Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 185 Send it to my mouth

Chapter 185 Send it to my mouth
She hooked her lips, smiled a little satisfied, and raised her hand to stroke her hair, "Okay! I'll wait for your breakfast."

Jie Yiyi nodded, then walked downstairs, Yan Yifeng followed behind her, she went into the kitchen, and he followed.

Jie Yiyi didn't understand what he wanted to do, she turned her face, "Yan Yifeng, just wait outside."

It's not that you're really hungry and need to come here and wait?

Yan Yifeng folded his hands on his chest and leaned against the kitchen door, "You care about me?!"

It was the first time Jie Yiyi came here, and she offered to cook him breakfast.

Who knows if this woman will add hot sauce to her breakfast like she did last time.

Besides, it is said that women are the most beautiful when they are serious, but he wants to see what Jie Yiyi is like when she is busy?
"But if you look at me like this, I'm very embarrassed and will slow down. If you are really hungry, you can take a piece of toast out first."

Jie Yiyi put down the tool in her hand and handed him a piece of toast.

Yan Yifeng glared at her, raised his chin proudly, "Send it to my mouth."

Jie Yiyi wanted to hit him in the face with the toast, but when she thought of the manuscript, she endured it.

Holding his arm, he stood on tiptoe and stuffed the toast into his open mouth.

Yan Yifeng ate with a satisfied expression, and intentionally bit her finger several times to tease her.

Because of that manuscript, she endured everything.

Picking up the tools again to make breakfast, Yan Yifeng didn't intend to make a fuss about her, and quietly looked at her who was focused and serious.

In the picture, Jie Yiyi curled up her hair, revealing her beautifully contoured side face, and her fair neck looked extremely alluring. She lowered her head and manipulated skillfully.

I don't know why, seeing such a scene, Yan Yifeng's heart suddenly warmed up, just like seeing his beloved wife make a loving breakfast for him, with a different kind of love.

Taking out his mobile phone, he secretly took some photos when Jie Yiyi was not paying attention.

After ten minutes, breakfast was finally ready.

Jie Yiyi fried a steak for him, but baked some bread for herself.

On the table.

Jie Yiyi handed the steak to Yan Yifeng, who looked at it displeasedly, then picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece, and slowly put it into his mouth.

He chewed lightly, without any expression on his face, Jie Yiyi looked at his face, which turned from anticipation to gloomy, she couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? Is it too familiar?"

Yan Yifeng looked displeased, he put down the knife and fork, "Taste it yourself!"

Displeased on the surface, but admired inwardly.

Jie Yiyi glared at him, is it really that bad?Although she was frying steak for the first time, she also cooked it according to the recipe, right?
Picking up the knife and fork, Jie Yiyi cut a piece into his mouth, chewed it, it was not burnt, the meat was very delicious, why... he frowned like this, even if he wanted to fight her, he didn't have to do it, right?

"Yan Yifeng, this is obviously very bad..." Wrong!The last words were submerged in his mouth, those pink lips were really alluring, he poked his head around her head, and swept the contents of her mouth directly.

"Hmm..." The food in her mouth was suddenly taken away, Jie Yiyi was so excited, she hurriedly pushed him away, but Yan Yifeng was extremely domineering, and only let go of her after demanding the honey from her lips.

His behavior like this made Jie Yiyi suddenly think of the scene when he kissed her last night, her stomach felt sour, Jie Yiyi covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom, retching.

(End of this chapter)

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