Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 191 Bring Me a Cup of Ice Cream

Chapter 191 Bring Me a Cup of Ice Cream

"You pervert!"

Yan Yifeng ravaged her breasts, held down the camera, and took several pictures, but Jie Yiyi refused, and each picture was kissed forcibly, but Yan Yifeng captured it well, and each picture looked very natural and beautiful.

After changing clothes downstairs, Jie Yiyi just wanted to sit on the sofa and have a good rest, but Yan Yifeng overbearingly asked her to make lunch.

With the camera in his hand, he flipped through the photos he took just now. Seeing his evil face, Jie Yiyi wished he could shoot him to death with his shoes.

After lunch, she was finally able to rest for a while, just after going to bed, Yan Yifeng pressed her up, asking for kisses, and asking for joy.

Tossed her all night last night, and today... During the process of making love with him, her stomach felt sore several times, which was very uncomfortable, but she endured it.

After Sunday, Yan Yifeng brought her back to the company.

Gradually, she became his full-time secretary, besides making coffee, she also organized documents for him.

Another day, Yan Yifeng hugged her and sat on the sofa, Jie Yiyi peeled grapes for him, and he held a magazine in his hand.

Slowly flipping through the pages, she kept opening her mouth to swallow the grapes she sent. Suddenly, her eyes caught a hot necklace on the magazine. Seeing it, Yan Yifeng suddenly remembered the manuscript of Truelove.

Since he gave Jie Yiyi the ring and necklace, he hasn't seen the manuscript.

His chest tightened, as if he was about to lose something, he let go of Jie Yiyi, got up and walked towards the desk.

Opened the drawer and flipped through it, but Yan Yifeng didn't find what he was thinking of. He frowned slightly. Last time, it seemed to be placed here. Why did it disappear?
Seeing Yan Yifeng's anxious look, Jie Yiyi also followed, "What are you looking for?"

She seemed to be seeing Yan Yifeng so nervous for the first time.

Yan Yifeng continued to browse other places, but the manuscript still did not appear, so he raised his head, "It's nothing, it's just a piece of paper!"

Just a piece of paper?

Jie Yiyi was a little suspicious, what kind of paper could make him so nervous?Thinking back to the necklace in the magazine just now, did he remember the manuscript?
That manuscript is very important to him?What made him so nervous?

She didn't intend to tell him that the manuscript was in her hands. In fact, she didn't want to do anything, she just wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

I searched all over the place, but couldn't find the manuscript. Yan Yi was cold and windy, and then remembered that he seemed to be brought home by himself.

But he was not so sure, looking at the necklace on her neck, Yan Yifeng spoke after a long time, "Jie Yiyi, I have something to go out, you stay here obediently, wait for me to come back!"

It was obviously an unimportant piece of paper, but he didn't know why he was so nervous after losing it.

"..." Jie Yiyi wanted to speak, but when she thought about it, if she told him, he would definitely take it back without saying a word, and would scold her severely for the sake of self-esteem.

She held back and nodded, "Okay. Where are you going?"

Yan Yifeng put a sweet kiss on her forehead, "Go back to Yan's house!"

Yan's Manor is not very far away from the company. About half an hour later, she smiled slightly, "I'll wait for you to come back!"

"Yeah." Yan Yifeng let go of her and walked towards the elevator.

Seeing him leaving, Jie Yiyi felt a little bit reluctant in her heart, and stopped him, Yan Yifeng turned her head and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

Holding the manuscript, she shook her head, "Bring me a cup of ice cream, I haven't eaten for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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