Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 168 I Can Wear It By Myself

Chapter 168 I Can Wear It By Myself
Behind them, a pair of eyes were fixed on their backs, and it took a long time before they looked back.

"Yan Yifeng, let me go, there are many people here..."

It was enough to attract attention in the corridor just now, but he still carried her like this.

He is shameless, is she still nice?With so many people staring at her, her face turned red all of a sudden.

Yan Yifeng ignored her at all, holding the shoes in one hand and carrying her in the other.

In the end, having no choice but to do anything, Jie Yiyi lowered her head, trying to avoid the eyes of the crowd.

Yan Yifeng carried her into the car and wrapped her in his arms, causing her such a big embarrassment, she couldn't agree, she struggled to back away.

With a dark face, Yan Yifeng warned coldly, "Try moving again?!"

His eyes were cold, as if if she dared to move any more, he would say, rape her!

Jie Yiyi didn't dare to move anymore, and obediently obeyed, staring at him with resentful eyes, "Yan Yifeng, can you stop threatening women every time?"

Yan Yifeng clasped her waist tightly, "Did I threaten you?!"

"……"Is not it?He will do nothing but threats, violence.

She can't afford to offend this kind of man, so shut up obediently, silence is golden.

After a long time, when the car didn't start, Jie Yiyi looked at the driver's seat and realized that Bo An was not there.

Yan Yifeng saw her doubts, "He will be back soon."

Thinking of Bo An's disappearance after Yu's mother scolded her just now, could he be messing around?
"Bian, he..."

Just as he was about to speak, the car door opened, and Bo An came in from the outside, holding a bag in his hand and handing it to Yan Yifeng.

Yan Yifeng took it unhurriedly, and Bo An closed the car door and waited for him to speak.

Jie Yiyi's words were drowned in her throat, she looked at the bag, and recalled that she had just talked with Yu Shaofan alone in the room.

In my heart, there will always be a little bit of uneasiness, for fear of being caught by the tail.

Yan Yifeng glared at the nervous girl, "Jie Yiyi, did you do something to apologize to me again?!"

He took out a pair of flat shoes from inside, and Jie Yiyi knew that he was the one who ordered Bo An to buy shoes. For a moment, her throat felt like a fishbone was stuck, making it difficult to open her mouth.

Yan Yifeng caught her gaze, stared at her for a long time, and then slowly opened his lips, "Don't be so moved that you can't speak, go back at night and serve me well!"

His words, like a flood, rushed down the fishbone stuck in her throat, Jie Yiyi glared at him, did not speak, her cheeks were a little flushed.

Yan Yifeng lifted her tender feet, and gently touched them. Jie Yiyi knew what he wanted to do, and hurriedly withdrew her feet, "I can wear them myself."

Yan Yifeng's eyes turned cold, he grabbed her heels and slipped the shoes on easily.

Her feet were a little cold, but his big palm happened to be scorching hot. When the fingertips touched, a warmth came from her. Looking at him, Jie Yiyi no longer refused.

He softened gently for a while, then put on the other shoe, picked up the high heels beside him and was about to throw it away, but Jie Yiyi stopped him.

"Why? Your feet are swollen like this? You still want to wear high heels?" Yan Yifeng glared at her.

Looking at him, a strange feeling rose in Jie Yiyi's heart again, Yu Shaofan's words kept echoing in her ears, he told her not to fall in love with Yan Yifeng.

But, sometimes, Yan Yifeng is not so cruel to her. He hurriedly looked for her in the crowd just now, and he hugged her not to attract attention, but because he was afraid that her feet would hurt...

He can even be careful enough to let Bo An, a big man, buy shoes for women,

She is a woman who doesn't even know how to wear high heels or dance steps, why should he treat her so carefully?

(End of this chapter)

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