Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 206 Let me blow it up for you

Chapter 206 Let me blow it up for you

hand, caressing her right cheek, she vaguely remembered that Yan Yifeng slapped her twice here.

I didn't feel it at first, but now that I think about it, I realize that my chest hurts so badly that it's hard to breathe.

The water in the bathtub was obviously hot, but she couldn't feel any warmth, even cold.

She washed off the makeup on her face with hot water, and the black drops of water flowed down her cheeks, and Yan Yifeng's words came back to her mind.

"Yu Shaofan told you not to fall in love with me, so after the fireworks were set off that day, you scolded me for not being able to love, and hoped that I would pity you, sympathize with you, and let you go, fulfilling you and Yu Shaofan, right?! Huh?! "

"What the hell did you promise me? You're going to break off ties with Yu Shaofan and never communicate again. I believe it. I believe it. What about you?! Help him steal my business secrets, help him attack me, you're a fucking bitch !"

"Guilty?! Heh! Then you won't feel sorry for me if you do this, will you?! Huh?"

"Don't be wronged! I just took off the mask for you, you know, you are such a cheap person!"

"It's so difficult for me, Yan Yifeng, to ask you Jie Yiyi to apologize? Huh?!"

"So, what you did just now was not to anger me, but to keep Yu Shaofan's family?!"

"For Yu Shaofan, you can demean yourself and let other men touch you, right?!"

"Get out! A cheap woman like you is not worthy of staying with me, Yan Yifeng! Get out! From now on, disappear before my eyes!"

"Get out! You have been played to death by me! You are a worthless trash, get out!! Don't hurt my eyes!!"

This time, he didn't torture her in an extreme way, but she felt that this was the one that hurt her the most.

Yan Yifeng seemed to have taken something important from her life, she couldn't tell, and always felt that she was missing something.

She didn't know how long she had been soaking in the bathtub, she didn't wake up until Yu Shaofan called her, got up and put on her clothes.

After removing her makeup, she looked more natural, but her face was a little pale, and the injuries on her face became more obvious.

Seeing Jie Yiyi coming out, Yu Shaofan dared to breathe a sigh of relief, "Yiyi, I almost kicked the door in. I called you outside the door for so long before answering."

Jie Yiyi looked at the worry on Yu Shaofan's face, froze for a few seconds, and then covered it up, "I'm sorry, maybe the water in the bathroom was too large just now, so I didn't hear it."

Yu Shaofan hugged her and let out a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

Lin Xi, who came over with a hair dryer in her hand, saw this scene, her footsteps suddenly stiffened, and her throat was choked when she wanted to speak just now.

Jie Yiyi noticed her and quickly pushed Yu Shaofan away, "Well, I'm fine."

Only then did Lin Xi dare to step forward. Although she was embarrassed just now, she still covered up everything with a smile, "Come on, blow your hair down."

"Thank you." Jie Yiyi was about to take it, but Yu Shaofan took the first step, "I'll help you, Lin Xi, go and help me get the medicine box."

Lin Xi's smile froze again, and she left the room to get the medicine box.

Jie Yiyi snatched the hair dryer from her hand, "Shaofan, no need, I can do it myself."

Yu Shaofan didn't listen to her, pushed her down on the bed~ and sat down, blowing for her.

Jie Yiyi's hands were stiff in the air, the atmosphere was weird, did Yu Shaofan really ignore Lin Xi's feelings at all?

(End of this chapter)

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