, she wanted to respond calmly, but she couldn't, if she didn't look away, the bullet would go through her eyes, so she had to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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